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Overview on Windows Phone 7 Development Tools

Md. Sazed Monsur

Agenda Objectives and takeaways

Introduction Designing Windows Phone Applications
Expression Blend for Windows Phone

Developing Windows Phone Applications

Visual Studio 2010 (Express for Windows Phone)

Testing Windows Phone Applications

Device Emulator and Windows Phone hardware resources

Windows Phone 7 is a Mobile Operating system developed by Microsoft. It Brings all advantages of a standardized platform and a consistent Developer experience to a Microsoft platform devices for many different Manufactures. Windows Phone 7 is a brand new mobile device to built applications and satisfy the needs of business and consumers to allow developers to easily create powerful interactive and attractive applications. Launched in Europe, Singapore & Australia on Oct 21,2010 US & Canada on Nov 8,2010 Mexico on Nov 24,2010 Asia to Follow in 2011

WP7 Capabilities
Input (multi-touch, hardware buttons, SIP) Media (digital media playback and capture) Phone sensors and APIs (accelerometer, contact, sms) .NET (Silverlight, .NET Base Class Library) Web (webservices, WCF) Data (XML, Isolated storage, LINQ, LINQ to XML) Cloud services (notifications, updates, location, xbox)

Save us from phones..

Windows Phone Application Anatomy Collaboration between XAML and C# code behind
Everything can be done in code, but not always the easy road
XAML defines what you see on the phone Code behind defines the behavior of your application

Software developers will meet XAML during application development

Developer and Designer roles combined Making simple changes by modifying XAML code immediately Creating static UI layouts from within Visual Studio 2010
Designer support good enough to create the UI No Support for dynamic behavior

Microsoft Expression Blend for Windows Phone

Expression Blend is used to design User Interface Experiences
You can build amazing experiences relatively easy Has a learning curve, especially for developers

Enables rapid design and prototyping of Windows phone and Silverlight applications. The tool of choice for transitions / animations Has great support for showing / testing data driven UI elements
Uses the same Windows Phone Emulator to test experiences

Can be used in combination with Visual Studio 2010

Top Features of WP7

Smooth transitional user interface Real time updates Metro - Typography-based design language created by Microsoft, originally for use in WP7 Hubs & Tiles Multi-touch (capacitive) Accelerometer Local and online content Good Office integration and support

Bing search page and functionality

Cool camera software Tellme voice search Zune HD functionality Functional QWERTY keyboard Informative lock screen and auto-hidden top status bar Easy setup for Google, Windows Live, Yahoo! Mail, and others Powerful Outlook email, calendar, and contacts client.

Application Platform
Windows Phone 7s architecture platform consists of four main components : Runtime, Tools, Cloud and Portal services

Development Tools
Visual Studio Express (Free) Expression Blend Silverlight XNA Game Studio 4.0 Windows Phone SDK 7.1

Two Framework for Application Development

Microsoft Silverlight
Modern Application UI framework Rapid Creation of visually stunning applications Metro-Themed UI controls HTML/Java Script

High Performance game framework Rapid Creation of Multiscreen 2D and 3D games Rich content pipeline Mature, robust , widely adopted technology

Introduction Getting the tools

Windows Phone Design/Development tools are free Integrate seamlessly in already installed SKUs
All versions of Expression Blend 4 and Visual Studio 2010

Visit the Windows Phone App Hub:

Get all Windows Phone Tools in one single download Learn about Windows Phone Development

Let's create the first app (Browser)


HubTile control
HubTiles let you easily use tiles inside of your application. large square with no borders, that responded to tapping.

Creating a Hub Tiles Control

Create a new Windows Phone Pivot application, targeting version 7.1. Create a new Page project and adding a Pivot control. Make sure you add the latest Silverlight for Windows Phone toolkit to your project. Easiest way: Tools -> Library Package Manager -> Package Manager Console Command: Install-Package SilverlightToolkitWP Add it to your MainPage.xaml (xmlns:toolkit="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Phone.Controls; assembly=Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Toolkit) Add a New folder image to your project. In the first pivot item, add a grid <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> </Grid> </Grid> Add HubTiles to the Grid Gestures with HubTiles Styling a HubTile

Quick Demo on :Hub Tiles

Bing Maps
Bing Maps Control in WP7 applications. Register developer key for Bing Maps Control at

Change the style of the map e.g. AerialMode, RoadMode pushpin to specify a location in the map Using polylines and polygons
We can connect two or more coordinates in the map using polylines; we can also use polygons to specify an area in the map.

Demo Maps

Testing a Windows Phone Application

Target devices
Device Emulator
More realistic performance characteristics with Mango tools Emulate accelerometer readings Emulate location readings

Any Windows Phone Device

Real performance characteristics Needed to test the UI experience Location Aware applications hard to test

Use both during your development life cycle

Testing a Windows Phone Application Visual Studio 2010 debugging capabilities

Target any Windows Phone Device Setting breakpoints Inspecting/setting variables Direct execution of individual methods View trace/debug information in the Output Window Test tombstoning scenarios Profile your applications (Mango)
Memory and code profiling supported

Accelerometer Simulator Kit

Test WP7 apps by accelerometer in the emulator. if you don't have a Windows Phone or don't wan't to be constantly deploying your app to one, this is perfect for you!

Demo GPS and Accelerometer

Latest News!
On June 20, 2012, Microsoft unveiled Windows Phone 8 Windows Phone 8 will replace its previously Windows CE-based architecture with one based off the Windows NT kernel with many components shared with Windows 8 Allowing applications to be easily ported between the two platforms.

Thank You

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