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Authority And Responsibility

By: SAGAR WADKAR Ph.D. Scholar


In the words of Stephen & Coutler Management is coordinating the work activities so that they are completed effectively and efficiently with and through other people.

The highlighted part of above definition clearly emphasizes upon organizing as an essential function of management.


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Organizing is the process of defining and grouping the
activities of the enterprise and establishing the authority relationship among them. Characteristics Common Objectives Division of Work Coordination Well defined authority and responsibility Superior subordinate relationship Universal Process Dynamic


Delegation means assigning work to

others and giving them authority to do it. - F.G. Moore

Delegation of authority merely means the granting of authority to subordinates to operate within prescribed limits. - Theo Haimann


Elements of Delegation of Authority :

Authority Responsibility Accountability

AUTHORITY It means the power to take decisions. Decision can be related to the use of resources and to do or not to do something. Features: Authority can be assigned to some other person. It is related to the post (with the change of post, even authorities change). It makes implementation of decisions possible. It is the key to a managerial job, because a post without authority cannot be a managerial post.


The power to make decision which guides the action of others

A Right & a Power to influence the behavior or efforts of other persons

Authority is seen as the legitimate right of

a person to exercise influence or the legitimate right to make decisions, to carry out actions, and to direct others. For example, managers expect to have the authority to assign work, hire employees, or order merchandise and supplies. - www.enotes .com

Characteristics of Authority:

It is legitimate right to command and

control subordinates. Authority is granted to achieve the cherished goal of the enterprise. Authority is right to direct others to get things done. Authority is a commanding force binding different individuals. Authority is delegated downward.


Responsibility may be defined as the obligation

of a subordinate to whom a duty has been assigned to perform. - Koontz O Donnel Features : Responsibility can be assigned to some other person The essence of responsibility is to be dutiful It gets originated because of superior-subordinate relationship.

Characteristics of Responsibility

Responsibility is to assign duty to human

beings only. Responsibility always flows upward from juniors to seniors. Responsibility is result of duty assigned. Responsibility is the obligation to complete the job as per instruction. Responsibility can never be delegated. It is personal obligation ,and absolute also. The manager remains responsible to his superiors for his job even after its delegation.

Basic of Distinction

The power or right of a superior to give order to others It emerges from a formal position in the organisation It flows downwards i.e. from top to bottom level Its purpose is to make decisions and get the decisions executed

It is an obligation to perform the assigned duty or order It emerges from superior subordinate relationship It flows upward i.e. from bottom level to top level Its purpose is to execute the duties assigned by the superior


Sources of Origin Direction of Flow


Authorize. To empower; to give a right or authority to act. To endow

with authority or effective legal power, warrant, or right. To permit a thing to be done in the future. It has a mandatory effect or meaning, implying a direction to act.

Authority. Permission. Right to exercise powers; to implement and

enforce laws; to exact obedience; to command; to judge. Control over; jurisdiction. Often synonymous with power. The power delegated by a principal to his agent. The lawful delegation of power by one person to another..

Responsible. Liable; legally accountable or answerable. Able to pay a

sum for which he is or may become liable, or to discharge an obligation which he may be under.

Responsibility. The state of being answerable for an obligation, and

includes judgment, skill, ability and capacity. The obligation to answer for an act done, and to repair or to otherwise make restitution for an injury it may have caused.


Accountability means the answerability of the

subordinate to performance. his superior for his work

Features: Accountability cannot be delegated. It originates because of delegation of authority. It is only towards the delegators. Its base is senior subordinate relationship

Authority is delegated downward:

Authority Top level

Middle level

Low level


Responsibility moves upwards

Top level

Middle level

Low level

Workers Responsibility

Power is defined as the ability of
individuals or groups to induce or
influence the beliefs or actions of other

persons or groups
- Weihrich , Cannice & Koontz.


Power is a much broader concept than


Bases of Power: Legitimate power: arises from position. Power of expertness: arises from
knowledge. Referent power: arises from belief in ideas. Coercive power: power to punish. Reward power: power to reward.


Empowerment means that employees,

managers, or teams at all levels in the

organization are given the power to make decisions without asking their superiors for permission.

Basic of Distinction Responsibility Accountability


It is an obligation to perform the assigned duty or order

Answerable to the superior for the work performed

Sources of Origin

Relationship between senior & superior Responsibility ( Responsibility for) or the work can be delegated to some other person

Delegation of Authority Accountability ( Responsibility to) cannot be delegated to some other person


Process of Delegation of Authority

Assigning responsibility Granting Authority Fixing Accountability


Importance of Delegation of Authority :

Effective Management Employee Development Motivation of Employees Facilitation of Growth Better Coordination

Relationships between authority and responsibility:

1. Parity in authority and responsibility: After giving the responsibility, requisite authority regarding work delegated should be granted.



Imbalance in Authority and Responsibility

Case 1
Responsibility Authority

If authority is greater than responsibility, then this could result in autocratic behavior.

Imbalance in authority and responsibility

Case 2.


If responsibility is greater than authority ,then this could result in frustration.

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