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Job 28:1-28

JOB 28:1-28

Its in times of trial that we find ourselves searching for answers to the big questions of life.

A bit of background to the story of Job.

JOB 28:1-28

1. Humanitys ability to unearth the treasures of the earth (v. 1-11).

a) Humanitys ingenuity and ability.

JOB 28:1-28

1. Humanitys ability to unearth the treasures of the earth (v. 1-11).

a) Humanitys ingenuity and ability. b) Our drive for things of great worth and value.

JOB 28:1-28

1. Humanitys ability to unearth the treasures of the earth (v. 1-11).

a) Humanitys ingenuity and ability. b) Our drive for things of great worth and value. c) We want our lives to have meaning.

JOB 28:1-28

Most people, if they have really learned to look into their hearts, would know that they do want, and want acutely, something that cannot be had in this world. There are all sorts of things in this world that of fer to give it to you, but they never quite keep their promise Something has evaded us. C. S. Lewis

JOB 28:1-28

2. Humanitys inability to unearth the most valuable treasures (v. 12-22).

a) By nature, we cant make sense of reality.

JOB 28:1-28

2. Humanitys inability to unearth the most valuable treasures (v. 12-22).

a) By nature, we cant make sense of reality.

JOB 28:1-28

2. Humanitys inability to unearth the most valuable treasures (v. 12-22).

a) By nature, we cant make sense of reality. b) We need to see things from above.

JOB 28:1-28

3. Where then does wisdom come from? (v. 23 -28).

a) Gods sovereign control and Gods rule.

JOB 28:1-28

3. Where then does wisdom come from? (v. 23 -28).

a) Gods sovereign control and Gods rule.

JOB 28:1-28

3. Where then does wisdom come from? (v. 23 -28).

a) Gods sovereign control and Gods rule. b) We get that from above perspective from Jesus.

JOB 28:1-28

3. Where then does wisdom come from? (v. 23 -28).

a) Gods sovereign control and Gods rule. b) We get that from above perspective from Jesus. c) What does wisdom tell us when the world seems to be falling apart around us?

JOB 28:1-28

3. Where then does wisdom come from? (v. 23 -28).

a) Gods sovereign control and Gods rule. b) We get that from above perspective from Jesus. c) What does wisdom tell us when the world seems to be falling apart around us? d) The fear of the Lord that is wisdom.

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