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Air Distribution Terminologies

A. Ductworks
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. OA Fresh Air TE Toilet Extract KE Kitchen Extract (Commercial/ Residential) SPF Staircase Pressurisation SEF Smoke Extract VP Vestibule Pressurisation CE Chute Extract SA Supply Air RA Return Air EA Exhaust Air TR Transfer Air SE - Sheesha Extract

Air Distribution Terminologies

B. Equipments.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. AHU Air Handling Unit OHU Outside (Fresh) Air Handling Unit FCU Fan Coil Unit SF Supply Fan EF Exhaust Fan KEF Kitchen Exhaust Fan TEF Toilet Extract Fan CE Chute Extract Fan SEF Smoke Extract Fan SPF Staircase Pressurisation Fan VP Vestibule Pressurisation Fan TF Transfer Fan EU Ecology Unit GS/ GR/ GE Garage Supply, Relay and Exhaust.

Air Distribution Terminologies

C. Accessories.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. VCD Volume Control Dampers MD Motorised Dampers FD Fire Damper *FSD Fire Smoke Damper (modulating/ on/off) FDL Fire Damper c/w limit switches. VAV/ CAV Variable/ Constant Air Volume Box. ST Sound Attenuators. AD Access Doors EDH Electric Duct Heaters PS Pressure Sensor FMS Flow Measuring Station.

Consist of 3 different systems which integrates simultaneously during fire alarm condition:

1) Corridor Smoke Extraction System (SEF). 2) Firemans Vestibule Pressurisation System (VP). 3) Stairwell Pressurisation System (SPF).
* All Ductworks for SEF, VP and SPF are applied with 2HR rated coating.

Burj-Dubai tower
* Staircase Pressurization

> L160 > L156

Pressurization & Smoke Extract Riser duct Schematic Diagram (Tower)

SPF 160M1 SPF 156-2 (T-16) > SPF 155M-1 (T-17) SPF 155-1 (T-16)

* Vesituble Pressurization
> >
VP 156-2

* Smoke Extract
TE 156-1 (Dual Duty Fan)

L156 ~ 160

L156, 157, 158 159, 160 L149, 151 153, 155

L156 ~ 160 L148 ~ 155 L139 ~ 147


VP 156-1


> L136 > L136

SPF 136-3 (T-17)

SPF 136-4 (T-16) >

L139 ~ 147
L139, 141, 143 145, 147

SPF 136-2 (T-13)

> SPF 136-1 (T-12)

VP 138-2 > > VP 138-1

SEF 138-1 SEF 136-1 EF 111-3 ( Dual Duty Fan L111-121)


L124 ~ 138
L125, 127, 130 133, 136

L124 ~ 138


> >

L111 >

SPF 111-1 (T-13)

SPF 109-2 (T-12) >

L111 ~ 123
L112, 115 118, 121

L109 ~ 123


L109 > L109

SPF 109-1 (T-10)

> SPF 109-3 (T-09)

L93 ~ 110
L93, 95, 97, 99 101, 103, 105, 107

VP 109-1 > > VP 109-2

SEF 109-1

> >

L92 ~ 109

SEF 109-2


> L73 > L75

SPF 73-1 (T-10)

SPF 73-1 (T-09) >

L75 ~ 92
L77, 81, 83, 85 87, 89, 91

SPF 75-1 (T-04)

> SPF 75-2 (T-05)

> 75-3 (T-06) SPF

VP 75-2 > > VP 75-1

L75 ~ 91

SEF 73-2 SEF 73-1


L57 ~ 74
L58, 61, 64 67, 70, 73

L58 ~ 75

> >


SPF 40-4 (T-04) > > SPF 40-2 (T-01)

> SPF 40-3 (T-02)

(L26~40) SPF 18-3 (T-02) (L18~25) >

SPF 40-5 (T-05) >

SPF 42-1 (T-06) >

> SPF 40-1 (T-03)

L41 ~ 56
L43, 46, 49 52, 55

VP 42-2 > > VP 42-1

L41 ~ 57
SEF 40-2

L30 ~ 40
L31, 34, 37

L30 ~ 40

SEF 40-1


> >

L17 L4

SPF 18-2 (T-01) > > SPF 17-3 (T-01) >

> SPF 17-2 (T-02)

> SPF 4-2 (T-02)

SPF 18-1 (T-03) >

> SPF 17-1 (T-03)

> SPF 4-1 (T-03)

L18 ~ 29
L19, 22, 25, 28

L9 ~ 17
L11, 13, 16

VP 17-2 > > VP 17-1

L17 ~ 29
L5 ~ 16

SEF 17-2 SEF 17-1 SEF 4-1 Gentlemen Club SEF 4-2 Khandhar SEF 2-3 Enotica
L4 L17

> >

SPF 4-3 (T-01)

> VP 4-1

> SPF 4-5 (T-30) SPF 4-6 (T-31,33) SPF 4-7 (T-32)


Gr. ~ L6
Gr, 2, 4, 5

B2 ~ L8
VP 2-1 Con, L1, 3, 5, 8

B2 ~ L4 * Grille : Every Floor

SEF 2-2 Armani cafe SEF 2-1

> >

Wing A

Wing B

Wing C



a) Extracts smoke from Centre Core Corridor Spaces during fire alarm activation. b) Smoke is being extracted from Smoke Exhaust Fans which are located in the Mechanical Floors (Refer to Equipment Schedule). c) During Fire Alarm Activation, the Fire Smoke Damper (FSDs - Modulating Type*) will be opened only for the fire floor. d) Under normal condition, the FSD will open and modulate to maintain 37 Pa pressure differential between centre core area and corresponding corridor at the wings.


a) Pressurises Fireman Lift Vestibule during fire alarm activation.
b) Vestibule Pressurisation fans located within the mechanical floors only operates during fire alarm. c) During Fire Alarm Activation, Motorised dampers for fire floor, floor above and below will be opened. d) Air will be supplied from the equipment to the VP Riser, across the motorised damper and to the supply grilles.


a) Pressurises Stairwell during fire alarm activation as part of escape route.
b) Stairwell Pressurisation fans located within the mechanical floors only operates during fire alarm. c) During Fire Alarm Activation, the VSD operated Fans will modulate speed to maintain pressure differential of 37Pa between staircase and corridor.


The Ventilation System for the Tower Areas (L5 108) are served by: A. Fresh Air Supply to the Hotel/ Residential FCUs. B. Fresh Air Supply to Hotel/ Residential Corridors. C. Toilet Extract System for all Hotel/ Residential Suites. D. Kitchen Extract System for all Hotel/ Residential Suites. (except Level 5-8)

Burj-Dubai tower

Outside air Riser schematic diagram

* OHU, Fresh air (FA) supply and Return air (RA) system

TE 156-1 OHU 156-1 L148~154

L154 L148 L147

OHU 138-3 Refuge area

TE 138-1 TE 135-1 OHU 138-1

TE 138-2 OHU 138-2 L139~147

OHU L139~147 135-1 L125~135

OHU 136-1 L125~135 L126 L125

TE 40-1

OHU 123-1 Kitchen hood make-up TE 109-1 OHU 109-1 L92~108

OHU 112-1 L112~121

OHU 111-2 Corridor L111~121

TE 112-1

OHU 111-1 Corridor L92~108 L92 L91

OHU 75-2 L76~91

OHU 40-2 L30~39

TE 75-2 TE 73-1 OHU 73-1 L58~72 OHU 75-1 L76~91

TE 40-3 OHU 40-3 L43~57

OHU 42-1 L43~57

OHU 73-3 Corridor L76~91

TE 75-1

OHU 75-3 Amenities OHU 73-2 Corridor L58~72

L58 L57

TE 42-1

OHU 40-5 Corridor L43~47

OHU 40-4 Corridor L30~39 OHU 42-2 Amenities OHU 40-6 Amenities TE 40-1 OHU 40-1 L30~39

A13-1/2 e Annex

Office Annex

L30 L29

OHU GR-7 Laundry Boiler Room

TE 18-3 OHU 18-3 L19~29 TE 17-3 OHU 18-2 L19~29 OHU 17-3 (L5~16)

TE 18-2 TE 17-2 OHU 17-2 L5~16 OHU 18-4 Corridor L19~29

TE 18-1 OHU 18-5 Corridor L5~16 OHU 18-1 L19~29 TE 17-1 OHU 17-1 L5~16

L5 L4

OHU 4-1 Podium Corridor Gr OHU GR-1 Laundry CON B1 B2 OHU B1-1 OHU C-1 GSM

OHU GR-6 Central Kitchen

OHU GR-5 Night club Hood make-up

OHU GR-4 Ball room & Main Kitchen

OHU GR-3 Main Kitchen Lockers

OHU GR-2 Facility Management

A. Fresh Air Supply to the Hotel/ Residential FCUs.

1) Fresh Air Supply is provided from OHUs in the plantroom location. (E.g. Level 17, 18, 40, 42, 73, 75, 109 & 111 Refer to Equipment Schedule). Equipment Comes with Heat Recovery Wheel

2) OHUs from these plantroom operates on VFDs and modulate according to the fresh air demand based on the feedback from the pressure sensor. 3) The fresh air (OA) is distributed from the equipment to the horizontal distribution floor before feeding to the various riser network. (Also typical for Toilet and Kitchen Extract)

Horizontal Distribution Floor Layout

A. Fresh Air Supply to the Hotel/ Residential FCUs. 4) FCU fresh air connection differs in the Armani Hotel Apartment and Residential Floors: Armani Hotel Apt: Fresh Air Connected directly to the Supply Duct. Residential: Fresh Air is fed from behind the FCUs via motorised dampers.

Residential Apartments

OHU Schedule
(Serving Hotel/ Residential FCUs)

B. Fresh Air Supply to Hotel/ Residential Corridors .

1) Fresh Air Supply to the corridor is provided within the Centre Core areas and also serves the electrical/ security closet. 2) The Fresh Air Supply to the corridors are fed from OHUs located in Level 18, 40, 73 and 111(Refer to Equipment Schedule).

3) The fresh air (OA) is distributed from the equipment to the horizontal distribution floor before feeding to the riser network.

B. Fresh Air Supply to Hotel/ Residential Corridors .

4) Fresh Air Supply to the corridor is fed from the riser through the VAV Box which modulates according to the cooling demand.

OHU Schedule (Serving Corridor Level 5 108)

C. Toilet Extract System for all Hotel/ Residential Suites.

1) Consist of 2 types of Fans: a) Localised Toilet Extract Fan Fans installed above toilet ceiling in the apartments. b) Main toilet extract Fan Fans located in the main plantroom and supplements the Localised extract Fans.

2) Main Toilet Extract fans from these plantroom operates on VFDs and modulates according to the extract air demand based on the feedback from the pressure sensor. 3) Toilet Extract (TE). Toilet Air is extracted by Localised Toilet Fan, through a network of air risers and horizontal distribution ducts and back to Main toilet exhaust fans in the plantroom.

Localized Fan Localized Fan Localized Fan

D. Kitchen Extract System for Hotel/ Residential Suites.

1) Consist of: a) Kitchen Hoods (By Others) b) Main Kitchen Extract Fan Fans located in the main plantroom and supplements the Kitchen Hoods.

2) Kitchen Extract fans from these plantroom operates on VFDs and modulates according to the extract air demand based on the feedback from the pressure sensor.

3) Kitchen Extract Residential (KE). Kitchen air is extracted by kitchen hoods, through a network of air risers and horizontal distribution ducts and back to Main Kitchen Extract fans in the plantroom.

1. Boutique Office L113-114, L141-143) 2. Chairman Office L152 154. 3. Currently Non fit-out floors a) L112, L115-121. b) L125 140 c) L144 - 151

Types of Air Distribution:

a) Fresh Air Supply (OHU c/w Heat Recovery Wheel) b) Toilet Extract (TE) c) Sheesha Exhaust (SE) The abovementioned Ductworks have been fed from OHUs, Toilet Extract Fans & Exhaust Fans which is located in the Mechanical Plantrooms at Level 111,112, 135, 136, 138 and 156.

D. Chute Exhaust System

-Functions to Exhaust Air from the Janitor Space/ Thrash Closet locatated in the Tower Centre Core Area.

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