Roleta NG Kape

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TPD Prelims

Ahumada, Christine Calzado, Gielizza Marie Castillo, Dianne Llave, George Emmanuel Mendoza, James Dominic Viray, Renassar

Nestl Philippines, Inc. (NPI) today is a robust and stable organization, proud of its role in bringing the best food and beverage throughout the stages of the Filipino consumers lives. The company is celebrating its 100 years of service, therefore, the promo will coincide with this event.


Nescaf Classic comes from 100% pure, high quality coffee beans.

Target Market

The masa who loves to drink coffee.

Sweepstakes are prize giveaways where the winners are chosen by luck. Prizes can range from stickers and tshirts to houses, cars, and enormous cash wins.

With raffles, you have to purchase tickets to enter, and the conditions they use to pick a winner can be decided by the people running the raffle. The drawing may be entirely random, or if the people running it are raffling off their personal assets, so they may decide to award the prize to the entry they like best.


Nestls Nescaf is already a leader in the coffee market. Accordingly, it has been decided that it is better to make the patrons of the product use more of it by creating a sweepstakes promo, than trying to make non-believers believe the product.

Roleta ng KAPE-laran
This promo can: increase sales and store traffic, reinforce product benefits, enhance advertising awareness, and create trade excitement.

Roleta ng KAPE-laran
The promo name is in Filipino because the target audience are the masa. Roulettes are a common thing during fiestas, especially at the perya, which is where most of the masa enjoy playing games. Promo period is until December, when a perya commonly starts.

Roleta ng KAPE-laran
This promo will have print ads that will be printed on tabloids (Bulgar and Philippine Star Ngayon) for two months every weekend starting September 1, 2011 and a TVC that will air for a week starting on September 1, 2011, during primetime on ABS-CBN.

Promo Mechanics
Buy a specially marked 50 g Nescafe classic.

Write your name, address, contact number and signature enclosed in an envelope
together with the specially marked pack. Drop your entries at selected supermarkets nationwide. Winners will get the chance to spin the roulette and win as much as 500,000 pesos during a special segment in Happy Yipee Yehey. Winners will be announced a week before the game date at Happy Yipee Yehey. For Luzon, winners will be announced a week before the game date. For Visayas, winners will be announced after the Luzon game. For Mindanao, winners will be announced after the Visayas game. Submission of entries is from September 1 to November 30, 2011. Announcement of the winners will be on December 3, 2011.

10 each lucky entrants from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao gets a chance to win as much as 500,000 pesos! All the entrants whose entry gets drawn will acquire collaterals (T-shirt, tumbler, Nescaf mug, and umbrella)

A t-shirt, tumbler, Nescaf mug, and an umbrella are the collaterals that the lucky drawn entrants can have. Things that someone from the masa category can appreciate. The Nescaf mug and tumbler are related to the product for them to remember Nescaf more often

Drop box
The drop box comes with a poster that states the mechanics. The drop box will be placed in selected supermarkets and grocery stores nationwide.

Promo ad
The ad has a carnival theme, because our target market likes going to the perya. Perya is also often related to the words luck and entertainment Red is a dominant color in the ad because Nescaf is famous for that color. There are elements in the ad that suggest festivity to attract attention.

Print Ad for Newspaper and tabloids

Print Ad on Groceries, Sari-sari stores and the like

TV commercial
36 seconds commercial to be aired on ABS-CBN. Shows the prizes to be won. Shows a simple version of how to enter.

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