Global Warming

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Global Warming

Global warming is when the earth heats up (the

temperature rises).
It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapour, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earths atmosphere, which increases the temperature. This hurts many people, animals, and plants. cannot take the change, so they die. Many

Human activities have increased the atmospheric concentration of these gases well beyond their natural levels, and have introduced new greenhouse gases, such as CFCs. One of the major greenhouse gases from human sources is carbon dioxide (CO2). While CO2 is naturally occurring, its concentration in the atmosphere is rapidly increasing because of the burning of the fossil fuels- oil, coal and gas.

Human activity is not only producing more CO2, but is also severely damaging the ability of the earth to absorb carbon, via its carbon sinks, the forests and oceanic plankton. Similarly, the destruction of the ozone layer by human-made chemicals, such as CFCs, is allowing increased levels of harmful UV-B radiation to reach the surface of the earth. Increased levels of UV-B radiation could reduce the density of plankton in the ocean.

A warmer climate will change rainfall and snowfall patterns, lead to increased droughts and floods, cause melting of glaciers and polar ice sheets, and result in a sea-level rise. This, in turn, will affect water resources, forests and other natural ecological systems, agriculture, power generation, infrastructure, tourism, and human health. Most importantly, a rise in ocean temperature as a consequence of climate change could affect the intensity and frequency of a weather phenomenon called the El Nino in the Pacific Ocean.

Govt. Organizations in India

Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF), is the apex & legal body in the area of forest protection, wildlife protection & pollution restriction (Headed by Cabinet Minister). Like at centre special department is created in every state named as forest dept. (Headed by State Minister). PCB (Pollution Control Boards) are established in every state which is mainly responsible for monitoring & lowering pollution. (MPCBMaharashtra Pollution Control Board).

The Ministry of Environment & Forests

Objectives Implementation of policies and programmes relating to conservation of the country's natural resources Prevention and control of pollution Afforestation and regeneration of degraded areas Protection of the environment and Ensuring the welfare of animals

The Environment (Protection) Act , 1986

It was enacted in 1986 and last amended 1991 Objective : Protection and improvement of environment in its all form Forms of environment : water, air, land, human being, other living creatures, plants

Government Solutions To Global Warming

Improve energy efficiency Develop renewable energy Reduce gasoline consumption transportation Switch from coal and oil to natural gas Preserve and plant forest Slow down population growth


Govt. Strategy
Shifting cultivation Forest extension Forestry education Financial support for forestry Forestry research Afforestation Diversion of forest land for non forest purpose Wild life conservation

A few NGOs Working for the Cause

Vanarai (Pune) Centre for Science & Environment (Delhi) The Energy & Resources Institute (Delhi) CPR Environmental & Education Centre (Chennai)

Carbon Credit
A certificate showing that a government or company has paid to have a certain amount for the every quantity of carbon dioxide removed from the environment by the concerned government or company.

Policies and Working

Trading of carbon like any other commodity (Carbon trade Exchange). Clean development mechanism (CDM). Joint implementation program (For developed countries only). Trading for Assigned amount units (AMU). under international emissions trading (IET). Incentives & taxes depending upon the carbon production.

Carbon Credit & India: India being in the developing stage, she didnt sign the treaty of Carbon Credit; however she has promised to check pollution level. Delhi Metro has become the first such railway project in the world to get carbon credits from the United Nations for helping in reduction of greenhouse emissions. It has earned carbon credits worth about Rs 47 crore annually for the next seven years.

Advantages of Carbon Credit

The biggest advantage of carbon credit is that they help in reducing the global warming because policy is implemented across the world & trading can be done anywhere It helped to reduce (marginally) growth rate of carbon with respect to capacity addition of new industries Created awareness, responsibility & care for nature among entrepreneurs

Incentives & penalties made industrialist to think about reduction of pollution. Gave alternative form of investment for peoples through carbon credit.

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