Proposal Presentation

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Present by: Talha Shaeen



Background of the study:

According to the Johnson (2006) Enjoyment and price are two variables that can influence the purchase intention directly. Advertisement sources like radio, TV, direct mails, and use of celebrities in advertisements have significant effect on the purchase intention of customer (Fam, and Waller, 2006).


The purpose of this Quantitative study is test the Impact of advertisement on customer purchase intention. For this purpose advertisement is taken as an independent variable and customer purchase taken as a dependent variable.


Non-personal presentation or promotion of ideas, goods or services

Through selected media outlets An identified sponsor

Single message can reach a large number of people.

Does not stimulate immediate demand for the product

Stimulates Demand Strengthens Other Promotion Mix Elements Develops Brand Preference Lowers Prices Competitive Weapon .

Advertisement is a source of communication with to the customers, customers react the advertisement with the purchasing of products (Kanso, and Nelson, 2004). According to the Homburg, Koschate, and Hoyer, (2005) Advertisements are a major source of product information. Ginsberg, and Bloom (2004) explores about the product image, they argues that green image products attract the customers.

Advertisements can play great contribution. A brand's stocks of
awareness and perceived quality affected by the advertisement campaign of its competitors (Johnson, 2006). Advertisement effects on the buying patterns of the functional products, buying quantity increase or decrease due the offers and advertisements (Dickson, 2000).Hewett (1972) calculated 36% awareness through billboards in study with the question Who is the 23rd President of U.S. Morden (1991) suggests that advertising is used to create basic awareness of the product or service in the mind of the potential customer and to build up knowledge about it.

(Dainty & Lucas, 1992) suggested advertising as most powerful tool for developing self and other awareness.\(Tellis & Weiss, 1995) indicated large budget spending on advertising as well as both long term and short effect on sales and brand equity. Hewett (1972) calculated 36% awareness through billboards in study with the question Who is the 23rd President of U.S.


Print Media Electronic Media Customer Purchase intension

Other Media

H1:There is relationship between Electronic media and customer purchase intension H2:There is relationshionship between Print media and customer purchase intension. H3:There is relationship between other media and customer purchase intension.

Based on positivism paradigm, Quantitative research approach was used to examine the above model A sample unit of 50 students including both males and female of Superior university. The study instrument/questionnaire was adopted from a previous study and again its reliability was reinsured


This proposal is developed by students and user of android as course work requirement of BRM. Hence due to limitation of resources and time. This study is delimitated to use qualitative approach. Only one city taken as research site and take small sample size i.e. 50.

The subject of study will be briefed about the nature of study before collecting data. The data provided by respondents will be kept confidential. Further, a permission form will be signed from the participant before they engage in research in order to protect the participant right. The permission will include the following: The right of participant voluntarily and right to withdraw any time.

The purpose of study, so that individual understands the nature of the research and impact on them.
Comprehensive information will be provided to respondent in order to make them clear about aspect, objectives and outcomes of research. Signature of both researcher and respondent.

DISCUSSION The awareness level of the brand is good only because of advertisements .Television advertisements have more reach to the people. Customers of the age group of 20-30 are more interested in advertisements and brands. For an advertisement to be effective the price, the music and the tag line should be highlighted. Customers (especially the younger generation) refer internet for the product features shown in internet advertisements.

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