Southwood School Case Study

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PMS Training Program

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4.1 Opening Presentation (for Managers)


Program Objectives

By the end of this 2 hour session, you should:

Develop skills requisite for Performance Management Learn the documentation of the PMS Be able to make SMART targets for the appraisees Be able to help employees identify Training and Development opportunities


4.2 Incorporating Managers feedback into further programs


Location of training was the least satisfactory, and hence next time the training should not be held in a classroom, as teachers might not like sitting in the students seats The second focal point should be the presentation and training methods of the trainer. The HR Manager should be trained on these before the next training session


4.3.1 Rating of Appraisees Training Program

We would rate it as 6 Some of the drawbacks were:

Too many activities in a 2 hour session Participants might not be able to give their expectations from the session, as they are not aware of performance management

Case studies might not be suitable for appraisees who might not be highly educated 8/21/12

4.3.2 Rating of Managers Training Program

We would rate it as 8 It is well designed and feasible to be completed in 2 hours It could have included some case studies which would have been more involving than videos/lectures


4.3.3 Strengths and Weaknesses of both programs Weaknesses Strengths

Managers Training Program

Well Designed No overload Q&A Session

Less involvement Too simple Venue not suitable for managers/teacher s No break provided Too many activities Not appropriate choice of tools

Appraisees Training Program

High involvement No prior work was given


4.3.4 How the weaknesses can be addressed

Better designed program Incorporate feedback regarding venue, presentation skills etc. Choose tools according to competency level of trainees


4.4 Overview of Appraisee Training Program

It is a 2 hour program conducted by the Southwood School HR Manager Consists of 2 1 hour sessions separated by a 5 minute break. 1st part covers an introduction to performance management and an overview of the new PMS. 2nd part consists of a role play, communication skills building and tips 8/21/12 on successful performance review

4.4 (cont.)

The intro to PMS will be similar to the one from the managers program The appraisees program would use more audio-visual aids and less case studies than the managers program

4.5 Rating of the proposed program rate it as 8 We would


4.6 Evaluation Form

Rate the following on a scale of 1-5 excellent) (1-unsatisfactory, 5-

Q.1 Were the training objectives clearly stated in the agenda? Q.2 Were the Course Content/ Presentations appropriate? Q. 3 Will you be able to apply the knowledge learned by the training?

Additional Comments 1. What do you feel were the strengths of this training? 2. What do you feel were the weaknesses of this training? 3. Are there any follow-up activities/ trainings which you would recommend?

Thank You!


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