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Presented By: Aanchal Aggarwal MBA HR-3 Roll No.

Give an overview of the concept of training and development Discuss the evolution of Training and development Brief explanation of the various training and development practices in short Examples pertaining to each sector in the Indian industry with regards to their training and development practices each with respect to 1980s, 1990s, 2000s Initiate a management game on team building called stock market simulation

To help create an understanding of how training and development evolved in India Overall the workshop aims at helping the audience in understanding the concept and seeing the transformation with regards to training and development in different sectors in the Indian Industry. To help strengthen team building by way of a management game.

Till the sixties training activity in most of the Indian Organizations was totally absent or partly present in a rudimentary form However in the seventies Indian Organizations started becoming aware of the need for development of managers for better management of industries Therefore Executive development programs came up in few educational institutes such as:

Administrative Staff College of India IIMs TISCO started own training centers and hired outside faculty Four decades ago the concept of Training within industry by ILO came up. Training Workshop Initiative programs were basically on the job training to the workers

This program was also not successful as it was enforced by the government and was not at the wish of the employees The workers training was limited to on the job training for better productivity and production

It is only after Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhis stress on Human resource Development that training took a front seat in the economy A separate HRD ministry was set up in 1985 No doubt the need for training was realized by different organizations however they concentrated mainly on management development rather than worker development

Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills.

Presentation methods Hands on Methods

Group Building methods

Presentation methods - methods in which

trainees are passive recipients of information This information may include:
Facts or information Processes Problem solving methods

Presentation methods include:

Lectures Audio-visual techniques

Lecture involves the trainer communicating

through spoken words what he/she wants the trainees to learn It is often used because it is one of the least expensive, least time-consuming ways to present a large amount of information efficiently in an organized manner

Standard Lecture

Student Presentations

Team Teaching

Guest Speakers

Audio-visual instruction includes:

slides Video

It has been used for improving:

Communication skills Interviewing skills Customer-service skills Illustrating how procedures should be followed

Training methods that require the trainee to be actively involved in learning These methods include:
On the job training Business games Simulations Case studies Behaviour Modelling

Role plays

On-the-job training (OJT) refers to new or inexperienced employees learning through observing peers or managers performing the job and trying to imitate their behavior OJT includes:
Apprenticeships Self-directed learning programs

Employees take responsibility for all aspects of learning:

when it is conducted who will be involved

Trainees themselves design training content at their own pace without an instructor
Trainers are available to evaluate learning or answer questions for the trainee

A formal occupational training program which combines on-the-job training and related instruction and in which workers learn the practical and conceptual skills required for a skilled occupation, craft, or trade Can be sponsored by companies or unions Most programs involve skilled trades

Replicates a real-life situation It is an attempt to create a realistic decision making environment for the trainee. Used to teach:
Production and process skills Management and interpersonal skills

Description about how employees or an organization dealt with a difficult situation Trainees are required to:
analyze and critique actions taken indicate the appropriate actions suggest what might have been done differently

Major assumption is that employees are most likely to recall and use knowledge and skills learned through a process of discovery

Require trainees to gather information, analyze it, and make decisions with the help of some game Primarily used for management skill development Games mimic the competitive nature of business

Trainees act out characters assigned to them Information regarding the situation is provided to the trainees Focus on interpersonal responses Outcomes depend on the emotional (and subjective) reactions of the other trainees The more meaningful the exercise, the higher the level of participant focus and intensity

Involves presenting trainees with a model who demonstrates key behaviors to replicate Provides trainees opportunity to practice the key behaviors Based on the principles of learning through observation (social learning theory) Effective for teaching interpersonal and computer skills

Group building methods - training methods

designed to improve team or group effectiveness Training directed at improving trainees skills as well as team effectiveness Group building methods involve trainees:
sharing ideas and experiences building group identity understanding interpersonal dynamics learning their strengths and weaknesses and of their co-workers

Group techniques focus on helping teams increase their skills for effective teamwork Group building methods often involve

experiential learning
Adventure Learning Team Training Action Learning

Group building methods include:

Focuses on the development of teamwork and leadership skills using structured outdoor activities Also known as wilderness training and outdoor training Best suited for developing skills related to group effectiveness such as:
self-awareness problem solving conflict management risk taking

Involves coordinating the performance of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal Teams that are effectively trained develop procedures to identify and resolve errors, coordinate information gathering, and reinforce each other

Involves giving teams or work groups:

an actual problem, having them work on solving it, committing to an action plan, and holding them accountable for carrying out the plan

Development refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.

On the Job
Job Rotation Coaching Action Learning Staff Meetings Lateral Transfer

Off the Job

Seminars and conferences Case Studies Games Role Play Behavior Modeling Corporate Universities

Training in the industry was done on ad hoc basis There was no systematic approach for training Long term and short term objectives were not defined There was no survey of training needs Training was basically considered as deviation from busy work life- as a relaxation program

Training were conducted basically for statistical purposes. Training was basically done with regards to specific technical skills Management programs were not given due importance

Hindustan Zinc Limited: Large public sector organization which was involved in Zinc and lead, Mining and Smelting. Training and development was very important for them as:
Specialists in this technology usually migrate to other countries

Mining technology is sophisticated so there was a need to train and re train existing employees









Source: HRD in a changing Environment By YK Bhushan

Source: HRD in a changing Environment By YK Bhushan

Both are competitors in the field of manufacturing switch gears, switch boards, ACS, Refrigerators etc. The training in this kind of industry at that time was basically Apprenticeship training given under Apprenticeship Act 1961. The various training programs given were:

Apprenticeship Training

Diploma and graduate Engineers Training Scheme

Management training scheme

Need based training

Customized training programs

Safety Training programs

Management development programs

Apart from this various amenities such as

Free transportation from station to work Subsidized breakfast and lunches Subsidies Free tea Library and sports facilities Medical facilities Uniforms The above were provided in order to motivate the trainee to be a part of the program

Total employees 4000 1200 working in Managerial and supervisory category Non management employees: 90 percent are engaged in skilled jobs

Training Provided:
Senior technician and operator training Trade apprenticeship training

Commercial Apprenticeship

Employee development programme

Training programme for outside organizations

Modular Training

In mid 1980s and early 1990s there was a boom for adventure based training excitement of a zip line and thrill of rappelling stimulated many possibilities for learning

Source: HRD through In- house training by PL RAO

In 1980s training initiatives of Motorola were phenomenal They set up a Motorola Education and Training center which later on became a university in 1989 Motorola's success was based on strong foundations of corporate wide learning practices In recognition of these development practices American society for Training and Development named Motorola the top training company.

Companies have realized that fostering a sense of belonging among employees, right from the time of induction, pays in the long run National Fertilizers have training programs even for wives on holidays where company practices and culture are discussed By this it was found that absenteeism reduced considerably

There are trainers who use bhajans and kirtans to convey productivity concepts in a simple manner, in a folk song style. It is novel and an enjoyable method.

1995: TQM Workshops to inculcate positive work culture introduced. 1997: 5000 employees were put through three day workshop as part of visioning session. 2000: Parivartan launched with an objective of motivating and imparting knowledge of sales function. 2001: EVA introduced, 500 people were involved to help them make decisions pertaining to investments, trade offs etc. Initiatives such as Entrepreneurs Boards, Red and blue teams, Mentoring and reverse mentoring were introduced

In 2002:

January 2003: Special Hr programme for developing interpersonal and negotiation skills introduced 2003: English language training for floor workers introduced

need for a performance driven culture felt so program called Gallop introduced( Godrej Accelerated learning Leadership Orientation Programme) GIL introduced Spark, training for managers to help them become effective coaches End of 2002: E-gyan introduced to increase learning potential of employees.

Coca Cola in the early 1990s developed a program called Maintaining Competitive Advantage which was a management development program This was basically initiated so as to help in providing skilled managers to the company so as to have a competitive edge over other competitors They aligned the program with their corporate strategy

The same strategy as followed by Coca Cola was also followed by AT&T Management Development Program called Maintaining Competitive Advantage was developed

Mahindra and Mahindra:

Skill and Knowledge Inventory Phase 1

Skill Mapping

Training & Development Project

Training Needs Identification Phase 2 Training Plan

Training Phase 3 Evaluation

Training programmes

In -House


Class Room

Experiential Learning

Functional Sponsored programs Management Development programs

Case Study Method

Out bound learning

Role plays

On- the- Job training


Special Projects

Theatre based

Trainings may be broadly classified into:


Ranbaxy Specific

Standard operating procedures


There may be training which is online or instructor led training. Ranbaxy has a set training calendar containing details of who is to take training, when is it to be carried out and who would be doing it. Earlier all this was done manually, now in the changing era with so much importance to training and development. They have an online tracking system called learning management system in place.

Vestibule training is conducted which is same for workers as well as supervisors. However if we talk about imparting behavioral training then this is done through:
Lectures Business Games In basket exercises Training aids used include power point presentations, videos, demonstration equipment, evaluation techniques etc.

After the training is over feedback forms are also filled suggesting whether the training was successful or not..

All managers at IBM use face to face instruction technology. The program is an expert system that provides a customized portfolio for each manager. The expert system guides managers through pre-work that has to be completed prior to attending learning labs. Learning is reinforced through the use of knowledge management system.

Accenture: gives in 80 percent more training hours than their competitors 12 million hours in educating people Spends 800 USD in training and development Have a global learning portal called My learning offers which has over 20000 online courses Vast online library , the knowledge exchange.

In 2002: Marriot International, a widely recognized name in the lodging industry. It was proposed then that Marriot in the next 5 years would be hiring million employees. A training transformation team was struck to study the problem and find a solution. A front desk quest was initiated The trainee on an online system is presented with a series of training modules where simulation takes place. The trainee assumes active roles in different situations hypothetically giving its response to each of the situations. Then correct or incorrect decisions are evaluated.

Global giants like Motorola and Ford Motor today are using concepts of virtual training. They have self paced computer based training through firms intranet.

In todays global market training is becoming imperative 24/7/365 affair, cutting across geographies and time restrictions The changing areas of training and development today:
Computer based training Grid technology Supervisors skills level Modular approach


Action Learning

Competency based training

Outbound training

Basically a computerized process for assessment of productivity and work climate profiles of all organizations A 400 statement questionnaire given to supervisors and 3 hours for answering those questions are given The Results are then compared with National Average in 11 different countries

Competency based training.:


Programme implementation Preparation of modules for instruction Identification of competency requirement

HRD through In- house training by PL RAO. Enriching human capital through training and development by PL Rao Effective training by P. Nick Blanchard & James W. Thacker. HRD in a changing Environment By YK Bhushan Employee training and development by Raymond A Noe

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