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Mary Jane Morris, CEC Audrey Soglin, IEA Linda Tomlinson, ISBE

Performance Evaluation Reform Act

Passed January 2010
In response to Race to the Top Governors office convened all stakeholders

PERA Components
Incorporation of Student Growth using multiple

measures in Evaluation Plans:

Included components:

How student growth/indicators will be used

Relation to evaluation standards

Assessments/indicators to be used and their weight Growth measure methodology

Other evaluation criteria and their weight

Illinois Education Association

Joint Committees
Empowers joint committees at local level
Consensus needed If no consensus, default to state plan

Other components
Changed evaluation ratings
Required training and pre-qualification process for

Requires research study Takes away barrier to peer evaluation

Changes Made to Assessments

Teacher and Principal Module 3

Unlimited attempts at assessments

Teacher Modules 1,3,4, and 5 Principal Modules 1,2,3,4, and 5

Other Components
Required assistance/professional development plan for

all teachers receiving a needs improvement.

ELL, Special Education, Attendance need to be taken

into consideration.
Implementation dates staggered and dependent on


Educator Leadership Institute August 8, 2012 Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Linda Tomlinson

Key Dates: Developing & Implementing the Systems

2012-2013: All principals & assistant principals

evaluated following new rules 2012-2013: All teacher summative evaluation ratings will reflect one of the four categories: Excellent, Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Unsatisfactory 2012-2013: Teacher evaluations following new rules phased in, starting with 300 Chicago schools and all SIG schools

Key Dates: Developing & Implementing the Systems

2013-2014: Teacher evaluations following new rules for

the remaining CPS schools 2015-2016: The lowest performing 20% of schools in the state 2016-2017: All other districts in state implement PERA, Part 50 of administrative rules.

About PEAC
32 educators, union and association leaders from K-12

and higher education 2-year process and counting 3 subcommittees: teachers, principals, training 8 Educator Forums and online survey, with input from more than 2,300 educators around the state Regular scheduled meetings open to the public Comprehensive website:

TEACHERS: Practice Recommendations (General Rules)

Districts must adopt instructional framework aligned

with the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards .pdf with four performance levels for the summative rating: unsatisfactory needs improvement Proficient excellent

TEACHERS: Practice Recommendations (General Rules)

Formal classroom observations District PERA joint

committee defines characteristics of a formal observation with the total number of observations Evaluator required to meet with the individual in a pre-conference to preview the lesson Required post-conference providing feedback of evidence collected

TEACHERS: Practice Recommendations (General Rules)

Informal classroom observations District PERA joint committee defines informal classroom observations May or may not be announced No requirement of a pre-conference Does not have to include immediate feedback Not subject to a time requirement Post-conference meeting with self-reflection and written evaluator

feedback, with relevant evidence


TEACHERS: Practice Recommendations (General Rules)

Non-probationary teachers: at least 2 observations (1

formal) Probationary teachers: at least 3 observations (2 formal) Professional development must align to National Staff Development Council standards

TEACHERS: Student Growth Recommendations (General Rules)

Demonstrable change in a students learning between two

or more points in time Need data from at least 2 assessments:

At least one Type III assessment And at least one Type I or II assessment (not ISAT or PSAE) Or two Type III assessments

District PERA joint committee decides metrics and targets,

including for different student groups (ELL, etc.) Must comprise at least 25% of final rating in 2012-13 and 2013-2014, 30% thereafter

Type I Assessment
Type I assessment means a reliable assessment that

measures a certain group or subset of students in the same manner with the same potential assessment items, is scored by a non-district entity, and is administered either statewide or beyond Illinois. Examples include assessments available from the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA), Scantron Performance Series, Star Reading Enterprise, College Boards SAT, Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate examinations, or ACT's EPAS (i.e., Educational Planning and Assessment System).

Type II Assessment
Type II assessment means any assessment developed

or adopted and approved for use by the school district and used on a districtwide basis by all teachers in a given grade or subject area. Examples include collaboratively developed common assessments, curriculum tests and assessments designed by textbook publishers.

Type III Assessment

Type III assessment means any assessment that is

rigorous, that is aligned to the courses curriculum, and that the qualified evaluator and teacher determine measures student learning in that course. Examples include teacher-created assessments, assessments designed by textbook publishers, student work samples or portfolios, assessments of student performance, and assessments designed by staff who are subject or gradelevel experts that are administered commonly across a given grade or subject. A Type I or Type II assessment may qualify as a Type III assessment if it aligns to the curriculum being taught and measures student learning in that subject area (see Section 50.110(b)(2) of this Part).

Further Information
More information at

Vicki Phillips at: Linda Tomlinson at:

Illinois Performance Evaluation

Principal Evaluation Training & Assessment
Understand Plan Collaborate Reflect Measure
Module 4

Measure Evaluate
Module 5

Module Online Self-paced Time

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours


Online Assessment

Online Assessment


Online Assessment

Online Assessment


Webinar Online and Face to Face Remediation

Total Training and Assessment Time: Approximately 15 hours

Teacher Evaluation Training and Assessment

Understand Plan and Validate
Module 2 Teachscape 15-18 hours

Collaborate Reflect
Module 3

Measure Evaluate
Module 4

Student Growth (if required)

Module 5

Module Online Self-paced Time (Approximate) Assessment

Module 1

1-2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

Online Asssessment

2 Online Assessments Stage 1/Stage 2


Online Assessment

Online Assessment


Webinar Online and Face to Face Remediation

Total Training and Assessment Time: Approximately 30hours

August 8, 2012


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