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NATO 5: Occupy and The War On Terror

With special guests: Kevin Gosztola and Christina O'Connell

NATO 5: Occupy & the War on Terror

Wednesday Night Bridgeport Apt Raided

ZOE SIGMAN, Occupy Chicago:

We have been planning to protest NATO and there is nothing illegal about expressing our feelings about a war machine. Now, we are being treated as if we are criminals, as if we are part of an organized crime unit that is trying to take down who knows what, whatever they are going to pin on us. We have no place to stay. We dont know if they are trying to catch us. We dont know what to do.

Statement from the Gypsy Cell of TOYM: Since Sept. 17, 2011, a group of citizen journos and researchers have jokingly referred to themselves as Team Occupy Your Mom (#TOYM). We have reported on, documented and/or participated in the Occupy Movement since it began. One or more or all of #TOYM have been to the following occupies, reporting, documenting, and/or occupying and/or streaming: #ows (#ows, #takewallstreet, #N17, and more) #oo (#M1GS) #occupyDenver (FTP march) #occupyBoston #occupyKeene (New Hampshire) #occupyNewHaven (CT) #occupyHartford (CT) #occupyDC (#J17, #J20, and more) #occupyPhilly #occupyBham (Birmingham, AL) #occupyNOLA (New Orleans, eviction) #occupyAustin #occupyHouston (Port shutdown/#d12) #occupyPGH (Pittsburgh, PA) #occupyAtlanta#occupysanjose (Financial Friday)

On Saturday, May 19, 2012, part of our team was targeted by the Chicago Police Department. @Korgasm_, @Ghostpickles, @Hicksfilosopher, @liposuctor and @AnonSikko were detained for an hour and 45 minutes by the CPD. @AnonSikko was arrested for allegedly having cannabis on his person. The rest of us were released but Kor's car was impounded as she refused to give consent to a search as is her Constitutional right.

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