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Prashant Lakhera- Senior Analyst

By:Abhishek Bansal Abhishek Dua Aditya Agarwal Ajay Tomar Amey Mairal Ankit Singh Apoorv Dwivedi Sharad Sharma

Introduction Background Personality Analysis Big Five Personality Model Discussion Questions Case Analysis Managerial Learning Conclusion

The Case discusses about the problems faced when personnel from different educational and professional backgrounds come together in a team to work on a project. It shows how their individual personalities become a cause of friction & thereby, create a problem for individual members and team as a whole.

People Involved Deepak Ghosh - Project Manager, Construction Development Board Prashant Lakhera - Senior Analyst, Credit Rating Agency Gagan Vedi Analyst, Industry Research dept., Credit Rating Agency

Background (cont.)
Agencies Involved Credit Rating Agency Ltd. Provider of investment information & credit rating services in India Construction Development Board - A govt. undertaking providing a forum for all parties involved in construction to express their concerns & study various problems. CRA-CDB Grading Model - Provide technical expertise & grade to various construction companies involved.

Background (cont.)
Project Details CCL is involved in construction of bridges & roads. Continent Construction Ltd. (CCL) agreed to be graded by CRA-CDB model. Lakhera & Vedi to provide financial analysis; Ghosh to work on the technical area. Collective report to be submitted to the grading committee.

Personality Traits of Mr. Deepak Ghosh Deep understanding of his work area. Narcissist Over- Confident Moody Personality Traits of Mr. Prashant Lakhera Rational Result Driven Introvert Non- Proactive

Team Characteristics

Professional Expertise

Full of Introverts


Lack of Trust

Big Five Personality Model

Mr. Deepak Ghosh Extraversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness Emotional Stability Openness to Experience Low Low Low Low Low Mr. Prashant Lakhera Low High High High High

Discussion Questions
An insight into the situations that have lead to the prevailing friction. Steps that could have been taken to avoid this situation. Lakheras options. What would we have done if we were in Lakheras place.

Findings Of The Case So Far

First Meeting Lack of personal interaction. Site Visits Individualistic approach & lack of co-operation from Ghosh. Client Dinner Ghosh is ignorant towards his co-members. Mumbai Meeting On being asked not to speak during the meeting Ghoshs agitation increased further. Hotel Incident Indifferent behaviour towards team members reached its limit.

Steps That Could Have Been Taken

Healthy interaction during the first meeting. The team should be more organized. Prashant Lakhera should have asked Ghosh to sit with them and discuss the daily proceedings. Lakhera should have tried to resolve the conflict between them and Ghosh.

Options with Lakhera

Talk to Ghosh immediately & try to reconcile the differences as soon as possible. Contact his boss, Mr. Phadnis, & ask him to intervene in the matter.

Managerial Learning
Managers/professionals should be more open to experience. Managers should be more cooperative and develop trust within the team. A professional should be calm and composed with high emotional stability.

A proper team-work and cooperation is required for any project to see the light of the day. Such altercations can adversely affect the future prospects of young professionals.


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