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B & F - 303

What is Apeejay without students and staff members ?

just a building !!!!!!!!

This statement is meant to show something that most of us

Misconceptions !!!!!!
Whenever we think about Corporate Organisations we always think of the Goods & Services they provide ? How often do we think of organisations depending on people to make them operate ? It is only under unusual circumstances, such as strike, retrenchment, attrition etc people become publicly noticeable?

Now think on this !!!!!

How do people come to be employees in the organisation ? How were they found and selected ? Why do they come on regular basis ? How do they know what to do on their jobs? How does management know if the employees are performing adequately ?

Now think on this !!!!!

What should be done with under performing employees and how to reward over performing employees ? Will todays employees be prepared for the work in the next 6 months, 2 years, 5 years in future ? These are some of the questions whose answers lie in this subject Human Resource Management

To develop understanding of concepts, functions and process of HRM and IR. To help the students to acquire and develop skills in managing people at work, and to deal with human issues.

Course Contents
Concept and Prospective of HRM Human Resource Planning Job Analysis Recruitment & Selection Performance Appraisal Training & Development Compensation & Reward Management Discipline & Grievance Procedure Industrial Relations

Suggested Reading
Desler Gary, HRM, PHI Aswathapa, K, HRM, TMI L.M Prasad Decenzo, DA and Robbins T.N Chabbra

Interactive lecturers Class Interaction Presentations Case studies Newspaper reviews Article reviews Role plays


Humans, alone, have the power to transform their thoughts into physical reality; humans, alone, can dream and make their dreams come true.

What is Management ?
Management is the process of efficiently getting the work done with and through people Management Process includes planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling activities that take place to accomplish desired objectives.

Management Process
Six Ms
Men Materials Machines Methods Money Markets

Management Process
Planning Directing

End Result

Goods and Services desired By Customers Organising Staffing Controlling

Source Fig 1 Management as a process, T.N Chabbra

What is Human Resource ?

Human Resource is defined as the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents aptitudes, values and approaches of an organisations workforce as well as individuals involved in the affairs of the organisation. Human resource is identified as Human Capital

Elements of Human Capital

Basic elements Of Human Capital

Intellectual Capital
-Specialised knowledge - skills and expertise - Learning capacity - cognitive capacity

Social Capital - Sociability

- Trustworthiness - Networking

Emotional capital
- Self Confidence - Ambition & Courage - Risk Taking ability - Resilience

Human Resource Management

Traditional View
According to Edwin B Flippo
Personnel Management is the planning, organising, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance and separation of Human resources to the end so that individual and societal objectives are accomplished.

Human Resource Management

Modern View During and after 1970s
According to Gary Dessler
Human resource management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees and attending to their labour relations, health, safety and fairness concerns. HRM is concerned with people dimension in management. Since every organisation is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to high levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organisation are essential to achieving organisational objectives.


Operative Managerial
-Planning - Organising - Directing - Controlling
-Employment -T & D -Remuneration -Working Conditions -Motivation -Personal records -Industrial Relations -Seperation

-Advice to top mgmt - Advice to dept. heads

Role of HR Manager
Policy Formulation Advisory Role Linking Pin Representative Role Decision-Making Role Mediator Role Leadership Role Welfare Role Research Role

Scope of HRM
Before and from the time an employee enters the organisation until he leaves all major activities come under the scope of HRM It includes
1. HR planning 2. Job analysis and design 3. Recruitment & Selection 4. Orientation & Placement 5. Training & Development 6. Performance appraisal & Job evaluation 7. Employee & Executive Remuneration 8. Motivation & Communication 9. Health, safety and welfare 10.Industrial Relations

History of HRM
The Industrial Revolution - late 18th century & early 19th century - invention phase - development of engineering - revolution in iron making - use of power driven machines - rise of chemical industry - development of coal mining - growth of trade union

History of HRM
Scientific Management - replacement of rule of thumb - scientific selection and training - cooperation between labor & mgmt - maximum output - equal division of responsibility - mental revolution

History of HRM
Industrial Psychology - matching of employees to jobs - personnel testing - interviewing and attitude measurement - training and learning - job study and safety - human engineering

History of HRM
Human relations movement - implementation of behavioral science - concern for workers - strengthen the bond between workers & mgmt. - attitude of workers towards productivity.

History of HRM
Personnel Management - new techniques & styles of managing workers. - diversified role of personnel manager - influence of technological development - development of new and specialized skills. - training and development - better employer employee relations

History of HRM
Human Resource Management - understanding individual and group behavior at
work - motivation, group dynamics, organisational climate, conflict mgmt. - mgmt by objectives, role of informal groups, quality circles etc - integrating employees with organisational goals and employee aspirations

History of HRM
Emerging Concept - employees to be accepted as partners
- better quality of working life - offer opportunities to people to exploit their potential fully - employees considered as Human Capital - employee engagement and innovation in decision making.

Evolution of HRM in India

Period 1920 1940 1940 1970 1970 1990 Development Beginning Struggling for recognition Introduction of regulatory techniques Promising Innovative Status Clerical Administrative Managerial

1990 2000 2000 -

Executive Strategic

HRM Trends in Dynamic Environment

External factors - technological changes - economic challenges - political factors - social factors - legal factors - work force diversity - natural factor Internal factors - vision & mission - employers demands - employees needs - organisational policies - organisational culture - mgmt structure - HR systems

Strategic Role of HRM

Providing purposeful Direction Building core competencies Creating Competitive Advantage Facilitate Change Managing Work force diversity Development of work ethics and culture Empowerment of Human Resources Total Quality Management

Organizational Life-Cycle Stages and HR Activities


Attract best technical and professional talent.

Meet or exceed labor market rates to attract needed talent.

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Define future skill requirements and begin establishing career ladders.

LABOR / EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Set basic employeerelations philosophy of organization. Maintain labor peace, employee motivation, and morale.


Recruit adequate numbers and mix of qualifies workers. Plan management succession. Mange rapid internal labor market movements

Meet external market but consider internal equity effects. Establish formal compensation structures.

Mold effective management team through management development and organizational development.

Organizational Life-Cycle Stages and HR Activities (contd)

LIFE-CYCLE STAGE Maturity STAFFING Encourage sufficient turnover to minimize layoffs and provide new openings. Encourage mobility as reorganizations shift jobs around. Plan and implement workforce reductions and reallocations, downsizing and outplacement may occur during this stage. COMPENSATION Control compensation costs. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Maintain flexibility and skills of an aging workforce. LABOR / EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Control labor costs and maintain labor peace. Improve productivity.


Implement tighter cost control.

Implement retraining and career consulting services.

Improve productivity and achieve flexibility in work rules. Negotiate job security and employmentadjustment policies

Its the ground reality

Shilpa Wadhwa
Phone no: 9818709858
Learning as passion for Life

Career Objective

To facilitate the learning experience by in-building knowledge, creativity, trust & confidence in order to impart quality education and provide academic platform for intellectual excellence.

Academic Experience
Working with Apeejay Institute of Technology School of Management Greater Noida as Lecturer. 2009 till date Visiting Management Faculty in Take One School of Mass Communication for MBA Degree. Worked as Full Time Management Faculty in Apostle Business School Greater Noida Working on Research projects and Paper Publications.

Academic Qualifications

Pursuing PhD, M.Com, Executive

M.B.A, B.Com(H) Certified Trainer - Indian Society for Training & Development (2008-2010). Behavior Testing & Training (2010-2011) from GGSIP University. Intensive Advance Diploma in German Language from School of Foreign Language.

Among the toppers throughout in Academics.


Coordinated and organized various College functions & Inter-departmental programs. Full support and cooperation from all the students and staff members.

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