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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Asia Pacific

I Day

C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The Sun C2 & C4 Library

The Sun C2 library is a small (full functioned) Rack Mounted (2U 3.5) library containing 1 tape drive and 8 or 16 x LTO2/3 or SDLT600 carts. OEMd from Quantum Priced from $US6.5K

The Quantum SuperLoader 3

The Quantum PX502 Library

The C4, also from Quantum is 4U (7) high, contains 1 or 2 drives , 32 SDLT or 38 LTO carts, supports mixed media, Priced from $US10K

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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Course Background
This course was created to increase the knowledge and understanding of the SUN C2 & C4 Tape Libraries. Now, whilst these 2 libraries were manufactured by Quantum, not StorageTek, they are none the less well made (and featured) so are a fitting addition to the SUN stable, they even have a number of maintenance aides that are NOT featured on our own libraries. My plan here being to make you aware of all the features of these 2 libraries so that their maintenance and configuration issues will settle down to become as maintainable as any other SUN/ StorageTek library.Al Stanley.
Note: The principle reason for the trouble associated with maintaining the C2 and C4 tape libraries is lack of knowledge. The only official training provided by Sun both before and after full support was taken over from Quantum on the 1st February 2007 is the Quantum C2 & C4 Field Service Courses available from These courses are quite comprehensive, and should be undertaken by all field staff, but unfortunately they do not cover log analysis hence the need for a Support and Log Analysis Course. I am hoping this course material becomes the one stop shop for C2 & C4 knowledge. To keep the course relevant I have included the new C4 features added with V26 Code.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

At the Conclusion of this course you will be able to:
Explain the C2 & C4 support features Explore (remote) functionality of the C2 & C4 Libraries Know how to Correctly Configure a C2 or C4 Library Interpret Event Logs to isolate failing FRUs Using Event Logs and other service aids identify the aactual problem impacting normal operation Be a Competent Technical Representative at Customer aMeetings

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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The Course Agenda

C2 & C4 SUPPORT ISSUES (Overview) Review the C2 & C4 Block Diagram Possible Configurations and Drive Types C2 & C4 Description & Specifications Request Sense & Sense Keys New Non-STK Terms Explained Remote Menus Configuration, some Important settings Front Panel operation. C2 Stuck Cart Removal (Supplement) Diagnostic & statistical tools Load Ports their Function, Config & Limitations Event log download & Interpretation Final Quiz
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Product Description C2
Starters: The C2 is of SL500 vintage and can operate in 2 modes, Sequential (Stacker Loader) or Random (Automated Tape Library). As the C2 has only one drive, it can operate with a single SCSI ID where Lun0 accesses the Drive and Lun1 accesses the Library via the drives library interface. This mode of operation limits the drive types to HP LTO2, SDLT600 Ultra 160 LVD or HP LTO3 & DLT-S4 Ultra 160/320 LVD SCSI , plus the VS160 a low cost 80Gb x 8Mb/Sec Quantum Drive. (The DLT1 successor) Features: The C2 is a 2U (3.5) rack mounted library that can have 8 or 16 carts, supports auto clean (takes 1 data slot), has a mail slot (CAP) plus removable Sleds (Arrays) for bulk loading. It has an operator panel (OCP) consisting of a 2 line 16 character (Back Lit) display, 5 push buttons and 2 LEDs to configure, run diagnostics and to determine the operational status of the library. The C2 contains and inbuilt web server (Std) to allow remote administration of the library, the On-board Remote management can be accessed via a standard web browser.

Statistical Log: The C2 maintains 4 event logs categorized by severity, Critical Warning Or Informational, the 4 logs detail Hardware, Software, Code update or Boot errors that can be captured/ viewed via http, telnet or the Operator Panel. The event logs contain an 8 digit hexadecimal error code that details any errors in fine detail.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Product Description C4
Starters: The C4 is the Sun OEM version of the Quantum PX502 which is a more conventional small rack mounted library, containing 1 or 2 tape drives. It self configures, has provision for redundant power and It features fibre attachment via an integrated FC1202 bridge, and in its Quantum form is capable of being stacked making a single large library containing up to 240 cartridges. Features: The C4 is a 4U (7) rack mounted library that can have 32 SDLT or 38 LTO carts, supports mixed media, auto clean (takes 1 data slot), but has NO CAP, so carts need to be entered and ejected by removing the sleds (arrays), one on either side of the library holding half each of the carts. It has an operator panel (OCP) consisting of a 7 line 20 character (Back Lit) display and 5 push buttons to configure, run diagnostics and to determine the operational status of the library. As a means of identification in a room full of similar libraries, the OCP backlight can be flashed for a predetermined time to identify the library locally that is being access remotely. The C4 also contains an inbuilt web server to allow remote administration of the library, the Onboard Remote management can be accessed via a standard web browser. Statistical Log: Like the C2, the C4 contains a similar statistical log, and whilst it is presented slightly differently the same decode applies to its errors. Note: The C2 and C4 use industry standard (STK) Barcode Labels.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C4 Block Diagram

This block diagram shows the internals to give perspective to the replaceable parts. The plug in assemblies show multiple connections, in its Quantum form the PX502 (C4) can be stacked, in the Sun C4 form they will only every be single plugins.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The Quantum Courses

C2 C4

Quantum has a course for the C2 (3104) and the C4 (3306), and by online standards they are very well put together, quite informative, and would be a worthwhile experience for any field staff likely to meet up with the C2 or C4. They can be accessed at and cost $0.00 to Sun employees
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C4s Internals (Components)

The C4 has an Elevator its purpose is to move carts between C4s when they are stacked. Sun does NOT stack its C4s

The internal view of the C4 showing most of the available FRUs and their locations

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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

C4 Slot Layout
C4 LTO Version

The C4 SDLT version

has 2 x 15 slot Magazines 32 slots total

The C4 (sold by Sun) comes in 2 versions, a 38 slot LTO version and a 32 slot SDLT or Mixed Media version. Both have 2 fixed slots and 2 removable magazines (Load Ports) and can have 1 or 2 LTO drives Gen 2 or Gen 3. L1 media is supported but not Gen 1 drives. The SDLT versions drive types are SDLT600 & DLT- S4.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C4s two Removable Magazines

18 Slot LTO magazine shown, there is also 15 Slot SDLT

The C4 has 2 x removable magazines (Storage Bins) to be used as fixed arrays or for the import or export of carts, to/ from the library. To be used as CAPs, the Load Ports need to be configured at install time, the Min import export slots is 1 column (5/6 slots) the maximum is the full magazines if both magazines are configured for import/ export it leaves only 2 fixed slots for normal library operation.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Spare Parts
C4 Spares
F380 1507 [F] C4 Controller board SCSI RoHS:YL F380 1508 [F] C4 Controller board Fibre RoHS:YL F380 1504 [F] C4 BackPlane RoHS:YL F380 1390 [F] C4 LVD SCSI to Fibre Bridge Card RoHS:YL F380 1391 [F] C4 Power Supply RoHS:YL F380 1506 [F] C4 Hand RoHS:YL F380 1503 [F] C4 Drive Chassis RoHS:YL F380 1387 [F] C4 LTO2 LVD Tape Drive RoHS:YL F380 1489 [F] C4 LTO3 FC Tape Drive RoHS:YL F380 1490 [F] C4 SDLT600 FC Tape Drive RoHS:YL F380 1389 [F] C4 SDLT600 LVD Tape Drive RoHS:YL

C2 Spares (only 3 spare parts)

F380 1264 [F] C2 SDLT/LTO Magazine L/R RoHS:YL F380 1262 [F] C2 8 Slot LTO3 AutoLoader FRU RoHS:YL F380 1373 [F] C2 8 Slot LTO2 AutoLoader FRU RoHS:YL

Whilst the above are the current latest part numbers, they may not stay that way, they will at least tell you the parts that are spared, it will then just be a case of getting the latest number from the System HandBook on SUN Solve.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The System Controller FRU

* *

System Controller rear connections

* Ethernet (host) is the connection to extract logs etc. * Ethernet (internal) is used between libraries when they are stacked

The System Controller card contains all of the smarts of the C4, it contains the firmware, the C4s identity, the Web Server and the external interfaces Be aware it now takes two forms, LVD SCSI and Native Fibre

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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C4 Backplane (Motherboard) FRU

The C4 library has a replaceable Backplane FRU, accessed from the back, the function of the backplane in the C4 library is to provide all interconnections both signal and power for the C4 components, ie. The System Controller Card, the Tape Drives, the Power Supplies and the cPCI expansion slot.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The Hand FRU

The Hand Assembly (FRU) is a replaceable part, the need can be determined remotely via the Status Hardware and /or the Status Statistics menus

The hand travels along an L shaped track to access all areas of the library. The hand is a difficult assembly to replace, the new hand must be orientated to be in the exact same position as the old hand, to be positioned on the belt post, the rotation gear is turned to achieve this, it is all explained in the Field Service Manual following this will achieve success.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C4 FC1202 Fibre Channel Bridge

The FC1202 Bridge

The integrated FC1202 plugs into the C4s compact PCI expansion socket, it provides fibre connectivity to an otherwise SCSI device. This card (bridge) was originally intended to provide fibre connectivity to the SCSI C4 library controller, but now the System Controller Card comes with fibre connectivity, the drives were already (often) fibre so the bridge is only featured now on the older C4s
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C4 Power Supply FRU

The C4 Power Supply FRU has a 100-240 VAC 50/60Hz input and a +24VDC/ 12.5A single voltage output

The C4 Power Supply FRU is hot swappable (if the C4 has redundant power) is secured be a single locking locking screw, and provides 24VDC power to all assemblies within the C4 including the tape drives.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

C4 Drive Trays





Like Sun/ StorageTek, Quantum needs a target to locate (and identify) the tape drives in its libraries. The C4 target is a rectangular white target, that is split in the middle to indicate if the drive is a SDLT or LTO. The drive tray (available as a spare part) contains a circuit cart to collect statistical data from the drive, eg temperature, fan rotation, safe voltages etc. Much like the RLD or HBD in our SL series.

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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C4 OCP (Front Operator Panel)

The OCP replicates in a very similar fashion the screens presented by the web server . This is the home screen showing the library config and serial number the button labels indicate the functions of the buttons below, this applies to all screens
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

C4 Front Panel Diagnostics

* * * * * * * * * *

The C4 library has a comprehensive set of front panel diagnostics, ones marked * can be accessed remotely. These diags fully test the functionally of the library, if these tests run without error, the only untested area is the interface and this area can be tested with SCSI ToolBox.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Load Ports (CAPs)

Error message " error type 4A - Doors locked via SCSI and Event Log error code 81240303 :see notes pages:

C4 Shown

A Load Port is like the CAP in the SL500, where CAPs can be configured to suit the user, ie. They can be CAPs or slots, and like the SL500, when slots are configured as I/O or slots the capacity of the library is changed. With the C4 it must be decided at install time, if the library will require (regular) enters and ejects, then load ports need to be configured and the library capacity adjusted accordingly, the LH screen configures the load ports, the RH screen adjusts the slot count.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The Security Menu

The Admin PIN allows access and changes to any area of the OCP. Use the Up/Down arrows to select the digits of the PIN. Press Enter to accept each digit, press Enter twice after the last digit of the PIN, then verify that the PIN number is your selection. Once the Admin PIN is set, the Operator PIN can be set. The operator PIN allows access to the Info or Ops menus only, the operator cannot change any library setting.
RULE: PINs can be 0 to 8 characters in length, numbers only.

If PINs are not set, any screen can be accessed or changed by any user.
NOTE: I have not covered all of the OCP screens, just the important ones, as this course is a Remote Attach Log Analysis Course. I feel that all of the OCP screens are well covered in the C4 Users Guide.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Simple Integrated Web-based Access

The Status menu accesses the drive and library event logs

Other possible status indicators when dialing in remotely

C4 Login : admin Password: admin

The access to a network attached C2 or C4 library involves the simple task of entering an I/P address or an alias, or direct attach via a cross over cable then navigating through the menus for the items that you need. This first sections shows you the data that is available, latter sections describe how to use it.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Setting Time and Date

Ensure that the time and date are set correctly to make event logs meaningful

Setting the Time and Date involves navigating to the SET UP menu, selecting and setting the Month, Day & Date, then the Time and Time Zone. Save, then re-boot to implement the new time and date settings.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

C4 Logical Partitioning

With the advent of V26.0 C4 code an additional item has been added to the Setup Menu Partitions. The C4 now supports logical partitioning it can be set, but more importantly checked remotely, onto this screen. From Setup/ Library has been moved Enable Auto Clean, Emulation and Enable Barcode Swap. Load port assignments are reported on this screen but configured still on the Setup/ Library screen.
Emulation: As well as being a C4 (PX502) the C4 can be set to emulate the M1500 (Sunstar) library. Note: Barcode Swap, swaps the media ID from the back to the front of the Volser before presenting it to the host.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Configuring/ Checking Load Ports (remotely)

Configuration, use and the perception of what a load port does (or should do), is singly the most continuous problem we see with the C4 library. A Load Port is like a CAP in the SL500 library where it can be configured for Slots (fixed) or I/O (enters and ejects). As columns or magazines are configured as load ports, slots are lost from the library, the C4 can only have 38 Slots if BOTH of its load ports are set to OFF. The minimum load port size is 1 Column of one magazine 5 or 6 slots, if both full magazines are configured as load ports the C4 becomes a 2 slot library. Menu (1) is used to initially configure load ports Admin PIN is needed, Menu (2) is used operationally to open the doors, and to release the magazines to remove cartridges.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Setting the email address for Critical events



The SETUP menu provides the means to send emails when significant (Critical) events begin to occur, plus the ability to select what SNMP trap information is send to the system. This is a very significant feature for such a small library
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C4s Identity

The electronic identity is accessed via the Reference/ About Menu. The complete identity of the box is then displayed, including Firmware version, WWN, Serial number, IP address, Slot count, drive count etc.

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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Obtaining a Quantum SDLT Drive Event Log

This additional item was obtained from the SET UP menu selecting SCSI/Fibre, to show how device information can be easily obtained

This C4 library is a Quantum PX500 changer containing 2 drives, (1) a Quantum SDLT600 and (2) an HP LTO 3, all are fibre attach, the only drive to provide an event log is the SDLT600 as the LTO product does not have a log. Clicking View log will display the SDLT600s log page 7
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Displaying the SDLT600s Log Page 7

This SDLT600 Log Page 7 retrieved via the C4 library interface shows a successful drive code update from V30 to V40.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The Hardware Statistics of this C4 Library

The statistical information available on the C2 and C4 library is little short of brilliant, especially when you consider that this library is in the Broomfield Bld 7 basement lab and I was reviewing the data in Sydney Australia to prepare this course. No longer is it necessary to visit the site with a multimeter, pen and paper to get this necessary diagnostic data.

This statistical data doesnt end with the above display, by clicking on Doors the status of the sled doors , opened/ closed, Power Supply provides present, status, plus the actual voltage of the 24V supply and the RPM of the fan. Robotics provides the temp of the 3 robotics circuit cards, and if their status is currently OK, OCP provided the status and temp of the Operator Control Panel, and Drives provides serial #, cart present or absent, activity, power present, regulator card temperature and drive fan RPM etc.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C4s Statistics

Click here to get this

Whilst this C4 has only been powered up for a total of 14 days, and robotics actions limited to 231 Z moves and 121 XY moves per day, its statistics are good with just 1 x XY motor retry and 3 x Z motor retries, the hand rotate motor at 28 retries is less impressive, maybe worth a look.

The Status/ Statistics give a very good picture of how a C2 or C4 library is performing, this particular (SUN Lab) library spends most of its life powered off, but when it is in use, these statistics prove that it is functioning quite normally
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Library Utilities

This Utilities menu provides the on-line/ off-line status of the C4, plus it provides the ability to Reboot the library, move the robot into the park position for shipping, and rescan the internal fibre bridge if it has one.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Event Log Capture

For an initial log capture for a new (unknown) C4 change the From Year to the year previous and click (All) for all Critical, Warning, and Information events, then hit View.

Click Status, enter the Login and Password, then select Event Log. Change the settings within the red circles and click View. NOTE: The Cabinet selection is for the Master of a C4 library stack, (Sun OEMs only single libraries) so cabinet is not used in our analysis.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The Captured Event Log


This capture shows only Critical events (to keep it small). All fields in this log are informative, but by clicking on the Summary item a more comprehensive summary appears. The next slide reviews the 3 Summaries marked with an (*)
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The more detailed Summaries

(1) An event code of 3/06/81/002B decodes to a critical voltage within one of the power supplies. This can be checked (remotely) by entering the Status/Hardware menu and checking the displayed voltages in turn, the C4 electronics, the Power Supplies or the Drives.

(2) The RPM of the fans are monitored within this library, in this case 3/06/82/002D decodes to a fan cooling the C4 internals, the power supplies or the cPCI card cage, (not a drive fan)

(3) All internal Servos are monitored, in this case 3/02/AE/2410 decodes just as at left, the library will not initialize, a look at Status/Statistics will highlight any servo experiencing difficulties

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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Error Code Description

There are 4 event logs maintained by the C2 and C4 Libraries. These logs are categorized by Severity: Critical Warning Informational
Hardware: Records all hardware errors that require some action from the user to recover. aaaaaaaaaaThe action may be to power cycle, do some repair work or replace the box. Software: Records all soft errors that are used to log the history of the library during aaaaaaaaaadifferent conditions. There is no user action for these events. Code Update: Records in events the upgrading or changing of firmware in the library. Boot: Records information about how the system is powered up.

Hardware Log The full contents is available via telnet, http or front panel. Software Log The full contents is available via telnet, http or front panel. Code Update Log The full contents is available via telnet, http or front panel. Boot Log The Boot Log contents is only available via telnet or http Each log will record information such as the time of the event, error codes, and context information. The key fields are the time in order to correlate the event with a possible application interruption, and the error code for which the event was logged.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Event Log Error Decode

Error Code Format

Decode Example: C2502303 Sev Code = 3 Task ID = 02 Event Class = 50 Event ID = 2303

This is a reset event, the description is Servo (robotics mechanism). The event class of 50 further refines the error. The event ID identifies the actual failure as Z Axis Jammed Recommended actions: (1) Check for obstructions. (2) Check for tapes sticking out of magazines

This particular error could be caused in a new installation by not removing all of the internal packaging material, or in an existing installation by the customer installing cartridges in the sleds (arrays) incorrectly, not pushing them home, or it could be caused by a hardware error that requires investigation by the customer or a visit from a Field Engineer.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C2 (SuperLoader 3)
From this Menu Tree it can be seen that the C2 has some very powerful Statistical, Diagnostic, Security, Remote Management and Setup options. The C2 is a small but very heavily featured player

The C2 (SuperLoader 3) is a small library OEMd from Quantum. This library has a small rotating robot, 1 tape drive, a mail slot (1 slot CAP) and removable 8 slot magazines whose slots move to position themselves in front of the robot. Whilst small, (16 slots) this library has some very powerful features, and is a joy to support.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C2 Front and Rear View

This slide shows the front and rear view of the C2, this small library has only 3 spareable parts in its Sun form, the Tape Drive, the Magazine assembly (configurable Left or Right) or the complete library frame. If the entire library is replaced, significant proof in the form of event logs needs to be provided, as a C2/C4 library frame replacement is a very rare occurrence.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C2 Internals

1 Tape Drive of the following type: VS160, LTO2, LTO3, SDLT600, DLT- S4

The C2 is a single drive 2U Tape Library, its rotating picker (Robot) moves carts 1 at a time between the Mailslot (CAP), the Drive or the removable 8 slot magazines (Load Ports). The C2 is tightly packed internally the slots in the magazines moving to the front when needed, to be accessed by the picker
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C2 remote Attach Home Page

C2 Login : guest Password: guest

The C2 does not have quite the remote functionality as the C4, being a smaller library with only 3 replaceable parts it does not need it, none the less the statistical and diagnostic information available make remote diagnosis very achievable to ensure that if parts are replaced they are indeed faulty
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C2 Remote Commands Menu

The Commands Menu has 4 useful items (1) move a cart around the library (2) perform an audit (inventory) (3) Reset the hand to its home position (4) Set Sequential rather than random operation
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C2 Remote Configuration Menu

System Operations menu

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I have used significant poetic license assembling this Systems Operations screen, as the items would not fit my standard Star Office Impress slide. 45

C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C2 Remote Configuration Menu

Networking Sub-Menu

Use the Configuration/ Networking menu to set up the remote administration of your C2 library
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C2 Remote Configuration Menu

Security Sub-Menu


The Security Menu controls access to the unit, both front panel and web access, this screen provides the controls that you consider to be necessary to protect the contents (the data) of this library, the operator panel setup/ configuration menus can be controlled by a single password and web access can be limited to a single IP address
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C2 Remote Diagnostics Menu

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The C2 has 5 items in its diagnostics menu, the 1st, 3rd and 4th are the useful ones, (1) will perform 6 targeted tests, (3) will capture and save the event logs, and (4) will flash the backlight in the display to identify this box in a roomful of C2s 48

C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C2 Event Log

This event log is not not formatted in the way of the C4 but none the less has all the detail to locate or confirm problems.

The C2 Event Log is a very detailed log indeed, and whilst it will need the Blake Street Document to decode fully, a lot of very useful data is available to the casual observer, enough to perform a very successful witch hunt, to find out what really went wrong. The log starts with the data from the status page and finishes with a complete audit of the library including barcode labels.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

The C2 Remote (Firmware) Updates Menu

This menu enables you to remotely locate (Browse) to find a firmware image file, then once located to download the firmware image to the C2 AutoLoader or the drive within the library. This is a very powerful and very useful feature, in such a small low cost library.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

C2 & C4 Sense Key/ ASC/ ASCQ

C2 & C4 Request Sense Format

Sense Key (SK)

Additional Sense Code (asc) Additional Sense Code Qualifier (ascq

This error in the system log may be the first indication to the customer that the C4 had shut down due to an overtemp, BUT by examining the C4s statistical data it will be possible to find out the actual error, when it started failing, plus what needs to be done to fix it

Example: 70 00 04 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 0B 01 00 00 or 4/0B/01 or Hardware error, ASC..0xB, ASCQ..0x1

These 3 examples are all possible software depictions of the same error, they can appear in either form in a system log, be prepared. The error in this case is an overtemp condition within the C4
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Remote Attach Guidelines

Whilst the remote attach path to a C2 or C4 library is password protected and the customer himself selects the IP address, the remote attach menu provides some useful, but powerful functionality that could cause some serious disruption to day to day operation of these libraries in inexperienced or malicious hands. Therefore I would recommend that the remote attach path to a C2 or C4 library is NOT a permanent connection, choosing instead to connect solely for a (controlled) remote attach session where event logs can be extracted, diagnostics run, code upleveled etc, then the connection (whilst still configured) removed, to ensure that any disruption to normal library operation is caused by operational mistakes configuration issues or problems with the library itself, not random interference via the internet attachment.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

I would like to thank the groups that assisted me in the creation of this course. I have received significant assistance from Quantum in the form of access to their manuals and their how to log analysis decodes, the Open Systems Backline support team provided the locations of web sites that I would (like you) have never found in weeks of searching, you dont know what you dont know. The intended audience of this course is the FrontLine tape team, it is for your use only, it contains significant amounts of confidential material, so should be used as it is intended. Some of the material used was provided to Sun for BackLine use only, we will be breaching this agreement if it is distributed outside of your group.
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C2 & C4 Support & Log Analysis

Thank you for your attention

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