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Our logo with green leaves emphasizes on: Providing help and taking care of you by rendering good quality services As we ensure care convenient and comfort at all times

EMERALD is a green stone which offers physical, emotional and spiritual balance
It encourages spiritual growth, physical healing we as service provider also offer on the similar terms and keep our country healthy and informed

Healthcare industry is a wide and intensive form of services which are related to well being of human beings During the 1990s, Indian health care grew at a compound annual rate of 16% Today the total value of the sector is more than $34 billion and contributes 6% towards GDP. This year it is expected to grow nearly by $40 billion, expected to reach US$ 280 billion by 2020

The healthcare industry employs over four million people, which makes it one of the largest service sectors in the economy of our country The major inputs of health are industries are as listed below: Hospitals Medical insurance Medical software Health care equipments

Vision & mission


To be a leader in health care services

OUR MISSION To provide quality care in key specialties, exploiting the full potential of technology, with medical and managerial expertise

The road ahead

We at Emerald have set a benchmark for ourselves regarding the future perspective and we will achieve this within five years from now. We plan to open a medical institution in our campus which would help the young minds get first hand information with practical exposure. We would have our own research and development facilities. Continuous improvement in human resource. We plan to expand ourselves into a multi-specialized hospital. Open branches in metropolitans. Emerging as one of the main market players in the field of health care. Finding new ways to delight our patients and help them to stay fit for a better tomorrow. Air ambulance facility will be provided in near future. The diet store which is one of a kind now, will have franchising given to different places and cities.

Value statement
Offer international standard of quality at reasonable cost. Care with human touch. Maintain a high standard of awareness towards social issues, environment and ecology and contribute towards quality of life of the present as well as the future generations. Maintain mutually beneficial relationships with other agencies involved in healthcare and related areas, both governmental and nongovernmental. Support healthcare research.

Differentiation is like oxygen in Todays competitive environment to survive. Our hospital specializes in diabetes with super specialization in JUVELINE DIABETES. This will be the first hospital to specialize in JUVELINE diabetes in Mumbai. Juvenile diabetes In house pharmacy Chemist in the hospital premises used by outsiders also Diet food with a sugar free department: health and grocery store accessed by outsiders also. Service delivery

Our value offerings


Surgical speciality

Health checkups
Basic, Executive and Comprehensive packages.

Ophthalmology Dentistry & Psychiatry

E.N.T Pediatric surgery

Well woman (basic and special packages).

Sweet package (Diabetes)

Gastroenterology Pediatrics
Dermatology & Rheumatology

Dental General surgery

Nana-Nani package (senior citizen)

Pre-employment package.

Nephrology & obstetrics.

Orthopedic surgery General medicine Neurology &Gynecology Urology Neuro-surgery

Facilities and services offered

Highly qualified doctors and paramedical, friendly nurses and ward boys. I.C.U. and Operation theaters with latest technology. Blood banks. State of art laboratory. Casualty ward. Tie ups with Jaslok and Breach Candy hospital. 24hours chemist shop. Availability of stretchers and wheel chairs easily. Lobby on every floor with proper sleeping and sitting facilities. Good infrastructure facilities. Coffee/tea/juice vending machines on every floor. Dieticians and consultation. Library. Prayer room. Phone booth center. Cyber caf. Ambulance. 6 lifts and 3 exits. Diet store. Cafeteria with clean and hygienic food. Good sanitation conditions. Gift shop. 24hours ATM facility. Dust bins at short distances. Signage.

Standard schedule of the day

TIME OF DAY 05.30 a.m. 06.00 a.m. 7.00 a.m. 07.30 a.m. 8..30 a.m. 08.30 a.m. 09.00 a.m. 09.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 12.00 p.m. 12.00 p.m. 01.00 p.m. 01.00 p.m. 04.00 p.m. 04.00 p.m. 04.30 p.m. 04.30 p.m. 05.00 p.m. 05.00 p.m. 07.00 p.m. 07.00 p.m. 07.30 p.m. 07.30 p.m. 08.00 p.m. ACTIVITY Wake Up and cleaning Sponge/bath Breakfast Organizing the patients charts Doctors routine check-up Medication and rest time Visiting hours Lunch time Medication and rest hours Tea/Snacks time Freshen up and Doctors routine check-up Visiting hours Dinner Medication

08.00 p.m.


Characteristics of hospital industry

Intangibility: Health care services being highly intangible, they include services of the doctor, treatment given by him to beat this intangibility the irony of modern marketing takes place such as use of more tangible features to make things real and believable. Ways to overcome this drawback: Visualization: The industry has to make available visualization so that, search and experience qualities are crystallized. E.g. Press releases, distribution of brochures and leaflets, newsletters, digital marketing and media campaigning. Physical representations: To overcome these more tangible features such as logos, colors are needed to be used. E.g. Apollo hospital logo A lady with a torch Documentation: Quality assurance certificates by service institutions and publishing of annual reports, balance sheets, publishing of customer satisfaction index and ranking numerations.

Characteristics of hospital industry

Inconsistency: Quality of service offered differs from one extreme to another.

This is because of total dependence on human interactivity or playing human nature, i.e. because human beings can never mechanize or replicate themselves.
Ways to overcome this drawback: Training: A scheduled Training of the employees in respect of the work/service can prove to be the best solution to this drawback. E.g. American Medical Association makes it mandatory for its member doctors to undergo 6 weeks of training every year or 6 month of training every 6 years. Automation: The service providers analyze that, human quality deteriorates with repetition of work; this has an ill effect during the final delivery of the service. E.g. Automatic blood testing equipment's ensuring safety and accuracy

Characteristics of hospital industry

Inseparability: Service transaction becomes unique because it mandates, during transaction, the physical presence of the provider and the consumer. Ways to overcome this drawback: Training: This is the best way out for the setback. As the provider of one service can not be made available at two different places at the same time if the situation demands so, unlike, in the case of products where the producer of the same need not be present at all times where the transaction takes place. E.g. Wockhardt & Duncan's Gleneagles International as set up a dedicated teaching center for paramedics, particularly, nurses and also provide higher-end

courses for doctors

Characteristics of hospital industry

Perishability: Services are intangible, they cannot be packed & neither can be stored nor can they be inventoried. The implication is that the service has to be produced and consumed instantly; there is no scope of storage

Ways to overcome this drawback: Managing demand & supply: That is to say that, there has to be provision for all sorts of stipulations at all times to the greatest possible extent. E.g. Service developments according to market needs.

Best and quick service

Same day OPD

Online reports
Imaging/ MRI Scan Key Hole Surgery Medical transcription Biotechnology Nanotechnology SST: Self checking Machines/ equipment's



No- income

Low - income


High- income

This type of segmentation helps the hospital organization's to identify the status of the users of services It is essential as the marketing principles recommend different pricing strategies on the basis of level of income.

This would help hospital organization in charging more from high and middle income groups, charging equal to cost from the low income group and making available free services to the no income group.
This segmentation is concerned with implementation of modernization and expansion plan for the hospitals.

Service marketing mix

Product: At EMERALD we believe that the ultimate aim is to make available the best possible medical services and to prepare and train the best medics Thus, it is very essential for our service providers to be aware of the nature, behavior, requirements and status of the users This helps them in planning and development of the services in the background of users changing needs and requirements The product should be developed keeping in mind the users psychology.

The main product in a hospital maybe any of the following: Medical Services Medical Training Medical Education Medical Research

The main product is the medical services services can further be classified as follows:

Line services Emergency services Out-Patient department In-Patient services Intensive Care Operation

Supportive service: Official laundry Hospital medication Blood bank Pathology Radiology Auxillary services Temple & meditation 24 hr. chemist Security arrangement SEWA

Levels of service
Core product Treatment of human ills Expected product Infrastructure to support reasonable number of beds Operation theatres Equipment's like Cardio-respiratory supportive equipment Waiting area Availability of medicines, drugs, meal and hygiene Augmented product Ambience and infrastructure Central Air-conditioning Personalized assistance Automation hi-tech equipment's (X-Ray Scanners, Printers, Photo Scanners, etc.) a terrace garden for patients to walk, exercise

Potential product Telemedicine & Preventive Care

Service flower

Core Treatment

Supplementary services

Price is one of the most prominent elements in the marketing mix Price charged must be acceptable to the target customer and it should co-ordinate with other elements of the marketing mix. Price charged usually depends on treatment prescribed by the respective consultants and the facilities offered to the patients. an initial deposit will be collected at the impatient billing counter The amount depends on the category of room and the treatment/surgical planned. Various category of rooms, ranging from the general ward, which attends to the need of the lower classes to the deluxe suite, which attends to the need of the middle and the upper classes.

There are 4 types of costing: Free, subsidized, cost based subsidy and cost plus subsidy EMERALD follows Cost plus Subsidy This strategy allows charging more than the costs involved on the services, but only from the better-off sections of society. The transfer of these surpluses to the account of subsidy for compensating the losses on account of providing free or subsidized services to the weaker sections and low-income group users is also necessary. It is difficult to offer free or subsidized services to the masses On the other hand, the technological sophistication has raised the cost of services, as the inputs used in making available the medical services are found costly.

At EMERALD, we have the patient guide in each patients room who provides information with regard to billing and payment procedures. Patients can also contact the billing department for any clarification For the patients convenience, the hospital generates an interim bills a biweekly basis. This gives the patient an idea about a charge payable for the specified period and avoids confusion at the time of generating final bills For e.g.. We have shown the interim bill of Bombay hospital

EMERALD is easily accessible, that is, it is not located in a heavy traffic zone as this would prove detrimental to the very existence of the hospital EMERALD is located near Worley sea face and is near a prominent road so that it can be reached easily Having in house ambulance services to pick up patients on the other hand increases accessibility to EMERALD We also have contracts with ambulance services to bring our patients from whichever location to the hospital.

EMERALD relies on favorable word of mouth and not on aggressive promotion We conduct camps in rural areas to give medical check ups at reasonable prices we sponsor visits to old age homes and donate them a good amount of food and medicines We continuously introduce different health services and we generally advertise in health and fitness magazines and also conduct free check ups EMERALD holds seminars and conferences relating to diseases and latest technology, where we involve the doctors from all around the country, for detailed discussion.

We at EMERALD usually resort to personal selling for business-to-business marketing Both in the case of corporate tie-ups and approaching doctors for patient referrals, it is our marketing executive who personally approaches the corporate or the doctor so as to pitch and finalize the deal In EMERALD, almost all the services are delivered in the customers presence Front-line personnel are directly involved in the process of offering the services, due to which they are efficiently informed, trained and supported we invest a lot in internal marketing by way of training so as to ensure that the employees are at their best of behavior with the patients and well informed about the various activities of the hospital, including free check-up camps and talks

EMERALD ensures good customer service is by holding training programs for nurses every 15days, enlighting them about how to handle various patients etc Good services hence develops good word of mouth In EMERALD, sales promotion takes place usually by way of Sign up rebates or discounts Gift premiums, for ex. Doctors are offered various gifts and benefits in return for patient referrals EMERALD, thus uses traditional approaches like printed materials, ranging from broachers and instruction manuals EMERALD has a patient guide in every patients room which gives patient valuable information regarding booking, cancellations, various facilities available, what to expect during the stay, discharge procedure, billing and payment procedures etc.

It is necessary that the staff in a hospital is trained to provide quality patient care using state of the art technology. The objective of EMERALD is providing quality service to patients and this can be achieved by: Motivating employees to be efficient, dedicated and loyal to the organization Providing regular on-the-job training of employees to ensure continuous improvement in health care Utilizing services of professionally competent medical consultants Use of the latest technology concessions should be given to the employees near ones and there should be active participation of the employees in the activities of the hospital.

Physical evidence
Three Aspects of Physical Evidence are: Ambient Factors: Smell in the hospital, Effect of Colors used on walls Design Factors: Design of the rooms, plush interiors, ICU location, etc. Social Factors: Type of Patients that come to the Hospital The hospital is structured as per the hospital planning decided by the Bombay hospital association Emerald Hospitals has a good ambience The staff follows a dress code to show professionalism and maintain discipline. The staff is trained to understand; be warm and comforting because the patients that goes to the hospital is usually disturbed or unhappy The hospital is centrally air conditioned

Physical evidence
The signage is put at regular intervals so that people can have easy accessibility The reception and help desk are on the ground floor, for easy access to information and other departments Our hospital is well organized and segregated into different departments The departments are well planned and equipped with the state-of-the-art technology All the doctors are provided with a well equipped cabin Professional hospital interior designers plan the operation theater; also the blood bank and the intensive care units are on the same floor in proper spacing and alignment of the OT.

Physical evidence
There is wooden flooring in the hospital and in the wards, it is marble Good lighting and ventilation is taken care of There are different bathrooms for women and men, two on every floor There are six lifts in total: two for patients, one for doctors only, one for staff, two for visitors which is used only from 10am -11am in the morning and 4pm to 6pm in the evening. The rest of the times one remains for visitors the other are for the catering department, which has to serve meals Special care is taken to maintain hygiene; cleanliness and the whole hospital is well lit. This is generally taken care of by the housekeeping department.

Physical evidence

The kitchen is extremely hygienic and the food prepared as per required. Also the kitchen has a glass door so that the process of cooking is visible. The cooks are well trained and use sterilized crockery. Also they have were gloves, masks, lab coats and no footwear allowed Water coolers are placed at regular intervals having hot and cold drinking water facility There phone booths in the visiting lounge There are two cyber cafes: one for the doctors and staff and one for visitors in the visiting lounge Every aspect of our hospitals has to meet the hygiene and cleanliness standards set by the board. We ensure care, convenience and comfort at all times

It is the way of undertaking transactions, supplying information and providing services in a way that is acceptable to the consumers and effective to the organization The process factor is mainly dependent on the size of the hospital and kind of service it is offering Blue print- they go through the following phases

Productivity and quality


Ensuring that Doctors are well trained and experienced

Trust, the number of successful treatments



Gate of bldg., surrounding area, Surgery equipment's, Rooms Courtesy shown by nurses, ward boys etc



Emergency responsiveness

Service marketing triangle

Emerald the health care center

Internal marketing Enabling the promises

External marketing Making the promises

Employees- doctors, nurses etc. Interactive marketing Keeping the promises

Customers- patients

Service marketing triangle

External marketing The hospital undertakes external marketing as to promote the service i.e. treatments and facilities to the patients. This has been explained in detail under the promotion mix and the hospital marketing Interactive marketing interactive marketing takes place between the employees and the patients. Interactive marketing describes the employees skill in serving the client/patient From the time he enters to the time of discharge, the patient has to continuously interact with the hospitals employees by way of talking to the nurses, attendants. Thus in his vulnerable state of suffering or sickness the patient expects quality care along with empathy and consideration of his every need by the hospital staff Thus the selection, motivation, training of the hospital staff makes huge difference in the well-being and recovery of the patient.

Service marketing triangle

Internal marketing Good and effective interactive marketing is made possible only through efficient internal marketing Hospitals undertake internal marketing to train employees and motivate them to serve customers well This improves employees competence, responsiveness, problem solving ability as well as their attitude, goodwill towards patients, all of which in turn will result on patient well being and recovery or customer satisfaction

An important way of internal marketing is analyzing feedback from regular customers satisfaction surveys and improving service delivery so that the way of service delivery itself becomes the marketing of the service

Internal marketing at emerald

Continuous medical education programs are held periodically so as to make doctors aware of how new/rare diseases, latest technology etc. Training programs are held every fifteen days for nurses who come into most direst and frequent contact with patients, so as to educate them on how to handle various temperaments/patients They also collect feedback from customers which will help them continuously in improving the service delivery.

Critical incidents
Here, critical incidents are the period prior and during the procedure, discharge and billing EMERALD handles this by ensuring that the relatives receive a host of conveniences at the time. For instance, In the case of ICU patients, the counselor also arranges meetings between the ICU doctor and the relatives once a day Relatives are provided with comfortable cubicles with communication facilities in the waiting lounge Prayer rooms are also provided for the relatives Sometimes there may be more than one consent form for a procedure. This may prove a complication that the patient/relatives dont need at the time. Thus, the hospital ensures that the patients consultant or his assistant explain the details of the procedure to the patient/relatives The hospital has a separate business center for the efficient and quick processing and payment of bills. So as to avoid any inconvenience to the patient, the final refund is made by cheque, and sent to the patient by courier

Complaint management/ service recovery

EMERALD has a distinct Customer Care department. It is the duty of this department to sort out problems associated with customer satisfaction, complaints The department takes a round of the hospital everyday between 9-12 every morning, collecting feedback and checking on the service that the patients and visitors receive Feedback forms are provided by the ward sister to the patient at the time of discharge. The patient is asked to fill it and put it in the suggestion boxes before leaving. The patient is assured of his/her identity being kept secret from the hospital staff Suggestion boxes are placed at the nurses station in each wing.

Complaint management/ service recovery

The department acts any problems discovered on. For example, if a patient complains that a particular doctor doesnt arrive on time etc., the doctor is made aware of the situation/ discomfort caused due to his late arrival and asked to correct his behavior Free services offered in case of any fault occurred If the customer is not satisfied with the services we also offer free tablets to the customer for his problem In the event that the patient leaves the hospital with a bad impression, a letter is seen to the patient, apologizing for the inconvenience and an assurance that it will be looked into and prevented from happening again.

Media plan
All media promotions will begin six months before the commencement of the hospital in order to create some awareness before be become completely functional The Ad spend will be maximum in the first year, as this will be when we are creating awareness about our services and also building a name in society among our target audience Our plan will consist of the following activities along the various lines,

Personal Selling: It involves sending personnel out to schools, pharmacist, doctors and other hospitals etc. We will also have walk in seminars to achieve the same end.

Media plan
Public Relation: Direct contact program: Nurses day celebration on 12th may every year. Childrens day celebration on 14th November every year. Celebration of Independence and Republic day in order to shape the young minds as they will be molding the future. Education/Awareness: Magazines newsletter where children will share their experience. Sponsorship incase of school sports day. Pharmacist and doctors.

Media plan
Corporate Social Responsibility: Free check-ups done at school and other places We will organize a week for every disease like the diabetic week, blood donation week etc. Beautification of the surrounding Out reach camps incase of epidemics, communicable diseases Provide medicines to orphanages and old age homes.

Media plan
Internal assessment: Seminars held on a monthly basis for doctors in the auditorium Get together and informal meetings for staff

Continuous training provided to staff on different issues such as behavior, personality, etc.
CMEs (continuous Medical educational Programs) Committees for grievances and accepting constructive criticism.

Media plan
News paper media plan
Name Of The Paper No. Of times in a week 3 Times of India + Wellness 2 Hindu 1,00,000 6,00,000 Weekly Budget (Rs.)

Economic Times 2 Dainik Bhaskar(Regional paper) 1 Gujarat Samachar (Regional paper) 50,000 2,50,000 3,00,000

TOTAL 13,00,000

Media plan
Magazine plan Name of the magazine Weekly Budget

Health and Nutrition


Health Screen
Readers Digest India Today TOTAL

2,50,000 4,00,000 7,72,500

Media plan
Outdoor plan:

Place Worli

Weekly Budget 3,50,000

Mahim (Bombay Scottish)

Juhu ( Maneckji cooper school) Bandra ( A.V.M. school) TOTAL

1,00,000 3,00,000 8,50,000

Media plan
Direct Marketing: As for direct marketing, we will be sending out brochures/pamphlets on a selective basis to doctors, hospitals and schools. They can even visit our website for the same. We also have customer service departments, which will be entertaining all the calls and queries of the customers.

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