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Submitted To

Submitted By
Pradip Pipaliya:- (117460592126) Ankit Savaliya:- (117460592063)

BATCH : 2011-13

Flow of Presentation
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Industry Overview Company Profile Objective of the study Research Methodology Data analysis and Interpretation Hypothesis Crosstabulation Findings Limitation Recommendations Learning Conclusions References


The earliest written record in India on Spices is the venerable Vedas Arabians, Romans, Egyptians, the Chinese to the British and the Portuguese all invaded India with one goal - to take advantage of the rich, natural wealth and for Indian spices. Centuries before Greece and Rome had been discovered, sailing ships were carrying Indian spices, perfumes and textiles to Mesopotamia, Arabia and Egypt


The story of Indian Spices is more than 7000 years old. India accounts for nearly 45% and 30% in terms of volume and value in the world spice trade. India faces stiff competition from China, Malaysia and Pakistan in terms of pricing of the products. India is one of the prime exporters of pepper, chilies, turmeric, seed spices and spice derivatives to the rest of the world. USA, EU, Japan and Srilanka import these Indian spices in large volumes.


DHANHAR EXIM PVT.LTD. Surat (Gujarat) based business entity, firmly believes in Success is a journey, not a destination. Dhanhar Masala Bhandar introduces itself as a leading manufacturer and exporter of Indian spices particularly Masala, hinges and others. Established on 1968, the company has always followed the philosophy of providing quality products and services to our ever-increasing clientele.

Today Dhanhar has become a name synonymous to Indian spices, its taste and aroma; and has become a name of repute in spices and Hing industry.

Objective of the Study

To study the customer preference of Dhanhar Spices. To study preference of customer towards various product provided by the Dhanhar Masala Bhandar. To Study the response towards various schemes adopted by Dhanhar Masala Bhandar To study whether association between use spices of Dhanhar

Masala and Occupation (Housewife and Working woman) or

not. To study whether significance difference between features of Dhanhar Masala and income or not.

Research Methodology
Research Design
Descriptive research design was taken for studying the consumer's Preference

Sources of data
We have used primary data for the core purpose of the project. And this primary data has been gathered by survey method. We have also used secondary data for formation of other part of project such as industry profile, company profile and functional department etc.

Data collection method

Survey Method was taken for studying the consumer's Preference

Customers from SURAT.

Sampling Method
Convenience Sampling was taken for studying the consumer's preference.

Sampling Frame
Those peoples from surat who use Masala in cooking.

Data Collection Instruments

A questionnaire was prepared to test the sample I) Dichotomous Questions II) Multiple-choice Questions III) Open ended Questions

Sample size
We use 100 sample to conduct the research

Analysis tool
SPSS 17.0, Excel

Statistical test
Chi-square, ANOVA, T-test

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Q 1) Do you Cooke regularly?
Persons who are cooking regularly. No of housewives cooks regularly (yes) No of housewives not cooking regularly(no) Total 98 02 100

Do you Cook regularly?





There are 98 housewives who cook regularly. There are 02 housewives who does not cook regularly

Q 2) Which companys Spices you are aware about?

Awareness of various Brands in Spices company.(Out of 98) Badshah Masala MDH Masala Dhanhar Masala Everest Masala Ramdev Masala S.K. Masala Others 61 21 75 09 25 21 05

Which companys Spices you are aware about?

75 61

21 9


21 5









In this question the information about the awareness of various companies is denoted and in all this company Dhanhar Masala has maximum awareness And Everest has low awareness.

Q 3) Are you aware about Dhanhar Masala?

Persons aware about Dhanhar Exim Pvt Ltd. Aware (yes) Not Aware (no) Total 85 13 98

Are you aware about Dhanhar Masala?






There are 85 people who are aware about Dhanhar Exim Pvt Ltd from the 98 Respondents. There are 13 Respondent are not aware about the Dhanhar Exim Pvt. Ltd. It may be because of less publicity or advertisements.

Q 4) How you come to know about Dhanhar Masala?

Sources of awareness (all out of 85) Advertising Publicity By reference Sales Promotion 03




How you come to know about Dhanhar Masala?

Advertising Publicity By reference Sales promotion





Mostly customers aware through Reference and Publicity and very few aware From sales Promotion.

Q 5) Have you used Spice of Dhanhar Masala?

The User and non-user of Dhanhar Spices. User Non-user Total 74 11 85

Have you used Spice of Dhanhar Masala?






From 85 People there are 74 Person uses Dhanhar Spices Almost 87%. There are 11 People who are not using Dhanhar Spices.

Q 6) How many times you have used Dhanhar Masala?( In a Month)

Use of Dhanhar Spices 1 To 5 times 03 5 to 10 times 10 to 15 times 28 More than that 33


How you come to know about Dhanhar Masala in a month?

33 28

10 3

1 to 5 times

5 to 10 times

10 to 15 times

more then that


Most of the peoples are using Dhanhar Masala more than 15 times in a month And very few peoples are using only 1 to 5 times in months.

Q 7) Which Are Products you are aware about Dhanhar Masala?

Which Are Products you are aware about Dhanhar Masala?
Sandwish Masala Punjabi Gravy Masala Undhiyu Masala Dabeli Masala Vada Pav Masala coriander powder Nimbu Soda Masala Sambhar Masala Chikcen Masala Chivda Masala Fruit Masala Special Rajwadi Masala Milk Masal Dhanhar Mirchi Powder Dhanhar Masala papad Dhanhar Chana Flore Dhanhar Haldar Chana Masala Athana Sambhar Rajagara Flore Singhoda Flore Fish Masala Chaash Masala Tea Masala Garam Masala Dhanhar Hing 30 10 11 33 25 0

19 0 6 5 6 23 17 4 1

22 39 6 3

27 43 70 70

Q 8) Rate the following Character of Spices of Dhanhar Masala?

Services Taste Price Quality Packing Healthiness Mean
1.18 2.07 1.72 1.58 2.01

Rate the following Character of Spices of Dhanhar Masala?

Mean 2.07 1.72 1.18 1.58 2.01







As the Above result Mean of the Price is very high and mean of Taste is low compare to others

Q 9) Rate the following Scheme.

Scheme Price Discount Gifts Special Festival Scheme Mean
4.22 4.76 4.68

Rate the following Scheme.




Price Discount


Special Festival Scheme


As the above result Mean of Gifts is high and mean of Price discount is low.

Q 10) Why you have not used Dhanhar Masala?

Reasons for Not Purchase (All out of 16) High Price of Product Less Awareness Not Good Reference from People Not Good Offers. other 0 2 4 3 2

Why you have not used Dhanhar Masala?

4 3 2 2

0 High Price of Product Less Awareness Not Good Reference from People Not Good Offers Other


Peoples are not purchase Dhanhar Masala because of they have are not getting Any offers, they have less awareness and not good reference.

Q 11) Will you Use Dhanhar Spices if you will Required in future?
Future User and Non-user of Dhanhar Spices. Future User (yes) 89 Future Non User (no) 9 Total 98
Will You Use Dhanhar Spices If You Will Require In Future?




Mostly peoples will used Dhanhar Masala in futures.

Q 12) Give your suggestion if any

Company Should Develop New Scheme For Customer. Company Should Provide Discount on Bulk Quantity Purchase. Company Should Make an Advertisement for batter Awareness in other part of Gujarat.

H0: There is no Association between use spices of Dhanhar Masala and occupation

(Housewife and Working woman)

H1: There is Association between use spices of Dhanhar Masala and occupation (Housewife and Working woman)
Chi-Square Test

Pearson Chi-Square Continuity Correctionb

Value 1.177a .574

df 1 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .278


Exact Sig. (2-sided)

Exact Sig. (1-sided)

Likelihood Ratio
Fisher's Exact Test Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases


.342 .227

1.163 85


Interpretation Hypothesis is accepted because Asymp. Sig is more than 0.05 that is 0.278 so There is no Association between use spice of Dhanhar Masala and Occupations

H0: There is no Association between use spices of Dhanhar Masala and income H1: There is Association between use spices of Dhanhar Masala and income
Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .822 1.000 .825 1.000 .049 36 1 .825 .636 Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square
Continuity Correctionb Likelihood Ratio Fisher's Exact Test Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value .050a .000 .049

df 1 1 1

Interpretation Hypothesis is accepted because Asymp. Sig is more than 0.05 that is 0.882 so There is no Association between use spice of Dhanhar Masala and income

H0: There is no significance difference between Features of Dhanhar Masala and occupation

(Housewife and Working woman) H1: There is significance difference between Features of Dhanhar Masala and occupation

(Housewife and Working woman)

Independent Samples Test
F Rate Taste Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Price Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Quality Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed Packing Equal variances assumed 1.255 .266 .532 .468 6.094 .016 .959 Sig. .331 t .484 .489 -.741 -.716 1.600 1.621 1.124 df 72 70.921 72 56.896 72 71.237 72 Sig. (2-tailed) .630 .626 .461 .477 .114 .109 .265

Equal variances not assumed

Healthiness Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed 1.286 .261

.744 .763

72 71.988

.459 .448

Interpretation Hypothesis is accepted because Asymp. Sig is more than 0.10 so There is no significance difference between Features of Dhanhar Masala and occupation

H0: There is no significance difference between Features of Dhanhar Masala and income H1: There is significance difference between Features of Dhanhar Masala and income
Sum of Squares Rate Taste Between Groups Within Groups Total Price Between Groups Within Groups Total Quality Between Groups Within Groups Total Packing Between Groups Within Groups Total .062 4.181 4.242 .557 12.958 13.515 .032 7.847 7.879 .284 9.958 10.242 df 1 31 32 1 31 32 1 31 32 1 31 32 .284 .321 .884 .354 .032 .253 .125 .726 .557 .418 1.332 .257 Mean Square .062 .135 F .459 Sig. .503


Between Groups
Within Groups Total

4.958 4.970

31 32




Interpretation Hypothesis is accepted because Asymp. Sig is more than 0.05 ,so There is no significance difference between use spice of Dhanhar Masala and income

How many time you used DM * Occupations Crosstabulation Occupations Working Households How many time you 1 to 5 times 5 to 10 times 10 to 15 times more than that Total 41 33 74 2 6 14 19 woman 1 4 14 14 Total 3 10 28 33

used DM

How many time you used DM * Income Crosstabulation Income 100000 to 200000 How many time you used DM 1 to 5 times 5 to 10 times 10 to 15 times 1 4 10 200000 to 300000 0 0 4 Total 1 4 14

more than that





There is no Association between use spice of Dhanhar Masala and occupation. There is significance difference between features of Dhanhar Masala and income There is no significance difference between features of Dhanhar Masala and occupation There is no Association between use spice of Dhanhar Masala and income Majority peoples used Dhanhar Masala in Surat There are only 13 people are not aware about Dhanhar Exim Pvt. Ltd. There are 74 People Who Have Used Dhanhar Spices. There are 70 Respondent who are Aware about Dhanhar Hing and Dhanhar Garam Masala There are 61 people who have Rated very Good for The Taste of product There are 24 people who have rated very Good for Quality of the Product. There are 37 and 32 people rated Very Good and Good for packing of product respectively. There are 7 people who have rated Healthiness of Product as very good and 59 people Rated Good for the Healthiness as Good. Dhanhar Masala is not providing any king of price Discount, Gift and Special festival Scheme There are 89 people who have shown their interest in future purchase.

It is noted that company is not doing advertisements in Surat as whole, so some part of people are not aware about the Dhanhar Spices So, it is recommended that Dhanhar Exim Pvt. Ltd. Should make an advertisement. It is noted that company is working in mostly South zones of Gujarat and Exporting their Product So, it is recommended that Company Should make Selling effort to cover whole Gujarat Region. It is suggested by many of customer that companys Product is not easily available in some of the area of Surat So, it is recommended that company should Develop Good Distribution Channel for the Company. Customers are not satisfied with Scheme of Gif t as we can see from Findings. So, it is recommended to develop this Scheme Batter or company Should Develop new Scheme. Companys some the Products are recently launched and many people are not aware about this product So, Company should develop new strategy to make people aware about those products.

For carry out any research there is a need of lot of time but here, it is for academic purpose so time is limited. It is one of the constraints.
The Samples are from Surat only. Hence, the results cannot be generalized.

Here, the Sample Size is Very Small; it should be Big to Measure Customer Behavior in a more precise way.
The chance of biased response cant be eliminated though all necessary steps were taken to avoid the same.

We learned the working of a company, its structure, decision making authority and how they implement the policies and strategies. We learned how we can follow up the consumer and make them loyal to us. We come to know about the specification of different variants of product. We learned how to deal with consumer by using my relation building skill and communication skill.

We come to know about the preference of consumer towards Dhanhar Masala.

From, this whole Research Concluded that Customer are Satisfied with the Dhanhar Exim Pvt. Ltd. It also concluded that Customer are Satisfied with the Dhanhar Spices (as per Question no-: 8) It can Concluded that Product of the Company is not So, Costly and customer Are Satisfied with price of Products.(as per Question no-: 8) It is conclude that Customer is not fully satisfied with the Healthiness of Product. It is true that company has very limited offers for their customers, there is only 3 Scheme available for Customers and from that customers are not Satisfied with Gift as a Scheme.(as per question no-:9)

Company has more than 25 products but all products are not known to customers.(as per question no-:7)

Malhotra, N K (2007), Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, Delhi: Pearson Education, Fifth Edition. Bhattacharya, D K (2009), Research Methodology, New Delhi: Excel Book, Fourth Edition. Philip Kotler and Kevin Keller (2011), Marketing Management, Delhi: Pearson Education, Thirteen Editions. Durai P, Human Resources Management, Delhi, Pearson education. Black K, Quantitative Techniques, Wiley publication accessed on 25.6.2012 accessed on 05.7.2012 accessed on 15.7.2012

Thank you

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