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Human Reflexes

Definition of Terms
Reflex - A rapid involuntary response to a mechanical or chemical stimulus Reflex Arc - the neural pathway that a nerve impulse follows Pupillary Light Reflex - the reduction of pupil size in response to light Paradoxical Pupillary Reflex- reverse of pupillary reflex

Definition of Terms
Consensual Reflex - pertaining to a reflex action in which stimulation of one body part results in a response in another. Corneal Reflex involves shutting of the eyelids in response to an external stimulus or irritation Accommodation Reflex the reflex action of the eye, in response to focusing on a near object, then looking at distant object (and vice versa)

Definition of Terms
Convergence (In opthamology) the simultaneous inward movement of both eyes toward each other, usually in an effort to maintain single binocular vision when viewing an object Swallowing - the process in the human or animal body that makes something pass from the mouth, to the pharynx, and into the esophagus, while shutting the epiglottis. Salivation - The act or process of secreting saliva or an abnormally abundant flow of saliva

Definition of Terms
Pharyngeal Reflex - reflex contraction of the back of the throat, evoked by touching the roof of your mouth, the back of your tongue, the area around your tonsils and the back of your throat

Methodology and Data

TABLE 1: RESPONSE OF THE EYES TO VARYING LIGHT INTENSITIES. Test Administered on Subject Test for Pupillary Light Reflex: Response of 1st Subject Response of 2nd Subject

The subject was seated in a corner of the room. He/she was asked to close his/her eyes for two (2) minutes. Then after 2 minutes, the other members measured the pupils of the subject.

Pupils diameter increases

Pupils diameter increases

The eyes of the subject was exposed to an intense flashlight for 20 seconds. Then after 20 seconds, the other members measured the pupils of the subject.

Pupils diameter decreases

Pupils diameter decreases

The subject was seated and a card was placed vertically on top of his nose. A weak light was then moved from the back of the subjects head, towards one of the eyes.

The diameter of the pupil exposed to light is larger than that of the other

The diameter of the pupil exposed to light is larger than that of the other

Test Administered on Subject

Response of 1st Subject

Response of 2nd Subject

Test for Corneal Reflex:

Subject blinked when external object moved close to the eye

Subject blinked when external object moved close to the eye

Test for Accomodation Reflex: Eyes of subject converged Eyes of subject converged

Test Administered on Subject

Response of 1st Subject

Response of 2nd Subject

Swallowing Test:

Movement of subjects throat

Movement of subjects throat

Test for Response to Aroma: Subject had an increase in production of saliva Subject had an increase in production of saliva

Essential for survival Help infants survive past childhood Used to diagnose diseases

Reflex arcs
Allow reactions to occur quickly

Pupillary Light Reflex

bright light causes the pupil to become larger to accomodate more light optic nerve -> oculomotor nerve -> iris sphincter muscle -> constricting of pupils used to diagnose lesions Is a consensual reflex

Corneal Reflex
blinking as a response to loud noise, bright light or froeign objecs that seem to go near the eye survival basis: prevents too much light or foreign objecs to enter the eye Is a consesnsual reflex mediated by trigeminal nerve

Accomodation Reflex
causes eyes to converge and pupils to constrict for maintaining focus and present clear image mediated by optic nerve -> occipital lobe -> oculomotor nerve -> ciliary muscle and iris sphincter muscle -> eye movement

For proper digestion Has 2 phases
Food is pushed to the back of the mouth

Pharyngeal reflex that prevents food particles from entering the trachea

References pupillary+reflex m ex

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