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Emerging Wireless Standards

Wireless Summer School June 4, 2008 Session A1 1:30-5:15 PM

James Neel (540) 230-6012 Jeff Reed (540) 231-2972

Presentation Overview
Theory (32) OFDM and Antenna Array Theory Emerging Standards (24) Cellular and WiMAX (16) WLAN (10) WPAN (11) Cognitive Standards ( 7) Interoperability Standards ( 6) Summary and Trends Break & Poster Session 2:45-3:30 ternet-big.jpg

Principles of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing and Multiple Input Multiple Output Communications Systems

Intersymbol Interference
Occurs when symbol period (Ts) is less than channel delay spread, ISI introduces an error floor to BER
Limits maximum throughput
BER Floor for various modulations
1 0 -1
C o h e re n t D e te c tio n + BPSK QPSK O Q P S K M o d u la tio n x MSK

Ir r e d u c ib le B E R

1 0 -2
x x

x x + + + + x

Equalization (high complexity) Longer symbol periods (generally means lower data rate)
QPSK limit

1 0 -3

1 0 -4 1 0 -2

1 0 -1 d e la y s p re a d s ym b o l p e rio d

1 00

J. C.-I. Chuang, "The Effects of Time Delay Spread on Portable Radio Communications Channels with Digital Modulation," IEEE JSAC, June 1987

Multicarrier communications: Longer period, same data rate

Divide original data stream at rate R into L lower rate (R/L) streams on different carriers to increase symbol time

Long history
J. Andrews, A. Ghosh, R. Muhamed, Fundamentals of WiMAX, Prentice Hall, 2007


High receiver complexity
separate receiver chain per carrier

Bandwidth due to sidebands Each subcarrier experiences flat fading



Much simpler to create multicarrier transmission using iFFT
Information carried in magnitude and phase of each bin Then can be recovered by using FFT at receiver

Ideal inverse Fourier transform of multicarrier would be infinite duration sine waves
Cut at Symbol duration Ts Rectangular windowing causes sinc spectrum in frequency domain with zeros at 1/Ts Orthogonal subcarriers

M g itu e an d

T 0

F qec re u n y

Guard intervals and intersymbol interference

Guard interval OFDM Symbol Guard interval OFDM Symbol OFDM Symbol

Delay Spread

Delay Spread

If we space OFDM symbols by gaps at least as long as the delay spread, then there will be no intersymbol interference However, there will still be interference within the symbol (intrasymbol)

Equalization and the DFT

While using longer symbol timing means OFDM can avoid irreducible errors, still have interfering energy in band from multipath
Received signal is the (linear) convolution of channel impulse response with transmitted signal

y h* x

DFT Circular Convolution Theorem

Circular convolution of two discrete vectors in time domain

y x h
Is multiplication in the frequency domain

Y XkH k k
Implication: If we can make the system behave like a circular convolution, equalization is trivial
complex multiplication per FFT bin at the receiver

Cyclic Prefix
Adding a cyclic prefix at transmitter leads to circular convolution Note that misaligned timing still results in a circular convolution, just time shifted
Makes for phase shifts in FFT bins Correct that in a moment
J. Andrews, A. Ghosh, R. Muhamed, Fundamentals of WiMAX, Prentice Hall, 2007

Comments on Cyclic Prefix

J. Andrews, A. Ghosh, R. Muhamed, Fundamentals of WiMAX, Prentice Hall, 2007

Were transmitting redundant bits (no information transfer)

Bandwidth penalty: L / (L + v) Power penalty: L / (L + v)

Permits low complexity equalization for same data rates Single carrier tap# approximately bandwidth delay product

Penalty becomes negligible as L becomes large (but there are tradeoffs! more later) Power penalty generally more important in practice where systems are interference limited Penalty can be avoided with zero prefix
Nothing transmitted in guard band (zero prefix) Receiver adds tail back to beginning of symbol Used in WiMedia

OFDM, number subcarriers grows with bandwidthdelay product, so

Frequency Errors
Primary sources of frequency errors
Doppler shift Clock mismatches Phase noise

Reduction in amplitude (missampling sinc) Intercarrier interference
O. Edfors, M. Sandell, J. van de Beek D. Landstrm, F. Sjberg, An Introduction to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, Sep 98, Available online:

Effects of Frequency Errors

Impact greater for higher SNR signals Note 5% estimation error can lead to 5 dB effective degradation at 64-QAM like SNRs Big frequency impact is why OFDM was originally for fixed deployments
Fading Channel AWGN

Data aided Non data aided Cyclic prefix

O. Edfors, M. Sandell, J. van de Beek D. Landstrm, F. Sjberg, An Introduction to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, Sep 98, Available online: -0881/96-16/esb96rc.pdf

Channel Estimation
Channel assumed static for duration of symbol, though frequency/phase varying over bandwidth Solution, embed pilot symbols at regular intervals in the symbol
Used closest pilot Interpolate


From IEEE Std 802.16-2004

Peak-to-Average Power Ratio

O tp t P er u u ow (d m B )

Sum of large number of (somewhat) independent subcarriers leads to signal distribution that is somewhat Gaussian Implications
0 -1

P B,out 1d


Fu nd am en tal
1 1

N oise Floor P B,in 1d In u P er (d m p t ow B )


long tails for amplitude distribution PAPR CDF for Varying # Subcarriers Possibly large ratios of peak-topower ratios



Long tails can drive amplifiers into nonlinear region

Introduces harmonics and significant out-of-band spectral energy




(a )N=16 (b) N=32 (c) N=64 (d) N=128 (e) N=256 (f) N=1024



(b) (c)



(d) (e)






8 PAPR[dB]





Solution Techniques
Spectral Effects of Windowing and Clipping

Eliminate signals above a certain level or ratio

Peak windowing
Filter peaks

Linear block code

Select only those codewords with small PAPR Can also provide error correction
Peak Cancellation, Clipping, PAPR = 4dB

Peak Cancellation
Subtract signals from high peaks Need to be similar bandwidth to limit out-of-band interfernce

Symbol Scrambling

Adaptive Modulation
Different subcarriers experience different flat fades Means different SINR Adapting modulation scheme of each subcarrier to its SINR allows the system to approach Shannon capacity
J. Andrews, A. Ghosh, R. Muhamed, Fundamentals of WiMAX, Prentice Hall, 2007



Bc B

Multiple user access with OFDM Lots of flexibility possible when splitting up OFDM symbols and frames
Assign different subcarriers to different users Assign different time slots to different users Vary modulation and coding Vary powers More options available with antenna arrays
J. Andrews, A. Ghosh, R. Muhamed, Fundamentals of WiMAX, Prentice Hall, 2007

Allocation algorithms
Maximum Sum Rate Proportional fairness Proportional rates constraints

OFDM Summary
OFDM overcomes even severe intersymbol interference through the use of the IFFT and a cyclic prefix. Limiting factor is frequency offset
Correctable via simple algorithm when preambles used

Two key details of OFDM implementation are synchronization and management of the peak-toaverage ratio. OFDMA provides a lot of flexibility to a systems resource allocation
Permits exploitation of multi-user diversity

Antenna Array Algorithms and MIMO

Antenna Array Principles

Fading Envelopes [dB]

The use of multiple antennas provide two forms of diversity: Diversity gain
Exploit multiple independent channels created by multipath diversity Works with uncorrelated antennas

10 5 0 -5

Array gain
Coherently combine energy from antennas Works even with perfectly correlated antennas as received SNR increases linearly with the number of receive antennas

-10 0


400 600 Samples



Adding additional transceiver chains is expensive (SWAP and cost), but can provide tremendous (though competing) gains
Increase the system reliability (decrease the bit or packet error rate) Increase the achievable data rate and hence system capacity Increase the coverage area Decrease the required transmit power

Receive Diversity
Oldest and simplest diversity technique Receiver leverages independence of fades on antennas
Selection Combining (SC)
Choose antenna with maximum SINR Lowest complexity Selection Diversity

Comparator Preset Threshold Short-Term Average


Average SNR Improvements


Equal Gain Combining (EGC) Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC)

Weight signals by SINR Best performance (system SINR is sum of antenna SINRs) SNR (dB) Phase align and sum signals across antennas




Open Loop Transmit Diversity (1/2)

Transmitter sends multiple signals (possibly copies)
These interfere at the receiver, but if coded properly, the receiver can recover the signal h1

TX Encoder


RX Decoder

Simplest implementation is orthogonal space time block codes or Alamouti codes1

Receiver Alamouti Operation

Assumes flat constant channel over two symbol periods (may not be true for high mobility) Requires channel knowledge at receiver No change in rate required

Output SNR 2x1 Alamouti

1. S. M. Alamouti, A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless communications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 16 pp.14511458, Oct 1998

Open Loop Transmit Diversity (2/2)

A 4x2 Stacked Alamouti System

2x2 STBC (same transmit encoder) SINR

Note number of h terms maximized when Nt = Nr for a fixed number of antennas Also full-diversity, orthogonal STBCs exist only for certain combinations of Nt and Nr.

J. Andrews, A. Ghosh, R. Muhamed, Fundamentals of WiMAX, Prentice Hall, 2007

Comparison of STBC and MRC

Can also use space-time trellis codes for added 1-2 dB, but those have exponential complexity order

Space-Time Trellis Coding

Convolutional code applied to space and time domain Each antenna output is mapped into modulation symbol Maximum likelihood sequence estimator ( Viterbi algorithm)
Example) Delay Diversity (by Wittneben [4]) Encoder structure for two antennas
Modular-4 addition g11 (u1,u2) g12 Output to ANT1 g21 g31 g41

Generator matrix form

[a1 a2 a3 a4]
a1 a2
g22 g32



QPSK mapping
Output to ANT2

Closed Loop Systems

Transmit selection diversity
Antenna(s) chosen which maximizes SINR Equivalent to receiver selection diversity Not as good as beamforming Little bandwidth required Makes most sense in in deployments with small bandwidths and small delay spreads (low range) Feedback channel state information to transmit encoder Transmit encoder then attempts to fine encoding matrix which maximizes SNR at the receiver Higher SNR than STBC

Linear diversity precoding

Typically use some sort of codebook to reduce feedback bandwidth

Beamforming Systems
Narrowband adaptive array or linear combiner
x1(t) x2(t) w1

. . .



150 180 210 240

90 1.5 60 1 0.5 30 0




The weight vector is adjusted to improve the reception of some desired signal
Angle of arrival
MUSIC, ESPRIT No physical interpretation, but useful in multipath environment Minimize some cost function

desired 330 signal

270 300


Useful for interference rejection, multipath fading mitigation, and increased antenna gain

Adaptive Beamforming
Narrowband beamforming is equivalent to spatial filtering
By choosing appropriate sensor coefficients, it is possible to steer the beam in the desired direction By varying the sensor coefficients (spatial filter taps) adaptively, the interference is reduced

Wideband beamforming requires joint space-time processing

Phase shift at the antennas is frequency dependent

Frequency-dependent response is required (filter)

Common algorithms
Maximum Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (MSINR) Minimum Mean Squared Error Least Mean Squares Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) Recursive Least Squares Similar to linear precoding, but may account for interferers

Performance Comparison
MRT refers to maximum ratio transmission
the choice of antenna weights that maximize received SNR
3 dB

With optimal eigenbeamformer, canceling an interferer is equivalent to dropping an antenna element

Modified from: J. Andrews, A. Ghosh, R. Muhamed, Fundamentals of WiMAX, Prentice Hall, 2007

Spatial Multiplexing
In rich scattering environments, independent data signals transmitted from different antennas can be uniquely decoded to yield an increase in channel capacity
x1 Source Modulation & Coding h11

. . .

hN1 h1M hNM Channel

. . .

y1 Demodulation & Decoding Sink



Spatial Multiplexing Techniques

Open loop (Unknown channel)
Maximum likelihood
Little gain, except at low SNR

Closed loop (known channel)

Singular Value Decomposition
Computationally complex Capacity (assuming waterfilling)

Evaluates pseudo-inverse of H Can dramatically increase noise power

Minimizes distortion Like Zero-forcing at high SNR, but without the instability at low SNR For large SNR, capacity grows linearly with rank of H, approximately min{Nt, Nr} information capacity, error probability detection MSE received SNR

Layers & codes transmissions across antennas Effectively linear receiver with successive interference cancellation Receiver iterates through transmission streams using MMSE or ZF Works better in lab than real-world due to high SNR requirement

Approximations guided by

Can tradeoff multiplexing for diversity

Relative Capacity as function of Antenna Array Technique

19 BS, 3 sectors, spaced 2.8 km, mix of users Proportional Fair scheduling

Source: WiMAX Forum

Correlation/Coupling Effects
Spacing between antennas influence correlation and coupling Multipath components can act like interference for beamforming which reduces antenna gain
4x4, SNR = 20 dB, 30 AS Beamforming BER

[Ref. D. Figueiredo, WPMC04]

Diversity vs. Beamforming

Diversity Combining Combine signals from different antenna elements using various algorithms Signal from each element is processed separately Signals have to be uncorrelated for maximum performance Mitigates fading Increases gain Can improve polarization match No interference rejection capabilities

Adaptive beamforming Focus the antennas gain in the direction of the desired signal
Achieved by manipulating the weights associated with each element

Antenna elements have to be separated by /2 to attain a certain phase difference in the signals
Signals are correlated

All advantages of diversity combining Has interference rejection capabilities

Typically > 20 dB

MIMO Summary
Spatial diversity offers incredible improvements in reliability, comparable to increasing the transmit power by a factor of 10100. These diversity gains can be attained with multiple receive antennas, multiple transmit antennas, or a combination of both. Beamforming techniques are an alternative to directly increase the desired signal energy while suppressing, or nulling, interfering signals. In contrast to diversity and beamforming, spatial multiplexing allows multiple data streams to be simultaneously transmitted using sophisticated signal processing. Since multiple-antenna techniques require channel knowledge, the MIMO-OFDM channel can be estimated, and this channel knowledge can be relayed to the transmitter for even larger gains. It is possible to switch between diversity and multiplexing modes to find a desirable reliability-throughput operating point; multiuser MIMO strategies can be harnessed to transmit to multiple users simultaneously over parallel spatial channels.

J. Andrews, A. Ghosh, R. Muhamed, Fundamentals of WiMAX, Prentice Hall, 2007

Presentation Overview
Theory (32) OFDM and Antenna Array Theory Emerging Standards (24) Cellular and WiMAX (16) WLAN (10) WPAN (11) Cognitive Standards ( 7) Interoperability Standards ( 6) Summary and Trends Break & Poster Session 2:45-3:30 ternet-big.jpg

Cellular and WiMAX


Cellular Overview
Two primary competing approaches to 3G
3GPP Family

3GPP Declared IP

Promotional Standards 3GPP2 Family CDMAOne (IS-95a,b), 1xRTT, 1xEVDO, 1xEVDV, UMB Promotional Standards One vision
Voice + high speed data + mobility

3GPP2 Declared IP

One dominant IP holder (Qualcomm)

New Entrant
Mobile WiMAX and WiMAX II (802.16m) Standard Promotional Lower cost IP
350 companies own essential IP
Source: 3G Cellular Standards and Patents, David J. Goodman and Robert A. Meyers

GSM Dominates the Landscape

3GPP (GSM/WCDMA) has most of the market (77% in 2005, 83% in 2006, 86.6% in 2008)
Most of that lead is in GSM

3GPP2 (cdma2000) got a massive jump on 3GPP

418/431 million of CDMA is 3G ( 3GPP2 = 11.4%, 3GPP = 5.6%

WiMAX just cranking up but will be deploying years ahead of LTE

3GPP Technologies
Generic Access Network (UMA)
Supports handoffs between GSM networks and 802.11 or Bluetooth networks Enables easier handoffs between different 3GPP networks

High Speed Downlink Packet Access W-CDMA downlink

8-10 Mbps (and 20 Mbps for MIMO systems) over a 5MHz bandwidth

Packet Switched Handoffs

Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Services

Simultaneous broadcast of data streams to multiple recipients

Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC), MIMO (Release 6) Hybrid ARQ All IP core network
(Release 4) Originally ATM

High Speed Uplink Packet Access (Enhanced UpLink)

Similar technologies to HSDPA on uplink AT&T in 350 markets 0 Loosely coincides with launch of 3G iPhone

Table from:

3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE)

E-UTRA Air Interface
Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Downlink: Adaptive multilink OFDM (AMLOFDM), which means different bandwidths based on demand
Variable prefix size
4.7 ms to 16.7 ms Intent to support up to 120 km cells

Approximate Deployment Schedule

Called High Speed OFDM Packet Access or HSOPA Solutions/Service Providers/Wireless Operators/LTE/_Document/6993_MotDoc.pdf

Uplink: SC-FDMA (more later) DL 100 Mbps in 20 MHz (5 bps/Hz) UL 50 Mbps in 20 MHZ (2.5 bps/Hz) Reduced transition time between states (such as between idle and active states) Variable bandwidth allocations: 1.25 MHz, 1.6 MHz, 2.5 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz and 20 MHz in both the uplink and downlink At least 200 users/cell Load sharing/policy across radio access technologies Support for antenna arrays
Beamforming, MIMO

All IP Core Network

Space Division Multiple Access

More LTE Details

Frame Structure y Solutions/Service Providers/Wireless Operators/LTE/_Document/6993_MotDoc.pdf

Applies frequency domain equalization to single-carrier system Like spread-OFDM Transmits serially (single-carrier) Better PAPR (single carrier) Less sensitivity to carrier offset Similar complexity for just equalization
But extra steps to effect SC-FDMA

Subframes 0,5 must be DL Otherwise arbitrary TDD structure

Other Features
Interference Mitigation Extensions

Better battery life Possibly worse performance in fading channels Solutions/Service Providers/Wireless Operators/LTE/_Document/6993_MotDoc.pdf

Time Division Synchronous CDMA
Synchronized uplink channels aided by joint detection Chinas 3G technology
3 P GP
L RT D C D 4 R L RT D C D 5 R L RT D C D ( 6 R) L RT D C D ( 7 R) M- D A CC M TD D L ET D T D OD A FM TD D

Core network is almost the same as WCDMA

Requires mature 2G (GSM) network for implementation


T - CM DS D A S g III ta e 6 7 R /R T - CM DS D A S g I ta e 42 0 /0 R 03 3 T - CM DS D A S g II ta e 5 R

NFe u n y r qec B n sC ll ad e


Part of the 3GPP (3rd Generation Planning Partnership Project) Multiple chip rates
LCR: 1.28 Mcps, 1.6 MHz BW HCR: 3.84 Mcps, 5 MHz BW

Mlti- ar r u c r ie

C r e t s tu ur n ta s

S ot T r E o tio h r em v lu n
20 05 20 07

L n T r E o tio o g em v lu n

ZTE Corporation, 3GPP Specification Evolution

TDD link
Does not use paired frequency bands
Optimum for symmetric and asymmetric data services

TD-SCDMA Multiple Access Options

1.6 MHz bandwidth allows flexibly spectrum allocation

Partially motivated by avoiding paying Qualcomm royalties B. Li, D. Xie, S.Cheng, J. Chen, P. Zhang,
W.Zhu, B. Li; Recent advances on TDSCDMA in China, IEEE Comm. Mag, vol 43, pp 30-37, Jan 2005

Significant Issues Deploying

Standardized in 1999 Was going to roll out in 2004 t_news/OEG20030102S0009

However, China has made it a point of national pride to have the network running for the 2008 Olympics Is already being tested in 10 cities (includes the Olympic cities) but nationwide licenses may not even be issued by the Olympics sp?pp_cat=1&art_id=54099&sid=15557306&c on_type=1

Then 2005 004-06/23/content_341749.htm

Then 2006 0286/0286-9623636.html

Then 2007 y/China-Mobile-to-launch-3G-mobileservicesend2007/2007/02/12/1171128898337.html

First commercial trials supposed to begin April 1, 2008

First public demos in May went badly e/146128/china_shows_off_olympic_techsort _of.html

Now will reportedly issues licenses in 2008

Delays make Chinese state-owned service providers unhappy

Grumblings about forgoing TD-SCDMA from ChinaMobile (primary deployer) 006/01/31/afx2489964.html

China wont allow 3G or WiMAX until TD-SCDMA takes off Developed a bad reputation og/SiHu/C520534961/E20060302210839/i ndex.html Unnamed China Mobile engineer you GIVE me a TD-SCDMA network, and I wouldn't take it."

Older 3GPP2 Technologies

cdma2000 1xRTT
Packet-switched (always on) Maximum of 144kbps
Typical 40-60 kbps

Wide deployment
Verizon, Sprint, Kindle best known

Higher modulation uplink Multi-user packets (time-slots) Lower Latency Couple new data rates downlink (changed code rate)

2G / 3G

CDMA EVolution Data Only
Designed to support only data applications

Also known as:



Can offer data rates of 384kbps - 2.4Mbps

Does not mix voice traffic with data traffic Changes modulation, # timeslots

Verizon EVDO-Rev A Coverage Map

EVDV (Voice + Data)

Dead on arrival _dead/index.html Qualcomm halted work on the standard in 2005 +to+adopt+Internet+calling/2100-7352_35618191.html Slow to field

EVDO Rev B (TIA-856 RevB)

Adds Multiple carriers 2xEVDO, 3xEVDO, Up to 15 1.25 MHz carriers within 20 MHz Adds support for 64-QAM modulation DL 73.5 Mbps UL 27 Mbps Dynamic non-contiguous carrier allocation Support for single carrier and multiple carrier subscribers Standardized 2006 Trials mid-2007 Software upgrade (at BTS) to Rev A Commercial deployments?
No major announcements


Spec published Sep 24, 2007

3GPP2 (UMB) beats 3GPP to market again Chipsets available nowish

Data rates, mobile with 20 MHz bandwidth

DL: 288 Mbps UL: 75 Mbps

Key technologies
OFDMA, MIMO, beamforming Flexible spectrum allocation
Enhanced QoS Support for multiple access technologies

Reduced latency

Likely killed when Verizon went with LTE 6891

Dead on Arrival

Qualcomm differs (ineffectually)

Alltel didnt even say they had considered it (WiMAX vs LTE chose LTE)

802.16 Family (WiMAX)

802.16 802.16a 802.16c 802.16d 802.16e 802.16f LOS 10-66 GHz 2-11 GHz 2-11 GHz Combined 802.16,a,c Mobile WiMAX Net Management Database (MIB) 802.16g Spring 2007 Network management plane 802.16h 2009 License-exempt Coexistence 802.16i Fall 2008 Mobile Management Information Base 802.16j 2009 Mobile Multihop Relay 802.16k Aug 2007 Network Management 802.16m 2010 4G Apr 2002 Apr 2003 Jan 2003 Oct 2004 Dec 2005 Dec 2005

Commercialization Roadmap

WiMAX Forum (2006): Mobile WiMAX Part I: A Technical Overview and Performance Evaluation. Available at

Projections based on data at

802.16e (Mobile WiMAX, 802.162005)

Ideally, 802.16 + mobility
Really intended for nomadic or low mobility Not backwards compatible with 802.162004 sp?doc_id=76862

PHY Spec Overview

Direct competitor to 3G, 4G, 802.20 though WiMAX Forum once said otherwise Numerous ongoing deployments and working systems, particularly for WiBRO PHY
Scalable OFDM + Optional MIMO Convolutional turbo codes Optional block turbo codes, LDPC
WiMAX Forum (2006): Mobile WiMAX Part I: A Technical Overview and Performance Evaluation. Available at

Other Mobile WiMAX Features

Frame-by-frame resource allocation Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ) UL and DL Scheduling Variable QoS Three handoff methods
A traditional Hard Handoff (HHO) Fast Base Station Switching (FBSS) A list of reachable base stations is maintained by mobile and base stations, but base stations discard packets if not the active BS Macro Diversity (MDHO) Same list is maintained, but all base stations in the list can participate in the reception and transmission of packets.

AES for traffic and control data EAP Privacy and Key Management Protocol Version 2 (PKMv2) 3-way handshake on handoffs

IP Core Network (supports Voice Over IP) Multicast Broadcast Services

Like cellular multicast services

Defines a set of options for Mobile WiMAX for Korean deployment

WiMAX Spectrum
WiMAX Spectrum Alliances Regulatory Database
AT4 Wireless Launched November 2006 emo/

WiMAX Global Roaming Alliance

Brought together unlicensed providers to promote global roaming Now defunct Will probably come back in some form wimax_roaming_alliance/ WF_Day_in_a_Life_with_WiMAX_Final.pdf

WiMAX Spectrum Owners' Alliance Promotes roaming agreements Participants: Unwired Australia, Network Plus Mauritius, UK Broadband, Irish Broadband, Austar Australia/Liberty Group, Telecom New Zealand, WiMAX Telecom Group, Enertel and Woosh Telecom

Recent reports of interference with with C-Band VSAT ldTestReport.pdf

Officially declared 3G so 3G spectrum

700 MHz band h13917183935.html?cntwelcome=1

Mobile WiMAX Deployments

First Mobile WiMAX products certified April 2008
2.3 GHz, 4 base, 4 subscriber POSDATA, Runcom Technologies Ltd, Samsung Electronics Co., LTD and Sequans Communications http://www.wimaxforum .org/news/pr/view?item _key=59390fb727bfa1 5b5b8d11bf9341b2b11 76099f8
802.16d + 802.16e + WiBRO

Success appears tied to Sprint-Nextel / Clearwire effort

Clearwire Coverage Fixed WiMAX based wireline replacement service to home + portability within coverage area 2 Mbps data + voice

Merged Company http://www.clearwireconnections .com/pr/pressreleases/050708.p df Clearwire + Sprint WiMAX unit

Called Clearwire

$3.2 Billion from Google (500 M), Comcast (1.05B), Time-Warner (550M), Bright House (100M), Trilogy Equity (10M) Sprint owns 51% Clearwire owns 27% Investors own 22%

Mobile WiMAX Rapid deployment to major cities
10,000 sites in preparation 1750 base stations delivered in 2007, 20,000 antennas

Nationwide focus
120-140 million coverage by 2010

Commercial agreements
Intel will put WiMAX in chipsets
Had been planning on that

Incorporated into numerous devices (cameras and televisions) Open Network (support Android)
Federal government connectivity via WiMAX

Google services to be carried (and search provider) Support Android Sprint, Comcast, TimeWarner, and Bright House will be wholesale Sprint contributes its 2.5 GHz holdings

Korean version of 802.16e

Phase 1 standardized by TTA of Korea (2004) Phase 2 standardized in 2005

2.3 GHz (100 MHz) Samsung joined WiMAX Forum Dec 2004 May indicate Samsungs guess on 4G direction KT & SK Telecom launched June 30, 2006 in Seoul ge=1&no=397&gubun=1 KT well ahead of SK

Korean spectrum allocated 2002

Harmonization 802.16e/WiBro agreed Nov 2004

Plans for Nationwide Korean deployment

How does WiBRO relate to 802.16e?

WiMAX Forum: ( kgrounder.pdf)
WiBro is the service name for Mobile WiMAX in Korea. WiBro uses the Mobile WiMAX System Profile. The system profile contains a comprehensive list of features that the equipment is required or allowed to support, and, as a result, WiBro offers the same capabilities and features of Mobile WiMAX. Its Mobile WiMAX, just with a different profile (frequency, bandwidth)

Vendors: WiBRO is compatible with 802.16e, but theres more to Mobile WiMAX than just 802.16e compatibility and many choices in WiBRO are different from what is mandatory in 802.16e
From (

Some more important differences from Nortel white paper

Mandatory Handoff
802.16e = HHO WiBRO = FBSS

80.16e = Chase combine HARQ WiBRO = Incremental redundancy HARQ

Likely (though unclear) network layer differences

802.16j Mobile Multi-hop Relay

Expand coverage, capacity by adding relay stations Intended for licensed operation Not intended as a mesh network
Actually a tree

Relays controlled from base stations Fixed Relay

Permanent installation Useful for coverage holes

Support mobile units

Nomadic Relay
Temporary fixed installation Extra capacity for special events (military SDR conferences)

Mobile Relay
Placed on mobile platform to support users on the platform Useful for public transport (buses, trains)

Modified from Fig 1 in IEEE 802.16mmr-05/032

IEEE 802.20
Fill performance gap between high data-rate, low mobility 802 standards and high mobility cellular networks From QTDD/QFDD Proposal OFDMA data channel CDMA control channel Bandwidths
5 MHz 20 MHz

802.20 Shenanigans Allegations of process abuse brought to a screeching halt when standard suspended in September Project Launched 2004 Looked to be dead in the water
Flarion leading proposal Qualcomm leading vote holder

Single, multiple code word Pseudo- Eigen beamforming

Space Division Multiple Access

Separate mode from MIMO

Turned around when Qualcomm bought Flarion (Aug 05) me=News&file=article&sid=4532

Data Rate 260 Mbps

MIMO, 20 MHz

Went to proposal downselection process

Qualcomm (Flarion) TDD, FDD ETRI BEST-WINE (Kyocera)

Turbo coding Time-frequency hopping Supposed to support inter Radio Access Technology handoffs Similar to UMB
UMB is effectively an upgrade to MBFDD version IEEE C802.20-07/14 Likely same fate (contributions way down)

Reapproved in Dec 06 First meeting Jan 2007

4G (IMT-Advanced)

Wireless community already looking towards 4G Requirements being formalized

1 Gbps fixed 100 Mbps mobile (end-to-end) Support for heterogeneous nets Global roaming

Several candidates already emerging

LTE-Advanced 802.16m NTT DoCoMos 5 Gbps prototype 0070209_attachment02.pdf
3G Americas, Defining 4G: Understanding the ITU Process for the Next Generation of Wireless Technology, July 2007 Available online:

Chinas home grown standard ds/afx/2007/09/25/afx4151478.html

Common techniques
OFDMA, MIMO, small cell sizes optimized for low speed, but support for high speed, IP backbone

Requirements TGm System Requirements Document 6m-07_002r4.pdf 6m-07_003.pdf Minimum Peak Rate
Downlink 6.5 bps/Hz Uplink 2.8 bps/Hz

Latency less than 802.16e Radio Resource Management

Reporting, interference management Multicast broadcast service High-resolution location determination

Key functionalities to be added (not defined yet)

Routing Self Organization Multi-Carrier Multi-Radio Coexistence

Internetworking with:
802.11 3GPP, 3GPP2

Coverage optimized for 5 km, functional to 30-100 km Optimized for low mobility (<15kph), maintain connection up to 350 kph Optimized for contiguous spectrum but support discontiguous Reuse/share bandwidth with legacy systems Direct migration from 802.16e

IEEE C802.16m-07/002r1

Cellular Summary
Lots of decisions appear motivated by politics and IP costs UMB, 802.20 likely dead for different though related reasons Likely competing standards are LTE and WiMAX
Very similar technologies though General trend of adopting successful technologies

Success of Mobile WiMAX highly contingent on success of new ClearWire entity

Well funded If successful, will change cellular business models
Applications finally driving networks (iPhone, Kindle)

LTE is very slow out of the gate

3GPP still has not caught up with 3GPP2 Will LTE be the same?

4G a ways out, but preparation is underway

Presentation Overview
Theory (32) OFDM and Antenna Array Theory Emerging Standards (24) Cellular and WiMAX (16) WLAN (10) WPAN (11) Cognitive Standards ( 7) Interoperability Standards ( 6) Summary and Trends Break & Poster Session 2:45-3:30 ternet-big.jpg

Wireless LANs

802.11 Alphabet Soup

Jun Sep Sep Oct Jun Jun Oct Jun Oct Sep May May Jun Sep Sep Dec Sep Dec Dec Mar May May 1997 1999 1999 2001 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 802.11 802.11a 802.11b 802.11d 802.11f 802.11g 802.11h 802.11i 802.11j 802.11e 802.11k 802.11r 802.11y 802.11n 802.11w 802.11p 802.11z 802.11v 802.11t 802.11u 802.11s 802.11aa 2 Mbps ISM 54 Mbps UNII 11 Mbps ISM global roaming interoperability 54 Mbps ISM spectrum management security Japanese spectrum real time QoS RRM measurements fast roaming US 3.65 GHz 100 Mbps packet security vehicular (5.9) Direct Link Setup network management Testing external networks mesh networks Video Transport Streams

Past dates are standards approval dates. Future dates from 802.11 working group timelines Letters are working group (WG) designations. Letters assigned alphabetically as groups created. No WG/ WG document 802.11c MAC Bridging work incorporated into 802.1d 802.11l typologically unsound 802.11m doc maintenance 802.11o typologically unsound 802.11q too close to 802.1q 802.11x generic 802.11 standard 802.11t (test) will produce 802.11.2

WiFi Alliance
Industrial consortium that promotes 802.11

Millions of WiFi Chipset Shipped

Certifies interoperability between vendors products Certifies consistency with standards Fills in the gap when 802.11 standards process is too slow (draft n) WiFi success owes significant debt to WiFi Alliance Line between 802.11 standards community and WiFi Alliance has gotten very blurry Certifications
802.11a/b/g/n WiFi 802.11e Wireless Multimedia Draft 2.0 n
Wi-Fi Alliance, Introducing Wi-Fi Protected Setup, January 3, 2007

Distributed Coordination Function (DCF)

Intended to combat hidden nodes in an uncoordinated network and generate fair access to channel Basic components:
After waiting DIFS after last detected transmission, source sends Request to Send (RTS) Destination replies with Clear to Send (if OK) Data is then transferred and ACKed If an error occurs (e.g., collision), then station has to wait for DIFS + random backoff.
Random backoff grows with # of collisions

Network allocation vector

Acts as virtual carrier sense Duration given in RTS/CTS fields

DIFS = DCF Interframe Space SIFS = Short Interframe Space

802.11 overhead
Significant overhead involved in 802.11
RTS/CTS/ACK SIFS TCP, IP, MAC framing Real throughput is rarely come close to PHY raw rate

802.11n overview
Adds MIMO to WLAN OFDM Operate in either UNII or ISM bands Status:
In Ballot But held up by IP battles 0924-dark-australian-patent-cloud-loomsover-802-11n-spec.html CSIRO ( holds some key IP, hadnt signed letter of assurance, has history of WiFi lawsuits and sought injunctions
Got bought off

Streaming Home Multimedia (HDTV)

Last freely available draft

Enhanced Wireless Consortium (merger of TGnSync and WWiSE) http://www.enhancedwirelessconsortiu f (PHY) http://www.enhancedwirelessconsortiu f (MAC)

802.11n PHY (in 1 slide)

MIMO evolution of 802.11 OFDM PHY
Up to 4 antennas per device

20 and 40MHz channels

Fully interoperable with legacy 802.11a/b/g 288 Mbps in 20MHz and 600 Mbps in 40MHz (64 QAM, 4 spatial streams, 1/2 guard interval) Claim of 100 Mbps in real throughput

Optional enhancements
Transmit beamforming with negligible overhead at the client Advanced channel coding techniques (RS) Space Time Block Coding (Alamouti and others) 1/2 guard interval (i.e., 400ns instead of 800 ns) 7/8 rate coding

802.11n MAC Features

Supports 802.11e (QoS) Frame aggregation
Single and multiple destinations

Bi-directional data flow Link adaptation with explicit feedback and control of channel sounding packets Protection mechanisms
For seamless interoperability and coexistence with legacy devices

Channel management
Including management of 20/40MHz operating modes Channel estimation and feedback
Broadcom, 802.11n: Next-Generation Wireless LAN Technology, White Paper, April 06

Power management for MIMO receivers Data aggregation

802.11n Certification
Wi-Fi Alliance
Certifying to Draft 2.0 while draft is approved Certify to Ratified Standard when available 22 August 2007 Almost 70 products certified for compliance with Draft 2.0 of the 802.11n .php/3578886
Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 802.11n draft 2.0: Longer-Range, Faster-Throughput, Multimedia-Grade Wi-Fi Networks

Key Certification Features

802.11p Operation
Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)
Started in IEEE 1609, spun into 802.11p Aka (WAVE) Wireless Access for Vehicular Environment

IEEE 802.11a adjusted for low overhead operations

54 Mbps, <50 ms latency 5.850 to 5.925GHz band

Spectrum divided into 7 bands

178 is control (safety) 2 edge channels are reserved for future The rest are service channels (not application specific)

Mix of roadside-to-vehicle and vehicleto-vehicle communications Questions on business model s_releases/index.html

D. Jiang, V. Taliwal, A. Meier, W. Holfelder, R. Herrtwich, Design of 5.9 ghz dsrc-based vehicular safety communication, IEEE Wireless Comm, Oct 06, pp. 36-43

802.11p Applications
Emergency warning system for vehicles Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Cooperative Forward Collision Warning Intersection collision avoidance Approaching emergency vehicle warning (Blue Waves) Vehicle safety inspection Transit or emergency vehicle signal priority Electronic parking payments Commercial vehicle clearance and safety inspections In-vehicle signing Rollover warning Probe data collection Highway-rail intersection warning
I - e ic nVh le Dp y ad is la s n An n ia n n u c tio s


N te1 T eO U th v h ler c g iz gth the t o : h B in e e ic e o n in e r a tr n m aW R IN a dC L IS N R P R T N a s its A N G n O L IO P E A A IO M S A Ew th lo a na de so th the t v h le E S G ith e c tio d r s f e r a e ic .

N te2 Olyth O U th the te in v h lepo e s s o : n e B in e r a n g e ic r c s e th ms a eb c u eo lyit mtc e th the t a de s e es g ea s n a hs e r a dr s.

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

N te3 C L IS N R P R T N c d ss a b lt o : O L IO P E A A IO in lu e e t e t he in , s ea b gd p y e t s eb me ig t n g id ir a e lo mn, id u p r e p n io , ec xas n t . Rd rT r a I e tif a n a a he t d n ic tio

u to1 0 p 0 m 3 8f ( 2 t)

CrN TSo p g a O t p in Taf S n l r f ic ig a Taf S n l r f ic ig a O U o Cn o C B s n o tr l h

From: IEEE 802.11- 04/ 0121r0 Available: 0Information%20for%205.9%20GHz%20061404.p df

802.11r overview
Fast BSS Roaming/Transition within IEEE WLAN networks
Preserve security with handovers <50ms

Fast BSS Roaming is possible only within a certain area called the mobility domain (MD), inter-MD cases are not covered
Mobility Domain (MD): Set of BSS grouped together with the same 48bit MD Identifier FT functionality seeks to provide handover performance for RT services

Key Issues
Resource Reservations Security

Collapsed 5 step process down to 3

Scanning active or passive for other APs in the area Authentication with a (one or more) target AP Re-association to establish connection at target AP

Released 2008

http://www.cs.tut. fi/kurssit/TLT6556/Slides/Lect ure4.pdf

Reduction in Roaming Time

S. Bangolae, C. Bell, E.Qi, Performance study of fast BSS transition using IEEE 802.11r, International Conference On Communications And Mobile Computing, 2006 tb.jhtml;jsessionid=0CK4ZKR20HC5QQSNDLPCKHSCJU NN2JVN

Modify 802.11 MAC to create dynamic self-configuring network of access points (AP) called and Extended Service Set (ESS) Mesh Automatic topology learning, dynamic path selection Single administrator for 802.11i (authentication) Support up to 32 AP Support higher layer connections Allow alternate path selection metrics Extend network merely by introducing access point and configuring SSID

IP or Ethernet

Key Technologies
Topology Formation Internetworking Routing Security

Open 802.11s (Linux)

Numerous WiFi mesh products 574-06/ftp/j_jmesh/sld019.htm
Deployment Scenarios
J. Hauser, D. Shyy, M. Green, MCTSSA 802.11s Military Usage Case

WLAN Summary
Significant overhead in baseline 802.11n slow to finalize standard
WiFi Alliance certifying to Draft 2.0

Most activities directed towards expanding markets

Better support for voice Vehicular networks Other spectrum opportunities
802.11j, 802.11h (later)

Mesh networks (802.11s) Interoperability with cellular (later)

Presentation Overview
Theory (32) OFDM and Antenna Array Theory Emerging Standards (24) Cellular and WiMAX (16) WLAN (10) WPAN (11) Cognitive Standards ( 7) Interoperability Standards ( 6) Summary and Trends Break & Poster Session 2:45-3:30 ternet-big.jpg

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Industry and Open Standards

802.15 Standards
802.15.1 802.15.2 802.15.3 802.15.3a 802.15.3b 802.15.3c 802.15.4 802.15.4a 802.15.4b 802.15.4c 802.15.4d 802.15.4e 802.15.5 802.15.6 IGThz SGRFID SGVLC April 2002 Oct 2003 Jun 2003 Bluetooth Coexistence High data rate UWB (high rate) Doc Maintenance mm-wave PHY zigbee (PHY/MAC) UWB (low rate) Updates 802.15.4 document Chinese WPAN PHY 950 MHz in Japan MAC for 802.15.4c WPAN Mesh Body Area Networks Terahertz interest group (300 GHz+) RFID Study Group Visible Light

Proprietary / Industry
Zigbee (on 802.15.4)
Zigbee Pro

May 2008 May 2003 March 2007 Sep 2006 Jan 2009 Mar 2009 Jan 2009?

802.15.3a disbanded Jan 2006 MBOA technologies became WiMedia High speed DS-UWB basically dead after Freescale pulled out

Bluetooth (originally) WiBree WiMedia Z-Wave En-Ocean Insteon Keer TransferJet

Emerging 802.15 Standards

802.15.4c (China)
779-787 MHz band Two PHY Modulations: MPSK PHY and OQPSK Considering OFDM, beamforming

802.15.4d (Japan) 802.15.5e

Enhanced MAC for Industrial applications Modified MAC for 802.15.4c changes


P3 N

M e s h

P2 N

Mesh networking

P1 N

IEEE P802.15.5/D0.01, July 2006

Terahertz study group

300 GHz -> 3 THz

TG6 Body Area Networks Just starting

Visible Light Interest Group


A pplication A PI Security
32- / 64- / 128-bit encryption

Custom er

the software Network, Security & Application layers Brand management the hardware Physical & Media Access Control layers 868MHz/915MHz, 2.4 GHz Band specific modulations 20-250 kbps CSMA-CA channel access Support for ad-hoc networks Network Scalability Fragmentation Frequency Agility Automated Device Address Management Group Addressing Centralized Data Collection Wireless Commissioning

ZigBee A lliance

IEEE 802.15.4

N etw ork
Star / M esh / Cluster-Tree


868M H z / 915M H z / 2.4G H z Silicon Stack A pp

IEEE 802.15.4


Zigbee Pro (Industrial grade)


Open source implementations


Meshnetics Open-MAC

Industry alliance from MBOA 802.15.3a Standardized for US in Dec 2005 in ECMA-368 and 369 ECMA used specifically to avoid 802 standardization problems

Multiband OFDM QPSK 53.3, 80, 106.7, 160, 200, 320, 400, 480 Mbps nominal data rates Range of 10 m indoor Data can be interleaved across 3 bands, 7 defined patterns (channels) Mandatory support for band group 1

Peer to Peer, Ad-hoc From Fig 28: AES 128 Support for Dynamic Channel Selection Ranging via propagation delay measurements Bluetooth-like information discovery

WiMedia Implementations
Primarily marketed as cable replacement Wireless USB out in Dec 2006
Hub-spoke model Mandatory support for band group 1 Mandatory rates of 53.3, 106.7, 200 Mbps Initial Belkin device didnt live up to the hype
Data rate of 6.35 Mbits/s Reportedly not to WiMedia spec showArticle.jhtml?articleID=1966021 48 Now certified ups/pop_download.asp?contentID=119 61
From: 6.ppt

Bluetooth 3.0 devices in 2008 ts/wireless/nextgenbluetooth-30-on-the-way179684.php

Wireless Firewire and IP also supported over WiMedia standard

Nokia sponsored initiative announced Oct 2006 Specification work is currently being evaluated, targeted for availability second quarter 2007 Trial chips probably available late 2007

Public data: (from (no more) and )

2.4 GHz ISM band Range 10 meters 1 Mbps data rate Targets low power/low cost market From;992123146;fp;4;fpid;18
Up to 8 devices Master/Slave Turns off frequency hopping Expects different technology to serve as backbone between masters Expects to share resources with full Bluetooth

Many reports mentioned WiBree as a competitor to Bluetooth

Brought into Bluetooth fold as low power alternative Bluetooth Low Energy Technology Now a competitor to Zigbee

Originally Zensys proprietary
Z-Wave Alliance

Industry standard Z-wave

Low power alternative to Zigbee PHY

9.6 kbps or 40 kbps GFSK 100 ft range

900 MHz ISM 97a

Other Proprietary Standards

TransferJet (Sony)
Features ss/200801/08-002E/index.html Electric induction field coupling 3 cm range 4.48 GHz center frequency 560 Mbps (Max) 375 Mbps (effective)
Adaptive modulation

Kleer Proprietary low power RF for audio / video

En-Ocean Best known as energy scavengers Runs a proprietary wireless mesh protocol

Touch & Get: transfer by touching devices together Some registration security

Mixes power line comm with RF comm Industry Alliance (15 manufacturers) Wireless Valley is a member

Demonstrated shortly after announced deo-sonys-transferjet-getsdemonstrated/

Open source

WPAN Summary
Greater reliance on industry standards than other classes of waveforms
Seems to work more smoothly Bluetooth, WiMedia, Z-wave

Bifurcation into low power devices (e.g., Zigbee, Wibree) and high-throughput devices Impulse UWB as a WPAN appears dead Heavy emphasis on mesh networks Possible trend to mix protocols at different mesh levels Possible later push by WiMAX (ClearWire / XOhm) into market

Presentation Overview
Theory (32) OFDM and Antenna Array Theory Emerging Standards (24) Cellular and WiMAX (16) WLAN (10) WPAN (11) Cognitive Standards ( 7) Interoperability Standards Break & Poster Session 2:45-3:30 ternet-big.jpg

Emerging Cognitive Standards

Cognitive Radio
An approach to wireless engineering wherein the radio, radio network, or wireless system is endowed with the capacities to:
acquire, classify, and organize information (aware) retain information (aware) apply logic and analysis to information (reason) make and implement choices (agency) about operational aspects of the radio, network, or wireless system in a manner consistent with a purposeful goal (intelligent).
Cognitive Radio Definitions and Nomenclature, Working Document SDRF-06-R-0009-V0.08

Wireless Regional Area Networks (WRAN)
First explicit cognitive radio standard Aimed at bringing broadband access in rural and remote areas Takes advantage of better propagation characteristics at VHF and low-UHF Takes advantage of unused TV channels that exist in these sparsely populated areas Still defining inter-cell coexistence Status (IEEE 802.22-06/0251r0) Resolving lots of comments Still developing

Enhanced interference protection

Best practices for deployment

Features of 802.22
Data Rates 5 Mbps 70 Mbps Point-to-multipoint TDD/FDD DFS, TPC Adaptive Modulation
QPSK, 16, 64-QAM, Spread QPSK 802.16 MAC plus the following
Multiple channel support Coexistence
Incumbents BS synchronization Dynamic resource sharing

OFDMA on uplink and downlink Use multiple contiguous TV channels when available Fractional channels (adapting around microphones) Space Time Block Codes Beam Forming
No feedback for TDD (assumes channel reciprocity)

Clustering support Signal detection/classification routines

Security based on 802.16e security Collaborative sensing Techniques in 802.22 will be extended to other standards and to other bands around the world

802.16-like ranging


Unlicensed White Space Devices

Detect and avoid Geolocate and avoid (perhaps helped by beacon)
Googles beacon white paper:

Allow unlicensed secondary users into unoccupied TV bands via DSA WiFi on Steroids Only thing really defined is proposed methods for avoidance

Wireless Innovation Alliance (basically the White Space Coalition) Key players
Microsoft, Google, Dell, Motorola, Phillips 1.5 hr discussion with Larry Page

Lots of objections from TV broadcasters and wireless microphone manufacturers / users Initial problems
Microsoft device broken DTV recovered signals Microsoft prototype didnt detect

Motorola device false negatives with strong adjacent channels

FCC continuing to review submitted devices

802.11h Unintentionally Cognitive

Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
Avoid radars
Listens and discontinues use of a channel if a radar is present

Uniform channel utilization

Transmit Power Control (TPC)

Interference reduction Range control Power consumption Savings Bounded by local regulatory conditions

Ports 802.11a to 3.65 GHz 3.7 GHz (US Only)
FCC opened up band in July 2005 Ready 2008

Intended to provide rural broadband access Incumbents

Band previously reserved for fixed satellite service (FSS) and radar installations including offshore Must protect 3650 MHz (radar) Not permitted within 80km of inband government radar Specialized requirements near Mexico/Canada and other incumbent users

Leverages other amendments

Adds 5,10 MHz channelization (802.11j) DFS for signaling for radar avoidance (802.11h)

Working to improve channel announcement signaling Database of existing devices

Access nodes register at Must check for existing devices at same site
Source: IEEE 802.11-06/0YYYr0


Draft1 to ballot Oct 06, 67% approve, resolving comments)

Draft 6 to ballot May 2008 Improved Coexistence Mechanisms for LicenseExempt Operation Explicitly, a cognitive radio standard Incorporates many of the hot topics in cognitive radio
Token based negotiation Interference avoidance Network collaboration RRM databases

Coexistence with non 802.16h systems

Regular quiet times for other systems to transmit
From: M. Goldhamer, Main concepts of IEEE P802.16h / D1, Document Number: IEEE C802.16h-06/121r1, November 13-16, 2006.

IEEE 1900
IEEE 1900 (aka Standards Coordinating Committee 41 Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks) 1900.1 Terminology and Concepts 1900.2 - Recommended Practice for Interference and Coexistence Analysis

1900.3 Conformance Evaluation for SDR modules 1900.4 Architectural Building Blocks
network resource managers device resource managers the information to be exchanged between the building blocks

1900.5 Policy Languages


Reduced cost via intelligent adaptation Greater node density Gains in throughput/scalability

WNaN Protocol Stack

Optimizing Topology


Leveraged programs
Control Based MANET low Network overhead protocols Microsystems Technology Office RFMEMS, Hermit, ASP MAC xG opportunistic use of spectrum Mobile Network MIMO - MIMO Physical Wideband Network Waveform Connectionless Networks rapid link acquisition Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTN) network layer protocols Legend

Other programs

WNaN program

Cognitive Radio Summary

Numerous new applications enabled
Opportunistic spectrum utilization, collaborative radio, link reliability, advanced network structures Commercial implementations starting to appear
802.22, 802.11h,y, 802.16h And may have been around for a while (cordless phones with DFS)

Standards tend to be highly focused

Work in specific bands

No real standard for white space coalition

Still trying to get blessing to operate in-band

DoD may emerge into commercial market in the near future Rolling out incrementally

Significant resistance from incumbents

Presentation Overview
Theory (32) OFDM and Antenna Array Theory Emerging Standards (24) Cellular and WiMAX (16) WLAN (10) WPAN (11) Cognitive Standards ( 7) Interoperability Standards ( 6) Summary and Trends Break & Poster Session 2:45-3:30 ternet-big.jpg

Interoperability Standards
802.21, UMA/GAN 802.11u Industry Standards

802.21 (Media Independent Handoffs)

Key Services
Triggers (state change, predictive, network initiated) Network Information (services, maps, list of avaialble networks) Handover commands (client or network initiated, vertical handoffs)

July 2008: Targeted publication 21-IEEE-Tutorial.ppt

V. Gupta, IEEE 802.21 MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER, IEEE 802.21 session #15 July 17, 2006

UMA allows to access the mobile voice and data services of the cellular network over a Wireless LAN Subscribers are enabled to roam and handover between cellular networks and wireless networks Mobile devices access the Core Network through Unlicensed Mobile Access Network (UMAN). UMAN has 3 major entities
Unlicensed wireless network IP access network UMA Network controller (UNC)
UNC authorizes and authenticates the Mobile devices for accessing the Core Network

Part of 3GPP now

Generic Access Network (GAN)


Addresses shortcomings in UMAs Voice Call Continuity (VCC) Status

Initiated within 3GPP in June 2005 2006 through requirements, has only fully completed the requirements stage 2008 being extended to IMS Service Continuity Joint control impossible


Different technologies agree to virtual channel

Some argue inferior to UMA

Some argue better than UMA

802.11u (Interworking with External Networks)

Standard out in 2010 Specifically addresses handoffs where user not preauthorized (generally because from another network) Major Topics
Network Selection Emergency Call support Authorization from Subscriber Network, Media Independent Handover Support
Supporting information and control messages of 802.21

Other Cellular + WiFi

Seamless Converged Communication Across Network (SCCAN)
Motorola, Proxim, Avaya Enterprise solutions

Mobile Integrated Go-to-Market Network IP Telephony Experience (Mobile IGNITE)

Vendor driven solution Alcatel, Cisco (International Packet Communications Consortium) Even for standard convergence type activities theres many different emerging standards. Need for special radios to navigate standards?


Wireless Wireline Convergence Working Group

Bottom line s/NL-01.gif

Interoperability Summary
Proliferation of standards + lack of silver bullet standard means that optimal access technology will vary Supporting growth in use of VoIP will make networks less dependent on particular access technologies Biggest issues are:
Getting industries to agree (Herding cats) Managing security across heterogeneous networks Harmonizing handoff routines

Rapid growth ?

Mobile voice traffic Fixed voice traffic VoIP traffic

-92 -93 -94 -95 -96 -97 -98 -99 -00 -01 -02 -03 -04 -05 -06 -07 -08 e e e e
Source: Nokia 13.6.2005 Technology used to terminate the call

802.21 is the standard that ties together the vertical handoff standards Heavy focus on WiFi + Cellular

Presentation Overview
Theory (32) OFDM and Antenna Array Theory Emerging Standards (24) Cellular and WiMAX (16) WLAN (10) WPAN (11) Cognitive Standards ( 7) Interoperability Standards ( 6) Summary and Trends Break & Poster Session 2:45-3:30 ternet-big.jpg

Summary and Future Trends

Convergence of Approaches
WiMAX becoming more like cellular, cellular becoming more like WiMAX Cellular like waveforms converging to mix of OFDMA + MIMO optimized for low speeds with small cell sizes

Source: WiMAX_and_ IMT_2000.pdf

Recognition of this convergence is leading to WiMAX being treated like a cellular technology
Sprints XOhm network (now ClearWire!) WiMAX classified as 3G

WiMAX out of the gate first

Nokia, Motorola, Samsung

Because 3G took so long to deploy, WiMAX will steal a march

Breeding Successful Technologies

Mobile WiMAX will be a MIMO standard, but so will LTE
Transition of technologies can significantly extend useful lifetime of deployments
Enhanced EDGE WCDMA + MIMO may steal LTEs market

802.11n predates mobile WiMAX

802.22 techniques opening up legacy spectrum for other standards

White Space Coalition 802.16m

Standards can expect to continue to evolve even post-deployment

Need for SDR

May make for smoother transition to 4G

Erik Dahlman, Hannes Ekstrm, Anders Furuskr, Ylva Jading, Jonas Karlsson, Magnus Lundevall, Stefan Parkvall, The 3G Long-Term Evolution Radio Interface Concepts and Performance Evaluation, VTC 06

Take Aways (1/2)

High data rate systems migrating to OFDM + Antenna Array Processing PHY
OFDM WiMedia, 802.11a,g, 802.16, 802.20, 802.22, UMB, LTE OFDM + MIMO 802.11n, 802.16e, 802.20, UMB, LTE

More responsive/adaptive resource management (early cognitive radio)

Multiple QoS levels 802.11e; 802.16e; 802.20; UMB, LTE, EVDO, Dynamic channel selection WiMedia; 802.11h,y; 802.16h; 802.22 Distributed sensing 802.22

Coexistence given increasing interest

Vertical handoffs 802.21, 802.11u Legacy systems 802.22, 802.11h,y, 802.16h

New bands opening up for old techs

802.15.4d, 802.11j,p,y

Take-Always (2/2)
Some spectral harmonization
5 GHz for WiMAX

China pushing own standards

802.15.4c, TD-SCDMA, TD-SOFDMA

Emergence of Advanced Networking

802.11s, 802.15.5, 802.16j

Increasing # of technologies
Legacy systems not quickly fading and large # of new ones

Convergence on AES for security

802.11i, WiMedia, Mobile WiMAX

Convergence on all IP Backbone

Mobile WiMAX, UMB, LTE

Useful Websites (News, Promotional, Forums, Standards)

3GPP Family


3GPP2 Family






Requirements and scenario definition, Available online: 2R_WP4_D4.1_040725.pdf

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