03 FD Industrial Engineering &amp Designing Products

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e1Procedures Software House

Industrial Engineering & Designing


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What is Industrial Engineering?

Industrial engineers design, install, and improve the complex systems which provide both goods and services vital to our society and economy. These systems integrate people, materials, and equipment, and thereby place unique demands for breadth of preparation upon industrial engineers. The traditional arenas for the practice of industrial engineering are the manufacturing facilities of industry. However, today fully one-third of practicing industrial engineers are employed in nonmanufacturing enterprises such as hospitals, banks, and government.

Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineers perform the following tasks in manufacturing and service industries. Forecast the demand the product Prepare a plan to produce the product Analyze the cost and benefits of the product Design the layout of the plant to produce the product Select the manufacturing processes to make the product Identify the people and their skills for production and supervision Integrate people, materials, machines, and processes to work together Schedule the machines and processes for production Supervise the day-to-day operation of the facility Design the workplace and procedures for workers to follow Handle occupational and safety concerns Model and analyze the performance of the system and find ways to improve it

Industrial Engineering: the People and Systems Engineers

Areas of Study Within Industrial Engineering 1. Human Factors (Ergonomics)

Areas of Study Within Industrial Engineering Human 2. Facilities Design

SLP PATTERN OF PROCEDURES Input Data: P,Q,R,S,T, & Activities
Flow of Materials Activity Relationships

Relationship Diagram Space Requirements Space Relationship Diagram Modifying Considerations Practical Limitations Space Available



Evaluation SELECTED LAYOUT PLAN Muthers Systematic Layout Planning Pattern of Procedures

Work Cell Floor Plan

Saws Drills Office

Tool Room

Work Cell

Emergency Room Layout

E.R.Triage room
Patient A broken leg Patient B - erratic pacemaker


E.R. beds



Store Layout - with Dairy, Bread, High Drawer Items in Corners

Areas of Study Within Industrial Engineering Human 3. Simulation

Factory Lay-out

Areas of Study Within Industrial Engineering Human 4. The Production Planning and Control
Forecasting Aggregate Capacity Planning Aggregate Production Planning Master Production Planning Material Requirement Planning Capacity Requirement Planning Sales & Marketing

Operations Scheduling

Shipping & Receiving

Shop Floor Control


Areas of Study Within Industrial Engineering Human 4. Quality Control

Process Capability Sixpack for alldata

Xbar and R Chart
41.6 1 11 3.0SL=41.29 X=40.00 39.2 38.0 Subgr 0 4.5 1 1 1 36 10 20 30 40 50 40 44 1 -3.0SL=38.71

Capability Histogram



Normal Prob Plot



3.0 R=2.232 1.5 0.0 -3.0SL=0.000 38.0 40.5 43.0

Last 25 Subgroups

Capability Plot
Potential (ST) StDev: 0.959752 Cp: 0.69 Cpk: 0.69 Overall (LT) StDev: 1.18146 Pp: 0.56 Ppk: 0.56 Process Tolerance


41 39 37 30 40 50




Subgroup Number

Areas of Study Within Industrial Engineering Human 5. Optimization/Operation Research


Distributor/Retailer Warehouse

Product Flow Information Flow

Sample Industrial Engineering Courses

Human Factors Engineering Work Measurements and Work Design Facilities Planning and Design Reliability Engineering Experimental Design For Engineering Production Planning and Control Engineering Project Management Integrated Manufacturing Systems Expert Systems in Engineering Industrial Robotics

Quality Control Automated Inspection Integrated Product and Process Design Queuing Methods for Services and Manufacturing Introductory Decision Analysis for Engineering Simulation Modeling and Analysis Engineering Information Systems Contemporary Topics in Industrial Engineering

Career Opportunities for Industrial Engineers

Industrial engineers are the problem solvers in all organizations. Career opportunities for industrial engineering are limitless.
A sample list of career opportunities for industrial engineers include: Manufacturing: regardless of the product manufactured, every manufacturing company needs IEs to plan the facility, perform economic analyses, plan and control production, manage people, handle safety issues, improve quality, evaluate performance, etc. Health Services: hospitals and clinics need IEs to perform cost/benefit analyses, schedule work load, manage people, evaluate safety concerns, design and maintain facilities, etc. airlines, ground transportation, trucking, and warehousing companies need IEs to design the best schedules and routes, perform economic analyses, manage crews, etc. banks and other savings and lending institutions need IEs to design financial plans, perform economic analyses, etc. local and federal governments need IEs to design and enforce safety systems, environmental policies, plan for and operate in a number of organizations.





IEs may work as consultants to help design and analyze a variety of systems including information systems, manufacturing and service systems.

What is Engineering Design?

The systematic and creative application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems.

The basic purpose of any organization is to provide products or services to their customers.
Thus, the design of these products and services is essential to the livelihood of a company.

But, what are the characteristics of an Effective Design?

Effective Design
Effective designs provide a competitive edge by: Bringing new ideas to the market quickly Doing a better job of satisfying customer needs Making new products easier to manufacture, use, and repair than existing products

Types of Design and Redesign

Original Design (or Inventing)

Involves elaborating, original solutions for a given task. The result of original design is an invention.

Adaptive Design (or Synthesis)

Involves adapting a known system to a changed task or evolving a significant subsystem of a current product (such as antilock brakes).

Variant Design (or Modification)

Involves varying the parameters (size, geometry, material properties, control parameters, etc.) of certain aspects of a product to develop a new and more robust design.

Product Design:
Specifies which materials are to be used Determines dimensions and tolerances Defines the appearance of the product Sets standards for performance.

Design has a tremendous impact on the quality of a final product or service. Quality in the design process involves: Matching product or service characteristics with customer requirements Ensuring that customer requirements are met in the simplest and least costly manner Reducing the time required to design a new product or service, and Minimizing the revisions necessary to make a design workable.

The Design Process

1. Idea Generation
(Product Design)

2. Feasibility Study
(Performance Specifications)

3. Preliminary Design

4. Final Design
(Final Design Specifications)

5. Process Planning
(Manufacturing Specifications)

Sources of idea generation

Surveying suppliers, distributors, and salespersons Monitoring trade journals Analyzing warranty claims, customer complaints, and other failures Surveying potential customers Bench marking: Comparing a product or process against the best-in-class product. Reverse engineering: Carefully dismantling a competitors product in order to improve ones own product.

Involvement of Different Functional Departments in the Design Process Marketing Department takes the idea and: Forms a product concept Conducts a study on the feasibility of the proposed product or service If the proposed product meets certain expectations, performance specifications are developed.

Involvement of Different Functional Departments in the Design Process

Design Engineers take the performance specifications and:

Develop preliminary technical specifications, and later Develop detailed design specifications.

Manufacturing Engineers take the detailed performance specifications and:

Develop a process plan that includes specific requirements for equipment, tooling, and fixtures.

Production Engineers take these manufacturing specifications and schedule production

The Design Process

Idea generation Feasibility study Product Yes Preliminary feasible? design No

Final design


Process planning

Design & Manufacturing Specifications Manufacturing

A Decision Making Process

Idea generation & pre-design Flexibility planning Customer Requirements Functional Specification Product Specifications Concept Generation Concept Selection Engineering Design Engineering Evaluation Prototype and Testing



Breaking Down Barriers

Final design is concerned with how the product will perform. It consists of three phases: 1. Functional design is concerned with how the product will perform. 2. Form design refers to the physical appearance of a product. 3. Production design is concerned with the ease and cost of manufacturing the product.

Form Design

(How The Product Looks)

Functional Design

(How The Product Performs)

probability product performs intended function for specified length of time A measure for reliability is Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).

ease and/or cost or maintaining/repairing product A measure for maintainability is Mean Time To Repair (MTTR).

DFM Guidelines
1. Minimize the number of parts 2. Develop a modular design 3. Design parts for multi-use 4. Avoid separate fasteners 5. Eliminate adjustments 6. Design for top-down assembly

7. Design for minimum handling 8. Avoid tools 9. Minimize subassemblies 10. Use standard parts when possible 11. Simplify operations 12. Design for efficient and adequate testing 13. Use repeatable & understood processes 14. Analyze failures 15. Rigorously assess value

Design Simplification
(a) The original design (b) Revised design (c) Final design

Assembly using common fasteners

One-piece base & elimination of fasteners

Design for push-and-snap assembly

Listening to Customers

Customers Requirements

Normal Requirements are typically what we get by just asking customers what they want. Expected Requirements are often so basic the customer may fail to mention them - until we fail to perform them. For example, if coffee is served hot, customers barely notice it. If it's cold or too hot, dissatisfaction occurs. Expected requirements must be fulfilled. Exciting Requirements are difficult to discover. They are beyond the customer's expectations. For example, if full meals were served on a flight from Chicago to Indianapolis, that would be exciting. If not, customers would hardly complain.

Kano Model

Kano Model [Noriaki Kano 1984].

Making Economic Decisions

Engineering economy: the discipline concerned with the economic aspects of engineering. It involves the systematic evaluation of the costs and benefits of proposed technical projects.

Rational Decision-Making Process

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Recognize a decision problem Define the goals or objectives Collect all the relevant information Identify a set of feasible decision alternatives Select the decision criterion to use Select the best alternative

Example: Equipment & Process Selection

How do you choose between Plastic Composite and Steel sheet stock for the auto body panel? The choice of material will dictate the manufacturing process for the body panel as well as manufacturing costs.

Which Material to Choose?

Engineering Costs
General Cost Terms

Manufacturing Costs Direct materials Direct labor Mfg. Overhead Non-manufacturing Costs Overhead Marketing Administrative

Cost Classification for Predicting Cost Behavior

Cost Behaviors Fixed costs Variable costs

Average unit costs

Fixed Costs

Total fixed costs (F)

Fixed costs per unit of production (F/Q)

Production volume (Q)

Production volume (Q)

Variable Costs

Def: Costs that vary depending on the level of production or sales Cost behavior: Increase or decrease proportionally according to the level of volume Examples: Costs of raw material, packaging material, direct labor, machine utilities are main variable costs.

Variable Costs

Variable costs per unit of production (V)

Total variable costs (TV)

Production volume (Q)

Production volume (Q)

Break-Even Analysis (BEA)

The total revenue depends on the production level. The higher the production, the higher the total variable costs. In BEA, it is assumed that price of product is fixed.

Break-Even Analysis (BEA)

Price per unit (P)

Total revenue (TR)

Production (and sales) volume (Q)

Production (and sales ) volume (Q)

Break-Even Analysis (BEA)

Therefore, the overall break-even analysis can be pictorially represented in the following graph
Profit Total costs (F+VQ) BEP: F+VQ=PQ loss

Total revenue (PQ)

Production (and sales) volume (Q)

Break-Even Analysis (BEA)

Total Cost (TC) = Total Revenue (TR)

At the break-even point: F+VQ=PQ

QBEQ = F/ (P-V)

500,000$ total yearly fixed costs. 150$ / unit variable costs 200$ / unit sale price QBEQ=500000/(200-150) =10000 units If our market research indicates that the present demand is > 10000, then this manufacturing system is economically feasible.

Quality Function Deployment


customer wants Identify how the good/service will satisfy customer wants Relate customer wants to product hows Identify relationships between the firms hows Develop importance ratings Evaluate competing products

Customer Requirements


Peels a variety of produce

Works both right and left handed Creates minimal waste Saves time Durable Easy to clean Safe to use and store Comfortable to use Stays sharp or is sharpenable

Carrots and potatoes are very different.

I cut myself with this one.

I just leave the skin on. Im left-handed. I use a knife. This one is fast, but it takes a lot off.

How do you peel a squash?

Heres a rusty one. This looked OK in the store.

Go Ahead with your designs!

Case Study

Select a household product of your choice, your goal will be to describe how you think this design evolved. By looking at the product, can you tell: 1. How and why the device functions? Can you describe how it works, what energy sources are used, and what purpose that function serves? 2. How was human engineering involved? How would the human/machine interface affect this design? What safety issues would have been involved? 3. Why the original designers selected the materials used? What properties of the materials were most important in selecting them? 4. What features make this product unique? Compared to similar items, are there features on your example that would identify this as a better product? 5. How was the production process affected by this design? Are there specific features that might have been added to make production more efficient?

Case Study

As your analysis continues, choose one aspect of the design that intrigues you. Study the design used, and consider how you might improve on it.
Develop a list of alternatives, and compare them to the existing design. Develop some criteria that may help you select one of your alternatives as most likely to succeed. Finally, select one alternative, and describe how it improves on the existing design, what its limitations are, and why you think this is a better alternative than the existing design.

e1Procedures Software House


e1Procedures Software House provides a full range of consulting, public and in-house training in international standards, regulatory requirements, and process improvement techniques which maximizes performance and profitability for your company Contact us and we can help support your organizations implementation or transition or other business process improvement activities

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