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Innocent Lamola Department of Health & Temperance Mowbray SDA church & SDASM UCT

Primordial prevention: provision of health education to those that are not partaking in negative health behavior. e.g. non-smokers Primary prevention: provision of health care services to the at risk population. e.g. smokers Secondary prevention: provision of health care services to the sick. e.g. Lung cancer patient

Tertiary prevention: provision of health services to those living with the effects of the disease of concern. e.g. Terminal lung cancer patient

Define consciousness Understand what sleep is? Understand the importance of sleep Understand circadian rhythm biological body clock Know when is the best time to sleep Look at the reality of matters in the 21st century.

Consciousness refers to subjective awareness of the external world and self, including awareness of the private inner world of ones own mind(viz. awareness of thoughts, perceptions, dreams and so on). States of consciousness in decreasing order Maximum alertness Wakefulness Sleep(two types) Coma

Sleep is an active process consisting of alternating periods of slow-wave and paradoxical sleep.
Slow wave sleep Has 4 stages Minor reduction HR,RR,BP Frequent shifting Paradoxical /REM sleep Rapid eye movements Irregular HR,RR ,BP No movement

Rarely dreams
Easily awakened 80 % of sleeping time EEG displays slow wave

Dreams common
Hard to awake 20% of sleeping time EEG similar to EEG of an awake person

Even though humans spend about a third of their lives sleeping, why sleep is needed largely remains a mystery.(Sherwood,2007:167) Three major theories about sleep catch up time theory restoration and recovery theory Shift gears theory

You are God's workmanship, and with the full sense of your accountability to God you are to treat yourselves aright. Give yourselves proper time to sleep. Those who sleep give nature time to build up and repair the waste of the organism. "Let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him." {MM, May 1, 1899 par. 5}

Melatonin(hormone) helps to keep the bodys inherent circadian rhythm in harmony with the light dark cycle. Sleep controlling centre consist of : Arousal centre(can affected by noise, light, stress, sadness, excitement) Slow-wave sleep neurons (induce slow-wave sleep) REM sleep neurons (induce paradoxical sleep)

I know from the testimonies given me from time to time for brain workers, that sleep is worth far more before than after midnight. Two hours' good sleep before twelve o'clock is worth more than four hours after twelve o'clock. . . . {7MR 224.3}

Dr Richard Restak ( neurologist & author) notes that usual rhythm of wakefulness and sleepseem to exert a stabilising effect on our physical and psychological health(Sherwood,2007: 677) The greatest disrupter of our natural biological clock is the variable work schedule.(Common in industrialised countries) Explain how Vicious cycle

Workers on alternating shifts suffer more ulcers, insomnia, irritability, depression, and tension than workers on unchanging shifts. Their lives are never the same. To make matters worse, tired workers whose judgment is impaired by fatigue pose threat to society as a whole.(Sherwood,2007:677) Examples would be: Late April 1986 nuclear accident in Chernobyl(World s most catastrophic nuclear accident) Three Mile Island nuclear accident(USAs most catastrophic nuclear accident)

many plane crashes, auto accidents and acts of medical malpractice can be traced to judgment errors resulting from our insistence on working against inherent body rhythms(Sherwood,2007:677) Proposed solutions: 3 week cycle instead of shifting workers from daytime to graveyard shift Melatonin supplements


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