Wikis at Dresdner

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Wikis at Dresdner

Bob Coulter Alan Hurt Mike Mueller

What is a Wiki?

Ability to create and edit content within a Web environment without the need to download any special software Use of a simple markup language which is designed to simplify the process of editing entries Multiple users create and edit content, often without need for special privileges

Wiki Applications

Public websites - enable end users to easily contribute information Education - provide an opportunity to learn about team working, trust, etc. Research - make it easier to develop collaborative documents e.g. the FOAF Wiki Intranet - departmental administrators with minimal HTML experience can manage content. Wikis can be used at events for note-taking e.g. in discussion groups

Why Wiki? Pros and Cons

Minimal setup required simple Power Issues Whos in Control? interface and remote application Accuracy of information Copyright / Legal issues Lack of vision Letsof consensus Promotesa shot of sharing give it a culture Lack information and working together Needs Momentum Useful for joint working when there are Others? upon, shared goals agreed

About DrKW

Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein (DrKW) is the international investment banking arm of Dresdner Bank.
DrKW is headquartered in London and Frankfurt and has offices in New York, Paris, Luxembourg, Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong. DrKW provides a range of capital markets and advisory services, including

mergers and acquisitions assistance listing companies that wish to go to market providing structured finance for the funding of large scale projects treasury and capital markets transactions and risk management solutions.

The Advent of Wikis at DrKW

Microsoft Sharepoint, Documentum and Media Surface were used to publish information, but limiting and created silos In 1997, DrKW installed it's first Wiki for internal use within the IT department
In 2004, DrKW installed Socialtext's Wiki application, branded "DrKWikipedia in the IT organization

Decision Point

Are we ready for this technology, and is this technology ready for us?

How do we bridge the gap between IT usage and general usage for the company?

We think

How do we start?

Create a Roadmap / Framework / Basic Outline Have predetermined subject matter experts to preload some basic content prior to rollout (Validation Effect for SMEs) Executive level champion for Wiki Adoption Avoid requirement to post mentality, but recognize the early adopters Seek out success stories Establish goals for usage, content, and percentage of contributors. Ongoing process. Prepare strategy for 1st and 2nd chasms Create Hyperlink-rich environment Dont Wiki for Wiki-sake Look for productivity enhancements

How do we manage going forward?

Which workgroups should be targeted?

What Happened Next?

After the case:

In 2005, DrKWikipedia launched to the broader business (beyond IT) In 2006, WYSIWYG feature added 2,500 of the 6,000 employees use the Wiki One in ten visitors makes an edit Adding content in advance of rollout Tight integration with e-mail RSS feeds, change notification User Support: Live chat rooms, centralized email address WYSIWYG - 'What you see is what you get' formatting Early uses that demonstrate the power of Wikis

Best Practices used by DrKW

Popular Wiki Uses at DrKW

Refining documents Record ongoing discussions Internal mini-wikipedias Repositories for files Brainstorming Publishing and Updating Training Schedules Creating presentations

Additional Considerations


Security Issues? What if we lose control of sensitive information? Ethical Issues? How will we censor / govern inappropriate content?

Would a Wiki post be a reason to terminate employment?

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