Submitted By: Namrata Shinde (M2138) Priyanka Shukla (M2139) Nikita Solanki (M2140)

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Submitted By: Namrata Shinde (M2138) Priyanka Shukla (M2139) Nikita Solanki (M2140)

Jim Grote founded Donatos back in 1963
Jims philosophy: To make the best pizza and to treat

others the way I would like to be treated.

Mission Statement
We believe that food served with love nourishes the

soul. We believe Donatos is the best. Only the highest quality and freshest ingredients are used to create consistently great tasting food in every restaurant every day. We believe in serving our customers in the most friendly, caring way, in a clean and safe environment.

Live: A balanced, healthy lifestyle brings you personal

power and energy to achieve your dreams. Love: A clear focus on your values keeps you rooted in what's important. Laugh: Understanding and connecting with others builds strong relationships, fun and creativity. Learn: There is always a better way... learn, grow, stretch - keep moving forward.

Background Information
They have Wassup meeting held monthly Employees of the Donatos share about their knowledge of the popular culture 2003 Health Focus Trend Report showed that 26% of

people where on low carb diets Tom Krouse, chief concept officer, wanted to make a low carb pizza
At this time Tom was on a low carb diet also

Convinced that the low carb diet wasnt just a fad

Research Question
Is the low-carb diet a flash fad or a trendand should

we respond?

Relevant Factors
Change in eating habits
Making a low carb pizza crust Taste

Donatos make a low carb pizza that customers will like

Target Audience
Pizza Consumers
Low Carb Dieters Donatos Customers

Sample Planning
Pizza was put into 2 or more restaurants within the

Self-administered intercept survey

Customers that came in to get the Pizza For delivery customers

Call Back Phone Survey

Summary of Responses
The first prototype was a flop Did fit who they are Customer ate the toppings of the pizza
Make-Bake-Serve Plate Another flop Introduced a recipe that include soy chips Texture and added protein

By survey and research on Donatos found that they

were running into problems. Survey and research found that low carb crust pizza were not good. Donatos found that people like pizza topping without crust. On November 1 Donatos decided to come with a new Dough free pizza.

Donatos describe that pizza having proteins enriched


Dough less pizza layered

first with sauce and then protein crumbles and topping

How they introduced name of New pizza ?

By December 22 ,Donatos introduced new

product in two stores in Columbus. By January 2 Donatos increase their salad sell unto 25% For that year there was a resolution of loosing weight in America. On January 19, Donatos rolled its No Dough pizza into all its 184 stores.

Map the research design used by Donatos for new product development.

Experimental Design

Evaluate the Wassup meetings as an exploratory methodology to help define the research question

Evaluate the test market Donatos used. What were its advantages and disadvantages?
Taste Testing
Uniqueness Brand Fit

Price Attractiveness
Likelihood of Purchase Quality

In restaurant

Self-administered intercept survey Delivery customers Call back phone survey Wilkerson and Associates Telephone Tracking (quarterly) 600 to 800 Adults Other Data Collection Customer E-mail Comment Cards

What measurement scales would you have used on the survey that was part of the in-restaurant product tests?

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