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Presentation in PSY/SOA 131 Social Psychology K. D. Kappus


Todays topic: What makes a good leader?

Social psychologists have a number of theories about leadership You will find information covered today on pages 493-499 of the text The study of leadership is related to many of the other topics weve been going over this semester, including conformity and compliance
August 15, 2012
SOA/PSY 131: Social Psychology

What are the main ideas about leadership?

The main ideas that you are responsible for are I. The classic trait theory II. Contingency models of leadership III. Normative model of leadership IV. Transactional leadership V. Transformational leadership

August 15, 2012

SOA/PSY 131: Social Psychology

In-class activity

Before we go on, please tell us what you already know about leadership. Write down the following: Your name The name of someone you think is a great leader A paragraph about why you think this person is such a good leader Hold on to your paper well revisit this later in class.
August 15, 2012
SOA/PSY 131: Social Psychology

I. Classic trait approach

Are leaders effective because they share certain fundamental leadership traits? The classic trait approach, or great person theory, states that certain traits are uniquely and universally important to effective leadership

August 15, 2012

SOA/PSY 131: Social Psychology

I. Classic Trait approach (continued)

Traits that researchers say are important Cognitive ability Inner drive Expertise A desire to motivate others Creativity and flexibility Integrity

August 15, 2012

SOA/PSY 131: Social Psychology

I. Classic trait approach (continued)

Variations on the classic trait approach Emotional intelligence: the classic traits are important, but a true leader also needs to understand other people and their emotions in order to adapt his/her leadership style to the circumstances The effect of circumstances: perhaps different personal characteristics are important in different situations
August 15, 2012
SOA/PSY 131: Social Psychology

II. Contingency models of leadership

What leadership styles are better for which situations?

Leadership styles:
Task oriented Relations oriented

Task oriented leaders do best when theyre in circumstances of low situational control or high situational control. Relations oriented leaders do best when theyre in an ambiguous situation

August 15, 2012

SOA/PSY 131: Social Psychology

III. Normative Model of Leadership (continued)

How much participation should a leader invite? According to the normative model of leadership, leaders must solicit the efficient level of decision-making input from their subordinates A leader who is too autocratic will alienate subordinates A leader who solicits too much input will waste time
August 15, 2012
SOA/PSY 131: Social Psychology

IV. Transactional Leadership

Ewe quiche me, I fondue you Is leadership a top-down, one-way street sort of thing? According to transactional leadership, no. Leaders set mutual goals with employees, and take action when these goals are not met

August 15, 2012

SOA/PSY 131: Social Psychology

V. Transformational Leadership

Transformational leaders Convey to followers the message that anything is possible Articulate a clear vision of the future Motivate followers to transcend their personal interests in pursuit of this vision Bottom line: inspiring ideas are often more effective motivators than rewards and punishments
August 15, 2012
SOA/PSY 131: Social Psychology

VI. Review Activity

On your sheet of paper from earlier in the class, youve identified someone who you think is a good leader, and mentioned why you think s/he is a . Now, in another short paragraph, write which one of the models from this lecture best corresponds to your reasoning: classic trait, contingency, normative, transactional, tranformational Slides will be available at

August 15, 2012

SOA/PSY 131: Social Psychology

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