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Presented By- Varsha Shakya

Competency is an underlying characteristic of a person which enables him /her to deliver superior performance in a given job, role or a situation. OR underlying characteristic of an individual,an operative thought or behaviour, causally related to superior performance on the job.
Observable Measurable



Relates to information Cognitive Domain

Relates to the ability to do, Physical domain

Relates to qualitative aspects personal Characteristics or traits


Outstanding Performance of tasks or activities

Independently researches for information and finds solutions to issues Ability to know what needs to be done or find out (research) and take steps to get it done Asks questions when not sure of what the problem is or to gain more information Able to identify the underlying or main problem Shows willingness to experiment with new things Develops a list of decision making guidelines to help arrive at logical solutions

Core Personality: Most difficult to develop Intent Skill Self-image Visible Skill Knowledge Trait, Motive Attitudes, Values Attitudes, values Self-image Trait Motive The Iceberg Model Knowledge


Surface: Most easily developed

Knowledge Skill Social Role Self-Concept Traits Motives Content knowledge/information in field of work, - from education and experience Ability to do something well; most easily trained - e.g. technical skills to use knowledge How people perceive me; how I present myself - e.g. a loyal employee, a leader How people see/view themselves; identity; worth - e.g. an expert, a teacher Habitual / enduring characteristics - e.g. flexibility, self-control, good listener Unconscious drives that predict behavior - e.g. achievement, influence/power, affiliation

Generic Competencies Competencies which are considered essential for all employees regardless of their function or level. - Communication, initiative, listening etc. Managerial Competencies Competencies which are considered essential for employees with managerial or supervisory responsibility in any functional area including directors and senior posts.

Competencies help companies raise the Bar of performance expectations help teams and individuals align their behaviours with key organizational strategy each employee understand how to achieve expectations

Threshold competencies
Those characteristics which any job holder needs to have to do the job effectively but do not distinguish the average from superior performer. E.g. language skills, computer skills etc. Differentiating competencies Those characteristics which superior performers have but are not present in the average performers. E.g. empathy, ability to scan the environment for opportunities, etc.

1. Communication-

Written, verbal, Presentation, Listening, Negotiation, Non-verbal, Body Language, Listening to the unsaid, with holding giving concepts, concerns in communication, Put forth own proposal / point of view so that it do not gets turned down.

2. Analytical Ability-

Ability to analyze the situation in the

context of business.
3. Decision Making Ability to take good decision considering the alternatives.

4. Creative Thinking(Not Innovation) 5. Customer focus-

Out of the box thinking/ability to challenge/ appreciate status quo being challenged. Focus on internal as well as external customers with a view to meet their changing expectations

(By setting benchmarks).

6. Emotional IntelligenceMore team work not being a passenger, dependable, inter-personal skills through selfawareness of strengths/weakness, awareness of environment, social circles, impulse control and perseverance.

7. Achievement Motivation
(Applied Learning)

Sets his own benchmark, Self-driven,

Assertiveness, Self-motivated.
Ability to think abstractly as an aid for

8. Conceptual Ability
(for strategic thinking)

formulation of strategy.
Cost consciousness, understanding P&L / payback etc., Keeping holistic business picture in mind.

9. Business Literacy

10. Systems orientation

Appreciation of Quality systems/GMP/ISO,

Management systems & Operative systems/ ability

to take corrective action rather than disposition.

11. Planning

Business planning and planning of all the resources

The ultimate aim of the exercise is performance the individuals & the organizations All organization members must have a reasonable proficiency in a few key competencies determined by its business and strategy A majority of key competencies are generic in nature, with a few knowledge competencies specific to the nature of business A clear understanding of every members job profile is crucial to competency mapping




Measuring Methods

Why Competency Measurement ?

Cost of Manpower Cost of Incompetence Planned Competency Development Employee Engagement

A competency measurement is a valid, observable, and measurable list of the knowledge, skills, and attributes demonstrated through behavior that results in outstanding performance in a particular work context. The process of identification of the competencies required to perform successfully a given job or role or a set of tasks at a given point in time. It consists of breaking a given role or job into its constituent tasks or activities and identifying the competencies needed to perform the same successfully

Expert panels

Focus groups
Surveys Psychometric tests


of the extent to which a given individual or a set of individuals possess these competencies required by a given role or set of roles or levels of jobs.

Assessment Centers

360 degrees feedback

Psychometric tests

Use multiple methods and multiple assessors to enhance objectivity.

Use psychometric tests, stimulation exercises, presentations, in basket exercises, interviews, role plays, group discussions etc. Methods used depend on nature of competencies Competencies can be identified by experts, HR specialists, job analysts, psychologists etc.. in consultation with line managers, current and past role holders, supervisors, internal customers and subordinates.







2 3 or more

Kaizen (Continuous improvement)

Planned effort/ improvement / training Major development effort required (possibility of job change if the competency is critical)

Competency Measureme nt

Competency Measurement Enables

Establishment of clear high performance standards Collection and proper analysis of factual data against the set standards. Conduct of objective feedback meetings Direction with regard to specific areas of improvement

Competency Measurement Acts as a Basis for... Performance Management Continuous Learning & Development New Assignment / Project Allocation Job Rotation Promotion Compensation Career Development Selection

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