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Introduction Who developed SALT What kind of application can be build with SALT Elements of SALT How SALT works Architecture of SALT SALT standards SALT-Adding speech to GUI based application Benefits of SALT Examples of SALT Voice XML versus SALT Conclusion References

SALT (= Speech Application Language Tags)

is an extension of HTML consists of a small set of XML elements (tags) adds a powerful speech interface to Web pages. SALT can be used for both voice -only browsers . multimodal browsers.

The SALT spec (version 1.0) was developed by the SALT

Forum http:// / and later contributed to the W3C The SALT Forum was founded by Microsoft, Cisco, SpeechWorks, Philips, Comverse and Intel.

SALT can be used to add speech recognition. Synthesis and telephony capabilities to HTML or XHTML based applications. Making them accessible from telephones or other GUI based devices such as PCs, telephones, tablet PCs and wireless personal digital assistants (PDAs).

<html xmlns:salt => <body onload = "hello.Start()"> <salt:prompt id = hello> Hello World </salt:prompt> </body> </html>

SALT tags have been added to the HTML document: <xmlns:salt> defines a namespace <salt:prompt> defines a speech prompt Document needs to be loaded in SALT 1.0 compatible browser. Methods such as Start() initiate SALT tags. It would say "Hello World using a text-to-speech engine.

<prompt > For speech synthesis configuration and prompt playing

<listen > For speech recognizer configuration, recognition execution and post-processing, and recording

<grammar > For specifying input grammar resources

<bind > For processing of recognition results

<record > For recording audio input

For multimodal applications, SALT can be added to a visual

page to support speech input and/or output. This is a way to speech-enable individual controls, or to add more complex mixed initiative capabilities if necessary. A SALT recognition may be started by a browser event such as pen-down on a textbox.

For applications without a visual display, SALT manages

the interactional flow of the dialog and the extent of user initiative by using the HTML eventing and scripting model. In this way, the full programmatic control of client-side (or server-side) code is available to application authors for the management of prompt playing and grammar activation.

A Web server. This Web server generates Web pages containing HTML, SALT, and embedded script. The script controls the dialog flow for voice-only interactions. A telephony server. This telephony server connects to the telephone network. The server incorporates a voice browser interpreting the HTML, SALT, and script. The browser can run in a separate process or thread for each caller. A speech server. This speech server recognizes speech, plays audio prompts, and responses back to the user. The client device. Clients include, for example, a Pocket PC or desktop PC running a version of Internet Explorer capable of interpreting HTML and SALT.

Speech interface XML lightweight addition to any mark-up enhance web model

Clean integration with mark-up

Uses W3C Voice Browser Group Standards

Adds powerful tags to HTML, WML, cHTML, xHTML Speech Recognition: <listen>,<grammar>, <bind>, <record>, <param> Prompts and TTS: <prompt>, <value>, <content>,<param>

Benefits of using SALT: reuse of application logic rapid development: Speech+GUI Anybody wanting to speech-enable an application can use SALT. SALT markup is a good solution for adding speech

This example shows the <audiometer> element in action:

This example uses Microsofts Speech Application SDK 1.0:

VoiceXML and SALT are both

markup languages that describe speech interfaces. VoiceXML is designed for telephony applications: interactive voice response applications are the focus. SALT targets speech application across a whole spectrum: multimodal interactions are the focus.

VoiceXML contains a large number of elements since it defines a data and execution model in addition to a speech interface. SALT has only a handful of tags (e.g. <prompt>, <listen>) because it focuses on the speech interface.

SALT an open Standard Extends and embeds in existing web languages

Empowers millions of web developers Offers voice only and multimodal spanning Addition of speech brings REAL benefits to applications SALT makes it easy to add speech and telephony to web applications Microsoft .NET Speech supports SALT directly or indirectly through ASP.NET controls paper.html s/conferences/mmsp99.html


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