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Academic Performance among Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Students in Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences

(CUCMS) Who Reads on Screen versus Paper

Researchers: Mohd Fitri Akmal bin Mohd Sofee 0908-1253 Nurul Basirah Taha 0908-1284 Nabilah binti Lutfi Amir 0908-1269 Supervisor: Dr.Wahid Abdullah Salem Wajih

Problem Statement
In this study, the researchers are trying to study the relationship of different reading ways; reading on screen versus reading on paper, to the academic performance of MBBS students from CUCMS. The study would like to determine the preferred way of reading and the level of comprehension from those readings. In a way, this study is trying to determine the effective way of reading; on screen versus paper to enhance the academic performance of MBBS CUCMS students.

According to Hallfors et al. 2000, Video Display text is now are more preferred than paper. All this while researchers have shown their interest in findings the comparison between two reading mediums; e-book vs printed book (Askwall,1985; Belmore S. 1985; Cushman W. H. 1986; Dillon A. 1990; Kak A. V. 1981), but there remain lot of unanswered questions in this area.

In 2008, the University of California Libraries initiated an e-Book pilot study where they determine the respondents general preference for print books as compared to e-Books.
In a study published in Issue 9 November 2009 on www.PearsonAssessment .com, Computer-Based-Test (CBT) delivery is gaining popularity over the traditional Paper-Pencil-Test (PPT) because it offers several potential advantages.

Research Questions
What is the relationship between reading on screen versus paper on academic performance among MBBS students in CUCMS? What is the preferred way of reading; on screen versus paper among MBBS students in CUCMS? What is the difference in comprehension level among MBBS student in CUCMS from reading on screen versus paper?

Research Hypothesis
H0 There is no difference in academic performance of MBBS students in CUCMS who reads on screen versus paper. Ha There is difference in academic performance of MBBS students in CUCMS who reads on screen versus paper. H0 Reading on screen is more preferred compared to reading on paper among MBBS students in CUCMS.

Ha Reading on screen is less preferred compared to reading on paper among MBBS students in CUCMS.
H0 There is no difference in comprehension level among MBBS students in CUCMS who reads on screen versus paper. Ha - There is difference in comprehension level among MBBS students in CUCMS who reads on screen versus paper.

Research Objectives
Primary Objective To study the relationship of reading on screen versus paper to academic performance among MBBS students in CUCMS. Secondary Objective To identify the preferred way of reading; on screen versus paper among MBBS students in CUCMS. To study the level of comprehension among MBBS students in CUCMS after reading; on screen versus paper.

Research Methodology
Study Schedule Sample Size

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
Parameters of Interest Measurements of Parameters of Interest

Study Schedule

Sample Size
Since this study is to compare two independent means (figure below), we used the formula.
Academic performance Academic performance

Reading on paper

Reading on screen

Sample Size
m = 2c/2 +1 = 2 1 / = 168.08 164.19 / 19.44 = 0.2 m = 2(7.9)/(0.22) m = 396 1 and 2 are the means of the two treatment groups. is the common standard deviation. c = 7.9 for 80% power and 10.5 for 90% power.

As for conclusion, the sample size would be 396 students of MBBS in CUCMS.

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion Criteria MBBS students in CUCMS Student who are using either or both; reading on screen or paper Exclusion Criteria Students who are less than six months studying in CUCMS

Parameters of Interest
Students (subjects) academic performance. Academic performance determined by the students GPA. Obtain information from questionnaires.
Grade Point Average 3.34 4.00 2.34 3.33 1.68 2.33 0 1.67 Level of Achievement Excellent Good Average Fail

Statistical Method
To analyze the data gathered, all data in the questionnaire are coded and entered into Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0. The researchers assumed that the data will be normally distributed and therefore the researchers will be using chi-square test: To study the relationship of reading on screen versus paper to academic performance among MBBS students in CUCMS. To identify the preferred way of reading; on screen versus paper among MBBS students in CUCMS. To study the difference of perception on level of comprehension among MBBS students in CUCMS after reading; on screen versus paper. If the data is not normally distributed, the researchers will use Fishers Exact Test to analyze the data.

Expected Outcome
From the study proposed, the researchers are predicting that students who read from a printed material have better academic performance. The researchers are expecting that more students would prefer reading from electronic devices that are reading from screens. The researchers also predict that there would be no difference in comprehension level among students who read from screen versus paper.

Study Protocol & Consent Form

Since the study does not include clinical patients, the researchers did not include any Study Protocol as well as the Consent Form.

I. Askwall, S. (1985) Computer supported reading vs reading text on paper: a comparison of two reading situations. International Journal of ManMachine Studies, 22, 425-439. Belmore, S. (1985) Reading computer presented text. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 23(1), 12-14. II.

III. Chan L. et al, 2011. University of California Libraries Academic e-Book Usage Survey. Springer e-Book Pilot Project. University of California Libraries. 9-13. IV. Cushman, W. H. (1986) Reading from microfiche, VDT and the printed page: subjective fatigue and performance. Human Factors, 28(1), 63-73. V. Dillon, A. (1990) The human factors of hypertext. International Forum on Information and Documentation 15(4) 32-36.

I. Hallfors, D., et al., 2000. A comparison of paper vs. computer-assisted self interview for school alcohol, tobacco, and other drug surveys. Evaluation and Program Planning, 23, 149155. Kak, A. V. (1981) Relationships between readability of printed and CRTdisplayed text. Proceedings of Human Factors Society - 25th Annual Meeting, 137 - 140. II.

III. Lee R. et al, 2012, The Rise of E-reading, Pew Research Centers Internet & American Life Project. 6-52. IV. Lievens, F. et al. (2012) Medical Students' Personality Characteristics and Academic Performance: A Five-Factor Model Perspective. Medical Education, 36 p.1050-1056. V. Ziefle, M., 1998. Effects of display resolution on visual performance. Human Factors, 40, 554568.

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