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Is a type of short-term and positive stress that provides immediate strength.


This is one of the types of stress that the mind and body undergoes when the normal routine is constantly adjusted and altered. There are actually two types of distress:

acute stress:
It is an intense type of stress, but it passes quickly.

chronic stress:
It affects the body for a long period of time.

Hyper stress:
It occurs when an individual is pushed beyond what he or she can handle.

Hypo stress:
occurs when an individual is bored or unchallenged.


The effects of stress on the organization:

q q

Increasing absenteeism. Decreasing commitment to work. Increasing staff turn over Impairing performance and productivity Increasing unsafe working practices and accident rates

q q

Increasing complaints from client and customers

Damaging the organization image both among workers and externally

Adversely affecting staff recruitment Increasing liability to legal claims and actions by stressed workers




Focusing on the one thing thats always within your control: you.

Tip 1: Recognize warning signs of excessive stress at work Interferes with job performance and satisfaction, chronic or intense stress can also lead to physical and emotional health problems.


Tip 2: Reduce job stress by taking care of yourself When your own needs are taken care of, youre stronger and more resilient to stress.step at a time, Take things one youll soon notice a reduction in your stress levels, both at home and at work.


Get moving lift your mood, increase energy, sharpen focus, and relax both the mind

Make food choices that keep you going small but frequent meals can help your body maintain an even level of blood sugar, keep your energy up, stay focused, and avoid mood swings.

Drink alcohol in moderation and avoid nicotine. smoking when you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed may seem calming, but nicotine is a powerful stimulant


Dont over-commit Ifyourself too much you've got on your plate, distinguish between the "should" and the "musts

Tip 3: Reduce job stress by prioritizing and organizing Try to leave earlier in the Even 10-15 minutes can make morning the difference between frantically rushing to your desk and having time to ease into your day.

Plan regular breaks Stepping away from work to briefly relax and recharge will help 7/30/12 you be more, not less,

Create a balanced All work and no schedule play is a recipe for burnout.

Tip 4: Reduce job stress by improving emotional Communicating with others intelligence in ways that draw people to you, overcome differences, repair wounded feelings, and defuse tension and stress.

Tip 5: Reduce job stress by breaking bad habits Resist When you set unrealistic goals perfectionism for yourself or try to do too much, youre setting yourself 7/30/12 up to fall short. Aim to do your


Take more breaks from Fix your HR should encourage the your work environment HR should make sure that employees to take breaks. Getting whatever adjustments more exercise in general will help employees need to the lighting, you reduce your overall stress temperature, noise level, and levels and that will make it easier other controllable factors are to reduce your stress level at made in their office as this can work. q Put up a smile go a long way towards CEOs can avoid those lightening the mood. fears by being more open with employees - often that means simply smiling more often, chatting up employees about 7/30/12 family or hobbies, or having a
q q

Don't sweat the small stuff Don't give people more than they can handle and make sure assignments are as clear as possible and that the employee understands the task. Be sure that workers strengths are utilized.

Listen to Staff and Offer a Meaningful Response Having face-to-face meetings to discuss concerns or conflicts are much better than discussing issues over e-mail. Meeting face-toface really conveys the fact that you care about what the person has to say.

Improve your time management and organization skills Of the many things you can to in this area the best ones include getting a to do list that works, learning to say "no", asking for help when you need it, and stop setting unrealistic goals for yourself. 7/30/12

Provide Ample Vacation Time It's not enough to provide employees with ample vacation time but you must also encourage them to actually take the time off. Also workers that Recognize take vacation are healthier, more Recognizing achievements Achievements productive human beings. It is also actually does make the entire Make workers office happier. People not only suggested thatRoom that can't get on should not leave out the like to know that they've done awayHR a Fun vacation plan satiations for real or placations. that builds well but they want their fun stuff colleagues to know it too. Also connections and bonds between it's a good idea to create an them and the staff. Office office newsletter where parties, sponsored lunches, achievements can be sports pools, and athletic announced on a weekly or leagues: these are all the types monthly basis. 7/30/12 of things that make work more

A Stress Survival Guide for HR Managers In todays 24/7, constantly changing, merging and consolidating, "do more with less" work environment the letters "HR" could as easily stand for "Hub of list of HR-related stressors: Reorganization" as for "Human q Availability Resources." and Accountability The stress factor is double-pronged: While HR may be a separate department, it is hardly an island in corporate waters q Multiple Roles In light of his or her hub position the HR manager/professional often plays many roles from 7/30/12 coach and counselor to cop and confessor.

q Objectivity.

The challenge for an effective HR department is to maintain some functional independence even when part of the Privacy Requirements management structure HR Manager unsure how to respond to a supervisors breach of

Ever-changing Technology and Policy The HR Department must keep up with new software and data processing systems.

q Transitional Glue

q Training Demands

Depending on company size, HR must have enough time and staff to provide classroom orientation on HR-related matters
q Office Space-Time

Especially in times of rapid or volatile change mergers, downsizing or rapid startup or growth the HR Manager often becomes a company cheerleader

Finally, the HR Manager/Department must discover that elusive balance between reasonable physical access and protected space for productive energy A department 7/30/12 without some "closed door time

q Crisis Management

The HR Manager must realize when certain crises are outside his or her sphere of productive "hands on" influence; one must resist the

5 survival strategies
q Balancing Interdependence and Autonomy.

The HR Manager and Department must strive to project both an image of operational objectivity and a defender of privacy while performing its overall q Reaching Out to Specialists and Consultants Balancing Administrative qmanagement function. Work and Human Relating Whether taking things too Dont lose the human personally, feeling overwhelmed touch. Periodically, walk processing a significant around your shop. Swap downsizing of staff or stressed stories with folks on the upgrading a computer system, work floor dont be that lone Rambo or Ram 7/30/12 Reach out for expert Bette. support.

q Encouraging Independence by Setting Boundaries

q Maximizing Team Meetings

These three boundary-setting strategies will enable the HR Manager to successfully juggle various roles and responsibilities. Delegati giving others a chance to on demonstrate their skills and expertise while you monitor their Educati performance. on helping others not be so dependent upon your Separati indispensable knowledge. on generate the space-time dynamics for optimal performance for HR. Balance accessibility and boundaries with "closed door" time; design a form and function 7/30/12 layout that allows for vital

For the HR Manager and his or her staff, productive team meetings are essential for sharing a logistically and emotionally demanding workload.


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