Presentation On FW Taylor and Henry Gantt

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Presented by, Terence Barretto Nyssa Alvares Fiona Cardozo

Frederick Winslow Taylor

(March 20, 1856 March 21, 1915) was an American mechanical engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency.

"Scientific management means knowing exactly what you want men to do and seeing that they do it in the best and the cheapest way."

Scientific Management Theory

He states that the objective of management should be to secure maximum prosperity of each employer, coupled with maximum prosperity of each employee. It is the art of knowing what exactly you want from your men to do & then seeing that it is done in best possible manner. In simple words it is just an application of science to management.


Analyzing the work One best way to do it. He is remembered for developing time and motion study.

He would break a job into parts and measure each of 100th of a minute.

Taylors view about management.

Taylor believed that the industrial management of his day was amateurish, that management could be formulated as an academic discipline. Best results would come from the partnership between trained and qualified management and a cooperative and innovative workforce.

Working in the steel industry, Taylor had observed the phenomenon of workers PURPOSELY operating well below their capacity, that is soldiering. He attributed soldiering to three causes : 1. The almost universally held belief among workers that if they became more productive, fewer of them would be needed and jobs would be eliminated. 2. Non-incentive wage system encourages low productivity. 3. Workers waste much of their efforts by relying on rule of thumb method

Principles of Scientific Management Primary Principles

1. Science, not Rule of Thumb

Secondary Principles
1. Standardization of Tools and Equipment's
2. Scientific Selection and Training of Workers 3. Experimentation and Scientific Investigation 4. Incentive Wage System 5. Efficient Attain System 6. Scientific Allotment of Task

2. Harmony not Discord 3. Co-operation not Individualism

4. The Development of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity

Primary Principles of scientific management as evolved by F.W. Taylor

1 . Science, not Rule of Thumb :-

Rule of thumb emphasizes mere estimation, scientific method denotes precision in determining any aspect of work.

Primary Principles of scientific management as evolved by F.W. Taylor

2. Harmony not Discord :-

Harmony means that a group should work as a unit and contribute to the maximum. Within it there should be mutual give and take situation and proper understanding.

Primary Principles of scientific management as evolved by F.W. Taylor

3. Co-operation not Individualism :-

Scientific management is based on mutual confidence, co-operation and goodwill. It requires a complete mental revolution on the part of both workers and management.

Primary Principles of scientific management as evolved by F.W. Taylor

4 . The Development of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity :-

Workers are selected according to the nature of work.

It includes scientific training, scientific allotment of work, implementation of incentive wage plan Development of workers to the fullest extent for themselves and also for the companies highest prosperity.

Secondary principles of scientific management:

1. Standardization of Tools and Equipment's

Standardization should be maintained in respect of tools, equipment's, materials, period of work, working conditions, amount of work, cost of production etc.

Secondary principles of scientific management:

2. Scientific Selection and Training of Workers

Taylor suggested that the workers should be selected on scientific basis taking into account their educational background, health, work experience, aptitude, physical, strength and I.Q. etc.

Secondary principles of scientific management:

3. Experimentation and Scientific Investigation The success of scientific management experimentation and investigation. depends upon

It involves analytical study, observation research, experimentation and investigation. It is only through constant experimentation and scientific investigation that one can find out the best and most efficient methods of doing a work.

Secondary principles of scientific management:

4. Incentive Wage System

Under differential piece system two wage rates are prescribed, i.e. one lower and the other higher. Those who are unable to perform standard work within standard time are paid wages at lower rate per unit. On the contrary, those who attain standard or even more within the standard time are paid wages at higher rate per unit.

Secondary principles of scientific management:

5. Efficient Attain System

The management is interested in knowing the cost of production not only total cost but cost at every stage of production. Besides, it must see there is no waste, and proper cost control has been ensured.

Secondary principles of scientific management:

6. Scientific Allotment of Task Every job must be entrusted to the best available man according to his aptitude and training for that specific job. As a matter of fact, every person, however efficient he may be, cannot perform all the jobs efficiently. One has to carefully fit "the man to the job", and "the job to the man".


(1861-1919) Henry Laurence Gantt worked as a management consultants well as a background in mechanical engineer by trade . Henry Gantt is known for creating his self-named easily-viewed scheduling and monitoring diagram.

Henry Laurence Gantt was born in Calvert County, Maryland, USA. He graduated from McDonogh School in 1878 and Johns Hopkins College. In 1887, he joined Frederick W. Taylor in the leveraging the theory of scientific management of Midvale Steel and Behlehem Steel, where they worked together until 1893. Another contributor to the classical theories of management is Henry Gantt, who is known for the invention of the Gantt Chart. The Gantt Chart is a graphical representation of the duration of tasks against the progression of time.

Henry Gantt developed a tool for displaying the progression of a project in the form of a specialized chart. Today, Gantt's scheduling tool takes the form of a horizontal bar graph and is known as a Gantt chart A basic sample of which is shown :


For larger projects, a work breakdown structure would be developed to identify the tasks before constructing a Gantt chart.
For smaller projects, the Gantt chart itself may be used to identify the tasks. The strength of the Gantt chart is its ability to display the status of each activity at a glance.


Principles of Scientific Management Primary Principles

1. Science, not Rule of Thumb

Secondary Principles
1. Standardization of Tools and Equipment's
2. Scientific Selection and Training of Workers 3. Experimentation and Scientific Investigation 4. Incentive Wage System 5. Efficient Attain System 6. Scientific Allotment of Task

2. Harmony not Discord 3. Co-operation not Individualism

4. The Development of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity


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