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Anger Management

Dr Shalini Kalia

Visualization of Anger
What thoughts, images , feelings and bodily sensations come into your awareness when you read the following word?


Is Anger a Good or Bad Emotion?

Healthy human emotion. In this form anger provides a warning signal to the brain that something is wrong and supplies body with energy in form of adrenaline to correct the situation. The way we express anger can either be harmful or healthy

Symptoms of Anger
How do you know when you are angry? List the symptoms of being angry.

Symptoms of Anger
Physical Signs Fast heart beat Sweating Shaking Clenched jaws Clenched fists Fast breathing Headaches Stomach aches Upset feeling in the stomach Tight chest Tense muscles Frowning, scowling Red face

Mental Signs Problems in concentrating Confusion Memory problems Thoughts of doing harm Angry thoughts Irritability Short tempered

Other Signs Yelling Swearing Withdrawing from others Throwing things Pacing

What is Anger?
Anger is an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage. It is a completely normal, usually healthy human emotionbut when it gets out of control and turns destructive , it can lead to problems

Factors Causing Anger

Internal-Type of personality , lack of problem solving skills, unpleasant memories, effects of hormones, anxiety, depression, hostility, tension, agitation, problems of nervous system etc External Negative parental practice, situational and environmental factors , effects of peer and media, social stress etc

Model for a Fight and Flight Situation

Unpleasant situation (pain, discomfort)

Negative Effect

Fight or Flight

How Anger Starts and What It Does?

External Events
Internal events Hostile Reaction Mind Body Changes

Effects Acute (short term ) Chronic (long term)

What happens to your body and mind when you get angry?
Body goes instantly into a series of mind-body reactions involving hormones, nervous system and muscles. This involves a release of hormone called adrenaline which increases heart rate, respiratory rate and BP. There is shortness of breath, flushing of skin, muscle rigidity and tightening in the jaw, stomach, shoulder and hands. Increased blood flow enters the limbs and extremities in preparation for physical action. This is called Fight or Flight response.

Positive Aspects of anger

Anger is a normal reaction. We need anger for survival Positive way of expressing anger is a healthy emotion. Anger is expressed in a constructive, non hostile manner eg: social and civil revolutions, expressing important feelings, identifying problems, redressing concerns

Negative Aspects of Anger

Uncontrolled anger leads to negative emotions. Hostility, resentment, envy, bitterness and hate Verbal aggression Criticism , contempt, suspicion, argument, irritation, jealousy and name calling Physical Aggression Assault, molestation, murder Sports and driving aggression Domestic violence

How do you Handle Anger?

How do you usually react when you feel angry? Think about the last time you reacted in an unhealthy or negative way to anger. What happened right before you got angry? How did you react? How did you feel after you reacted? What could you have done instead? What would happen if you were to react in a more positive way?

Expression of Anger

Directed Towards Others-Physical , Aggression, Verbal abuse Well ControlledPositive expression

Directed InwardsSelf Destruction

Differences in Anger Expression by Gender

Women Verbally expressive of their emotions Use coping strategies Like to be alone or talk to someone Women are generally refrained from expressing anger Men Physical violence Directly vent their anger Do physical exercise Men are angrier than women; more sense of power and control

Social Effects of Anger

Psychologically disturbed Road rage, driving accidents Wrong Decisions Antisocial acts

Violence, aggression and murder Consumption of alcohol and drugs

Destroys interpersonal relationships

Physical illness, high BP etc

Anger and Ill Health

Chronic pain, discomfort Disability restrictions
Depression Headache High BP Low Blood sugar

Poor physical Health leads to anger

Feel things are not fair

Chronic medications

Lowered frustration tolerance

Poor fitness level fatigue

Poor Time Management and Anger

Unable to meet family and social demands Feel hassled on the edge all the time

Poor Time Management Leads to Anger

Health and mental problems Smoking and other addictions

Unmet deadlines Unrealistic goals

How Long Does Anger Last?

2-3 times per week-Average Every day or 2-3 times a day-high in anger frequency

Anger Management
The goal of anger management is to reduce both your emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes.

Why Are Some People More Angry than Others?

Low tolerance for frustration Genetic/physiological Socio cultural Family background

Dealing With Anger: Aristotles 5 Rights in Anger

With the right person To the right degree At the right time For the right purpose In the right way

How to Control Angry Thoughts?

Admit you are angry Analyze and identify the source of your anger Analyze why you are feeling angry Analyze if your anger is justifiable or reasonable. If unreasonable you can diffuse your feelings

Strategies to Keep Anger at Bay

Relaxation Cognitive restructuring (changing the way you think) Problem Solving Better communication Using humor Changing your environment Timing Avoidance Finding alternatives

Practice Positive Reactions to Everyday Stress

Walk away Exercise Talk to someone who you are not feeling angry with Distract yourself Count ten breaths Write about it Come back and deal with it later when you feel calm

A Plan for Dealing with Anger

Choose a situation that makes you very angry. Describe how you would like to react to a situation like this. What negative behavior do you most want to avoid when you experience anger? What will you do instead? What will you do when you experience your early warning signs of anger?

Control Anger before it controls you!

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