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My Slogan

Children Are Not Our Theather Players Who We Cast!!!

Literature Review
In a society rife with gender stereotypes and biases, children regularly learn to adopt gender roles which are not always fair to bith sexes.According to Susan D. Witts research, the strongest influence on gender role development seems to occur with in the family setting, with parent passing on, both overtly and covertly, their own beliefs abput gender.(Witt, 1997)

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Identify The Problem

In our society, children can act to other children by identifying them as male or female. In this situation, we can observe that while girls keep away from boys, boys behave agressively towards girls.

Identify The Problem

In their future lives, they are composed of the society who support inequality between gender. According to Susan D Witt (1997), parents have powerful effect on children in the process of forming the gender role concept.

Parent- Child Interaction

Since their children are babies, parents have treated sons and daughters differently, dressing infants in gender specific colors,given gender-differentiated toys etc(Thorne, 1993). For instance, while girls wear pink clothes, boys wear blue clothes. Another example could be given that girls play with dolls, boys play with cars. Thus, parent emposes the idea of the mission of caring baby to girl.

Parent- Child Interaction

Parental approval or disapproval
Children can easily internalize parental messages regarding gender at an early age.( Witt, 1997) For instance, when girl plays with a doll, their parent gives her positive feedback by smiling. However, when a boy plays with a doll, his parents generally react negatively. Then, when the child saw a doll, he away from the toy. I think we can connect a relationship between the parental disapproval of a doll and one of the problems of the boys agressive manner towards girls.

When the process of forming gender role concept on childrens mind, the environment which childrens family live is very important factor, because both family and children can be easily impressed by the thoughts of society.

Reinforcement for desired behavior
If children act according to societys willings, even the willings be unappropriate things, people in society reinforce children by being praised, and taking them in society. For instance, in most society, when little boy used a swear word, both his father is proud of him and other people in society reinforce the boy by laughing. However when a girl used a swear word, she is condemned by all people.

Role modelling
A child is like an observation machine. They watch everything around, then they behave according to their observation. Therefore, they are influenced by people, especially by their parents. For instance, at home, if father does not help mother in housework, son does not also want to help his mother in housework.

Families have powerful effects on forming the concept of certain gender roles on childrens mind as male roles and female roles, or male occupation and female occupation. Unfortunately, families have pleasure in this situation. However, we should not forget that Children are not our theater players who we act.

Society and parents should be informed about Androgynous parenting. That is to say, parents should teach their child how to behave as person instead of how to behave as male/ female.

Kksal, H(2012). Project management seminar based upon PDCA mindset & ICT Thorne, B (1993). Gender play: Girls and boys in school. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press Witt, S (1997). Parental influence on childrens socialization to gender roles. Adolescence, Vol. 32, No. 126


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