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The key to transforming a scorecard into a management system is to start at the right level of granularity and connect the

dots among the components of strategy (mission, vision, values, pains, enablers, strategic results and themes, and strategic objectives) and the components of operations (projects, processes, activities, and tasks), and the budget formulation and cost reporting processes.

Its time for a change avoid Business As Usual. Assign permanent Balanced Scorecard roles. Use the scorecard process to develop the strategic plan. Use the Balanced Scorecard strategic plan to drive budgeting Continue to work on the strategic enablers

Be sure to continue to link incentive reward systems to performance (and scorecard measures) Follow good change management practices during and after development of the scorecard. Continue to report performance results often and draw comparisons to expected results. Regularly use the Balanced Scorecard to help select and prioritize initiatives.

We will continue to use the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as the principal tool by which we guide and track Command as we improve operational and fiscal effectiveness and better meet the needs of our patients and stakeholders. The BSC Strategy Map communicated our organizations mission, vision, and the means and ways on which we will focus our performance to best attain the needs important to mission accomplishment.

Key to past success

Past challenges
Valued Employees Lack of Definitive well intentioned strategic

Mission and Vision Statement

direction No adequate time for planning or sufficient resources to support strategy development.

Lacks effective communication Workforce Mentoring Lack of Shared Vision Improper Recognition of resources needed.

Major Issues that needed action

Current BSC tended to focus more on current than

future capabilities Operational Impacts of realignment and change were unrealized by the institution/workforce Communication and internal processes within the organization were unremarkable and poorly documented Diminishing resources were a barrier to meaningful and effective change Leader turnover negatively impacted on the focus, sustainment, and resourcing of institutional priorities and investments.

Actions needed:
Need of a business office that focuses on the

strategic priorities of the organization. 1. Resetting of BSC as the framework for strategic communication 2. Transforming business processes utilizing Lean Six Sigma Methodology 3. Promoting a culture of innovation 4. Measuring and Monitoring Performance 5. Internal Strategy that would empower employees at all levels

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