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One is One and All Alone

Analysis of the Story

Social Setting Physical Setting

Social setting: period and time the events take place

This is the era of space exploration. The spaceship is on a biology mission to Trion This is the era of computer technology making advances whereby humans can be cloned This is also a period where human interactions become less important. Trishs predicament of having busy parents and lacking friends and children her age confirms this type of lifestyle.

The story takes place in the year 2045 During this time, one can expect greater space explorations and scientific discoveries Research is conducted while in orbit and the time taken to reach another planet i.e. the ship will only reach Trion in two years time, that is in 2047

Physical Setting: where all the events take place

1.On a spaceship
This spaceship is on its way to Planet Trion. It is equipped with a lot of futuristic equipment for scientific research

The BioLab is a very big lab that will be used to study the biology of Trion. It is deserted until it reaches Trion. Trish uses this lab to make a clone.

Everyone on board the spaceship stays in cabins. Most of the cabins are empty until the return trip from Trion. Trish hides Clo in a cabin next to hers. She does not want her father to discover that she has cloned herself.

4. Disposal System
The disposal system has five hatches. When the hatch is opened, unwanted things can be rid into the hole and into the infinite space forever.







PLOT: Exposition
Trish, the only child on board the spaceship is bored as the adults are busy going about their own responsibilities and duties. She is on a two-year journey to her destination, the planet Trion, where her mother is working at the space station. At first she is excited but soon boredom sets in as she has no companion on board.

PLOT: Rising Action

Trishs only friend on board is VoicePrinter. The VoicePrinter tutors her as well as talks to her all day and gives her lessons on cloning. This new knowledge triggers Trish to clone herself so that she will have a friend to play with. She names her new friend Clo. Clo is identical to Trish physically as well as in thoughts.

PLOT: Climax
Trish and Clo become good friends and they have great fun together. As time goes on, Trish gets tired of Clo because not only they are identical physically but they also think alike. Trish feels her privacy is invaded by Clo. She cannot stand Clos jokes, laughs and eating habits. The last straw is when Clo begins to refer to Trishs Mum as her Mum. This anger Trish, who then embarks on a plan to dispose of (to kill) Clo. Trish decides to get rid of Clo by using the disposal system.

PLOT: Falling Action

The story takes a twist here. Little did Trish realise that Clo thinks alike. Clo is even smarter and acts fast. Instead of Trish disposing of Clo, Clo disposes of Trish. She is happy and assumes the identity of Trish.

PLOT : Resolution
Clo takes the role of Trish and acts like her for the rest of the journey. All the time she has to remind herself that she is Trish and not Clo. Nobody on the spaceship realises what has happened and life goes on with Clo being Trish. Even Trishs father does not realise that Trish has been replaced by Clo.

Characters and Characteristics



Trishs father VoicePrinter

Trishs mother

A 11-year-old girl. Her father is the Executive Officer of the spaceship. Her mother is helping to set up a space station on Trion. Being the only child on the spaceship, Trish feels lonely anf bored. Her only companion on the spaceship is her VoicePrinter.

Clo is a clone of Trish Clo is the short term of clone and she has the same character traits as Trish. She is quick thinking and because she thinks like Trish, she knew Trishs plan to get rid of her. She is smarter than Trish. She got rid of her by disposing into the disposal system and into the space. She enjoys being alone and happily takes Trishs place by treating dad as her father

Trishs Father
Trishs father is on the space ship with Trish He is theExecutive Officer of the spaceship and ensures the ship is running smoothly. He tries to spend time with Trish. He is always busy, yet, this does not stop him from keeping an eye on Trish. He frequently makes chocolate milkshake drink for Trish and he knows that she likes it very much. He is unaware that Clo has taken Trishs place.

The VoicePrinter is Trishs only companion on the spaceship. It is Trishs private diary. Trish spends a lot of time talking to VoicePrinter. It prints out what Trish has said and corrects Trishs spelling and punctuation. Trish enjoys playing games especially Pop Star with VoicePrinter. The VoicePrinter is the information centre for Trish. The VoicePrinter teaches Trish about cloning.

Trishs Mother
She is a highly skilled professional and is setting up a s station on Trion. Trishs biological mother. She will on meeting Trish in 2047 Trish has reached Trion.

Characteristics Lonely Extract from the story I am so lonely I am the only child on this ship. If only I had someone to talk to, to be with 40 40 44 Page

Intelligent Imaginative

So its foolproof (Trish solve the problem herself)


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