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Gujarat CSR Activity

Computer Education:Date : January to April Execution :Registration through advertisement. Arrange computer training in editorial department. 15 days training of 15 participant. Impact: approx 500 senior citizen and house wife participated. They all are happy with way Divya Bhaskar work. Impact: senior citizens and house wives was learn computer which are very important for now days.Approx 500 reader was benefited from it.

Women's Day
Date : 8th march Total employee: 50 employee

Execution : we invited women employee of bhaskar at conference room. We organize interaction section with lawyer and councilor. We given flowers , chocolate and snacks to employees.
Impact: counselors spreads the knowledge of how to manage home and office.

Seminar on Neurological rehabilitations

Date:- 18th March 2012 Footfalls:- 250 Execution : Tie up with healthy future hospital for bearing all expenses. Releases 45 cc add for public calling. 250 readers participant in this seminar and we also arranged 4 camp neurotically rehabilitations. 150 patient was participated in this camp. Post and pre editorial coverage was released. Impact : 350 participated in seminar and camp. All patient are benefited from camp and they know new technology in neurological rehabilitations.

Plant Visit Date: 10th January to 10 June

Execution: CSR team co-ordinate with school, colleges and associations for plant visit. we are also released editorial coverage for inviting school for visiting our pant. Impact: Approx 3000 readers was visited our plant. And they will know about latest technology of printing and how Divya bhaskar worked.

Jal Star Awards : on world water day Date:- 22nd March 2012 Total Participate: 53

Execution: we are received entry from various places from Gujarat, total 53 entry received. We invited top 13 entry for giving awards at Divya Bhaskar.
Impact : Now Days major problem of society is water so Divya Bhaskar take initiative appreciate their work who are working for water saving. Divya Bhaskar published editorial coverage of their work. .

World environment day

Date: 2nd june2012 Execution: we celebrated world environment day with ISRO and forest department. Arranged painting competition for privilege and under privilege students on save earth. Impact: We made good relationship with ISRO and Forest Department. Spread the current scenario of environment and how we save environment. We also shown video of Jal Satyagrha and distributed birds bowls.

Focus Areas
Thought provoking - Quality CSR to achieve our vision. All activities planned under CSR should be scanned thru the key parameters of our vision:

Most Admired Media Brand and Enabling Socio economic Change

The activity should create a strong emotional connect with readers.

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