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Welcome to Language Arts

8th Grade Reading and Writing

Room #111 Mrs. Tweedy

Contact Information

Phone 509.829.5511 (school) Email Website Facebook Remind101 Search Mrs. Tweedys Classroom Office Hours 1st Period Im also available before and after school (7:30-8:00 am and 2:45-3:15 pm)

Overview of the Class

Silent Reading Literature Circles Book Reports Literature Analysis Reading Goals MSP Practice Reading Strategies Assessments Public Speaking Journaling Response to Reading Essays 4-Square Practice Spelling, Grammar, Mechanics Multimedia Presentations Portfolios Editing and Proofreading Writing for Different Purposes - Expository - Narrative - Argumentative - Research

Grading and Assessment

You will be evaluated in many ways during this course. A large majority of your graded work will be written but I may also ask you to present work in skits, PowerPoint presentations, brief speeches, and poster presentations. If a you miss an assignment, quiz, or project due to an excused illness, you will be able to make up the work upon your return for full credit. Late work will only be accepted per the ZMS Student Handbook Policy.

Grading Breakdown

Participation - 10%

Silent reading, journaling, participating in discussions, following directions, behavior, etc. Worksheets, in class assignments, journaling activities, spelling work, grammar activities, reading prompt packets, etc. Story tests, writing projects, grammar tests, spelling tests, etc.

Daily Work - 40%

Assessment - 50%


Your participation grade covers silent reading, journal time, contributing to class discussions, being on time and prepared, being on task, etc. Each week you start with 7 points (a C grade). You can earn an additional 3 points (for an A) by meeting the above requirements. Points can be lost for behavior, being unprepared for class, tardiness, etc. Participation makes up 10% of your overall grade.

Extra Credit Policy

There will be three extra credit opportunities during the school year. These assignments are intended to be in addition to your normal work load; therefore, only students who have turned in the majority of required work will be eligible for extra credit points.

Mrs. Tweedys Class Expectations

Have materials and be in your seat BEFORE the bell rings..

Use respectful verbal AND body language.

Walking in the door as the bell is ringing is a TARDY! If you come to class late, bring a note from the office. Have all needed supplies (book, journal, homework, etc.)

Keep your hands to yourself dont touch other people OR their belongings. No food, drinks, or electronics are allowed in class.

No bullying, harassment, or hate language will be tolerated.

Mrs. Tweedys desk and all items on and behind it are off limits. If you need something; ASK.

Gum is acceptable as long as I dont find it on the desks, floor, chairs, or in peoples hair.

Consequences for Misbehavior

1st Step: Verbal Warning Please stop talking and get to work on your essay. 2nd Step: Move to Reflection Desk Complete Reflection form before returning to class activity. Reflection forms 3rd Step: Referral 4th Step: Office/Parent Contact

Plagiarism and Cheating

Plagiarism is the unauthorized use of or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as ones own original work. Plagiarism is unacceptable and will be treated no differently than cheating. Proven cases of plagiarism and/or cheating will result in a 0 grade for the project and student will not be able to make up the missed points. This class will cover the appropriate way to use another authors work without plagiarizing and all students will be responsible for citing their sources in each written work.

Classroom Library Policy

Books are available for checkout in my room as a convenience to students. These may be used for book reports, assignments, or pleasure. Books for assignments may always be brought from home or borrowed from a library as long as they meet the requirements of the task assigned. Students are expected to return the books within 6 weeks and in good condition. Lost or damaged books will be added to the students fine list at the end of the year. The cost of a replacement book will determine the fine.


Be IN YOUR SEAT when the bell rings if you are walking in the door as the bell rings, you will be marked tardy. Hats

3 tardies = referral


Take them off when you enter my room and put them in your bag, under your desk, or on the hat rack. If you do not remove your hat, I will take it for you. You may pick it up after school. Repeated violations will result in a referral. If I dont notice it, I dont mind it. If you are blowing bubbles, snapping it, or I find it on the carpet or desks we will no longer have gum allowed. Clear water bottles with a lid are acceptable as long as you are drinking water. No sports drinks, energy drinks, coffee, pop, etc.

Water Bottles


You are to remain in your seat during instructional time (when the teacher is addressing the class) unless otherwise directed..

Please do not ask to go to the bathroom during this time. Please do not sharpen your pencil while I am talking to the class.

After Im done, you may move around the room to sharpen pencils or get materials.


15 Minute Rule
Hall Passes

No one leaves the room for the first 15 minutes of class. You get three hall passes for a trimester (that is SIX weeks). Once you run out, you cant leave the classroom. When you need to go to the bathroom or get a drink you need to ask me and then sign out on the clipboard. Hall passes are for going to your locker, the bathroom, to get a drink, etc. These are all things you are supposed to do during your passing period, so plan your time wisely. If you run out of hall passes during a trimester, you can use a Twit Slip. However, these do count against you as being unprepared for class and 3 Twit Slips = a refferal.


Twit Slips

If you forget your materials (books, homework, pencils, etc.) you will fill out a Twit Slip. The first two are free, but the third one earns you a referral. The fourth one is a referral and a call home. You get to start fresh each semester. If you need to go to the bathroom or to your locker and you dont have a hall pass, you can fill out a Twit Slip.

Absent Work

There are six folders next to Mrs. Tweedys desk. If you are absent, I will put your name on your assignment and put it in the folder for you. Make sure to double check with me (or the planner on the wall) to make sure you have everything you need). I will post grades every Monday morning you have to remember your ID number in order to find your grades, they are NOT in alphabetical order.

Teachers Assistant

I hire students to help me with some basic classroom duties. This job is completed during silent reading time each day. If you are interested, please see the job posting at the front of the room. You have to apply in order to be considered for the position. The job lasts two weeks and then a new person is hired.

REQUIRED Materials

You must come to class EVERYDAY with the following materials:

Pencil(s) Paper Book (for silent reading) Homework/Assignments from the previous day

Dont Forget!!


Name Date Period Assignment Title NO NAME = NO GRADE

Tips for Success in Middle School

Be organized!!!


PLAN your time wisely

Passing periods Class time Homework/Extracurricular activities

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