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People issues at MaxTrade INC

Issues IT department staffs were not happy and were planning to leave because Lack of recognition for hard work Lack of growth No pay for performance Limited number of IT staffs 25% attrition rate Employees morale was going low everyday IT managers were not listening to current CTO Each IT team members were not interacting with other IT teams members Solutions Recruiting more IT employees so that the work pressure on the current employees can be reduced to reasonable extent Recognize the right talent by his/her performance and give them challenging tasks so as to increase his/her interest in the job Proper assessment of the employees on their performance and give bonus and/or promotions only to the right ones Interact with all the teams on a regular basis to motivate them Create open communication environment by organizing events where each teams members have to interact with each other


CAPABLITIES PROCESSES Coaching and Motivating REASON Juniors staff were low motivated 25% attrition rate due to low morale IT Staff were paid bonuses without any objective Rohini one of the brightest developer wanted to quit as she never got true recognition for work Right person should be recruited Samrat Khanna was not right for CTO level

People Management

Performance management and career planning Identifying and developing Talent

Recruitment and Hiring

Asset Management

Vendor relationship management

The firm had poor relationship with vendors and were facing switching and integration problem
Should know what hardware or software is required

Knowledge management


CAPABLITY PROCESSES Strategy Development REASON IT should be properly aligned with business and there should be no wastage of resources IT infrastructure of MaxTrade Inc was underdeveloped MaxTrade Inc has online trading platform Poor project management 100 projects were still pending All departments should be integrated and should not run as independent entity Very essential so that other departments could be integrated and there is no wastage of resources

Strategy and Planning

Architecture Development

Customer Engagement Project management Solution Development and integration Architecture Implementation

Solution Delivery


CAPABLITY PROCESSES Resource Capacity Management Resource Assignment REASON Unutilized software licenses Servers not used

Resource Management

How the resources be divided and integrated among different functional department No wastage of financial resources Technical issues should be solved immediately

Budget Management SLA management

Asset availability management

Service Management Asset capacity management

In Online trading during peak hours one might need additional resources
Sufficient capacity should be there to handle the firms services Issues and glitches should be solved as fast as possible

Problem management



Portfolio analysis

CIO should analyze all the project and its requirement MaxTrade Inc at this moment has 100 project pending so CIO needs to identify which one should be done first and follows Important project should be carefully handled and delegated to the right team

Portfolio prioritization

Portfolio Management
Portfolio benchmarking

Organization Structure of Max trade - Functional





Quality & Testing

Support & maintenance Applications

Development New Projects Enhancements





Organization Structure of Max trade..

The organization structure at Max trade should be functional in the present scenario as the nature of the business is volatile. All the six divisions(Research & Analysis, Institutional trading, Investment banking, online trading, discounted trading & wealth management) in the company should be arranged according to the functional teams ( development, support & maintenance, administration, testing). All the functional teams should report to the CIO

Organization Structure of Max trade..

Advantages of type of having functional structure are Improved Control & communication between different teams Knowledge sharing among the team members improves Individuals will be clear of their responsibilities CIO can monitor & control all the operations Sharing of idle resources whenever required(people like developers, unutilized licenses & servers) Implement common IT practices through out the organization aligned with the business HR in Administration team can address the concern of the employees, In terms of pay & work & take appropriate measures to control attrition rate

Slowly as the roles of individuals are clear & when the structure is stabilized they can move to divisional structure in 2-3 years to optimize each divisional performance
When the organization expands & becomes more mature in terms of its operations it can move to the matrix structure in 6-7 years & operate to its full potential

Performance Management of MAX TRADE

Key IT Capabilities and Processes Financial perspective Resource Manages with the available assets Management Asset and maintains only asset inventory at Inventory just the required levels Management Manages Budgets within target and provides regular reports on variations Resource Management Budget Management Customer Engagement Perspective Strategy Planning IT Marketing/Customer Engagement Maintain online portals with minimum downtime, ensure quick response and action on customer feedback Within 5% of required level top performer Beyond 10% - bottom performer Within 5% of target top performer Beyond 10% - bottom performer 10% 10% Competency Standard Expected Performance Targets Link to Pay 20%

Customer Feedback score greater than 8/10 top performer Less than 6/10 poor performance 30%

Performance Management of MAX TRADE..

Operational Excellence Perspective 30 % Solution Delivery Works and directs team Roi greater than industry 15% Architecture towards development, efficient average good Implementation implementation and utilization performer of available architecture
Service Management Ensures adherence to all SLA Management business SLAs by self and team Business unit feedback score 9/10 good performer Less than 6 bad performer 15%

Growth & Learning Perspective 20% People Management Identify key upcoming lower Identifying and level managers and developing talent groom/mentor them for promotion

2 Promotion ready in 6 20% months top performer

Talent Development Program


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