MTLBE Report. Pueblo JAD

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REPORTERS: Artuz, Jonesa Jay Pueblo, John Alfrey D. Sael, Chellamae A. Saleh, Shahina S. Quijano, Quinee T.



Objective Introduction Contents

Requirements for the accredition of water analysis

laboratories Minimum equipments for each service. Minimun required refference for laboratory. Synthesis Evaluation

After completion of this lesson our classmates will be able to: explain the importance of water testing laboratories. identify the standard laboratory procedures in the examination of drinking water. enumerate the requirements for accreditation of water analysis laboratories.

-PD 866 (Code of sanitation of Philippines)

-Examination of drinking water --Department of Health.

January 1968 (Ministry of Human Settlements and Ecology) -published a three-volume Philippine Standards Methods for Air and Water Analysis September 1978 (Ministry of Health) -issued a revised National Standards for Drinking Water

-assurance that accepted procedures available for determination of STANDARD -adherence to the procedures allows comparability of results of analysis within a single laboratory and between laboratories.

Water analysis laboratories maybe accredited for separate services like: Bacteriological Chemical Radiological Biological

Name, citizenship and domicile of the head of

the laboratory Municipality and where it is established Name of establishment Name, citizenship and domicile of owner Scope and nature of work, specifying procedures

Statement that applicant has complied with all business requirements

Tax clearance for proceeding year

sanitary engineer. In areas where there may not be a licensed sanitary engineer, licensed chemist medical technologist pharmacist


or supervise up to 3 water


technical aspect:
physical bacteriological, chemical,

biological and radiological examinations of


should be a registered: pharmacist, medical technologist, or chemist.

must have been trained and must

have at least 1 year experience.

may supervise not more than two

skilled workers.

Laboratory support personnel such as;

laboratory aides -are needed to clean glassware's, assist in the preparation of media.

Each service must therefore be operated by at least one registered professional, one laboratory aide.

Bacteriological service

-----handle at most 30 samples/day -----5 samples for routine chemistry.

Chemical service

Work rooms must be: house in a permanent building Well-ventilated correlate with the volume and type of work

A bench height of 90 cm provides convenience for workers adequate running water. Adequate physical provisions for the safety of the laboratory personnel must be provided.

Quality-to meet the levels of sensitivity, reliability and should only need minimum service repair. Increased workload Efficiency and effectively. Highest grade of quality media and reagent are to be used

A. bacteriological Analysis Service

B. biological Analysis Service C. Physical and Chemical Analysis Services

D. Radiologic Analysis Service

Multiple-tube fermentation technique

IMVIC test

Standard plate count

Fecal coliform test

Optional-test for fecal streptococcal group


Color Odor Ph value Specific conductance Taste Temperature Turbidity Total solids Hardness

Acidity Alkalinity Aluminum Arsenic Barium Cadmium Calcium free CO2 Chloride Chlorine (residual)

Chromium (hezavalent) Copper Cyanide Fluoride Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury

Nitrogen, ammonia Nitrogen nitrate Oil and grease Total organic carbon Oxygen, dissolved Oxygen, demand, biochem. Pesticides Phenols Phospahate

Potassium Residue Selenium Silica, dissolved Silver

Sodium Sulfate Sulfide Sulfite Surfactant zinc

Gross Alpha and Gross Beta Radioactivity

Total, suspended and dissolved

Total radioactive strontium in H2O

Strontium --- 90 in H2O Total Radium (Precipitation Technique) Radium ---- 266 by Radon (Soluble, suspended and Total)

Incubator Waterbath, 37C 45C 0.5(Escherichia coli test is to be performed) Autoclave pH meter Analytical balance Colony counter Microscope Hot plate/stove Bunsen burner Refrigerator

Incubator Waterbath

Autoclave pH meter

Hot plate/stove

Analytical balance

Bunsen burner


pH meter Oven sterilizing Candle turbidimeter Pipette washer Spectrophotometer, spectronic 20, or AA Magnetic stirrer Waterbath Refrigerator Gas chromatographer Vacuum filter

Oven sterilizing

Candle turbidimeter

Pipette washer

Magnetic stirrer


Gas chromatographer

Vacuum filter

Water sampler, any of the following: a. Van dorn b. Kemmerrer c. Wansen d. Buttner e. Improvised Neyer or LLDAs Modifier Sampler 2. Water pump with graduated intake 3. Bottom drodge 4. Inverted microscope 5. Compound microscope

Bottom dredge Inverted microscope


Philippine Standard Methods for Air and Water Analysis, vol.1 and vol.2, Human Settlements Commission, January 1978 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater: APHA, AWWA, WFCF, 14th edition. National Standards for Drinking Water, Bureau of Research and Laboratories, Ministry of Health, 1978.

In every glass of water we drink, some of the water has already passed through fishes, trees, bacteria, worms in the soil, and many other organisms, including people...Living systems cleanse water and make it fit, among other things, for human consumption. ELLIOT A. NORSE

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