Feedback 1

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Sourav Sarkar SIT, Sukna Darjeeling

When a fraction of the output of an amplifier is combined with the input, feedback exists; if the feedback opposes the original signal, it is negative feedback and if it increases the signal it is positive feedback

Like most engineered systems, the opamp uses feedback to realize its potential value. Feedback comes in two forms
Positive Feedback Negative Feedback

It seems like positive feedback might be best, but negative feedback makes the op-amp work

Positive and Negative Feedback

Connecting the output to the positive input is positive feedback Connecting the output to the negative input is negative feedback

Figure 8.5 A transistor amplifier with shuntseries feedback. (Biasing not shown.)

Figure 8.6 An example of the seriesseries feedback topology. (Biasing not shown.)

Feedback of Amplifier Circuits

Feedback is very useful in Control Theory and Systems and is well researched Amplifier circuit can have negative feedback and positive feedback. Negative feedback returns part of the output to oppose the input, whereas in positive feedback the feedback signal aids the input signal. Negative feedback can reduce the gain of the amplifier, but it has many advantages, such as stabilization of gain, reduction of nonlinear distortion and noise, control of input and output impedances, and extension of bandwidth
Graphs are from Prentice Hall

Concept of amplifier feedback

Af =

xo A = , if A f < A, then negative feedback x s 1 + A

A f : the closed loop gain of the amplifier A : the open loop gain of the amplifier

: feedback coefficien t A : loop gain

If A >> 1, then A f 1 / .
If A >> 1, x f = x s A x s , so xi = x s x f 0. 1 + A

Figure 8.4 The four basic feedback topologies: (a) voltage-mixing voltage-sampling (seriesshunt) topology; (b) current-mixing current-sampling (shuntseries) topology; (c) voltage-mixing current-sampling (seriesseries) topology; (d) current-mixing voltage-sampling (shuntshunt) topology.

Amplifier negative feedback types

If the feedback network samples the output voltage, it is voltage feedback. If it samples the output current, it is current feedback. The feedback signal can be connected in series or in parallel with the signal source and the amplifier input terminals, so called series feedback and parallel feedback. So, there are four types of negative feedback in amplifier circuits:
Series voltage feedback (corresponding to (a) in previous slide) Series current feedback (corresponding to (b) in previous slide) Parallel voltage feedback (corresponding to (c) in previous slide) Parallel current feedback (corresponding to (d) in previous slide) In voltage feedback, the input terminals of the feedback network are in parallel with the load, and the output voltage appears at the input terminals of the feedback block. Whereas in current feedback, the input terminals of the feedback network are in series with the load, and the load current flows through the input of the feedback block. As a result, a simple test on the feedback type is to open-circuit or short-circuit the load. If the feedback signal vanishes for an opencircuit load, then it is current feedback. If the feedback signal vanishes 10 for a short-circuit load, it is voltage feedback.

Negative Feedback Properties

Negative feedback takes a sample of the output signal and applies it to the input to get several desirable properties. In amplifiers, negative feedback can be applied to get the following properties Desensitized gain gain less sensitive to circuit component variations Reduce nonlinear distortion output proportional to input (constant gain independent of signal level) Reduce effect of noise Control input and output impedances by applying appropriate feedback topologies Extend bandwidth of amplifier These properties can be achieved by trading off gain

Effect of negative feedback on gain

In series voltage feedback, input signal is voltage and output voltage is sampled, so it is natural to model the amplifier as a voltage amplifier. Av A
In general, A f = 1 + A , so Avf = 1 + Av

Amplifier employing series current feedback is modeled as a transconductance amplifier. Gm A

In general A f = 1 + A , this is modeled by a transcond uctance amplifier, so Gmf = 1 + Gm

Amplifier employing parallel voltage feedback is modeled as a Rm transresistance A amplifier.

In general A f = 1 + A , this is modeled by a transresi stance amplifier, so Rmf = 1 + Rm

Amplifier employing parallel current feedback is modeled as a current amplifier. A f = A , this is modeled by a current amplifier, so Aif = Ai In general
1 + A 1 + Ai

Negative feedback on input impedance

For series feedback, the following model can be used for analysis of input impedance (the output x could be either voltage or current)

Rif = Ri (1 + A )


If the input impedance of the open-loop amplifier is Ri, then the closed-loop impedance is
Rif = Ri (1 + A ), notice A >> 1 for negative feedback

so, series feedback (either current or voltage) increase the input impedance Similarly, the effect of parallel feedback on input impedance can be analyzed using a similar model, the closed-loop input impedance would then be Rif = Ri /(1 + A ) 13 so, parallel feedback decrease the input impedance

Negative feedback on output impedance

For voltage feedback, (it could be either series or parallel feedback), the closed-loop impedance is
Rof = Ro /(1 + A )

so, voltage feedback decrease the output impedance Similarly, for current feedback (either series or parallel feedback), the closed-loop impedance is
Rof = Ro (1 + A )

so, current feedback increase the output impedance

As a summary, negative feedback tends to stabilize and linearize gain, which are desired effects. For a certain type of amplifier, negative feedback tends to produce an ideal amplifier of that type. For example, series voltage feedback increases input impedance, reduces output impedance, which gets closer to an ideal voltage amplifier. So, negative feedback should be used in amplifiers circuits. 14

Gain Desensitivity
Feedback can be used to desensitize the closed-loop gain to variations in the basic amplifier. Lets see how. Assume beta is constant. Taking differentials of the closed-loop gain equation gives
Af = A 1 + A
dA f = dA ( 1 + A ) 2

Divide by Af

dA f Af

dA 1 + A 1 dA = 1 + A A (1 + A ) 2 A

This result shows the effects of variations in A on Af is mitigated by the feedback amount. 1+Abeta is also called the desensitivity amount 15 We will see through examples that feedback also affects the input and

Some Properties of Negative Feedback Gain Desensitivity

Af A 1+ A

deriving dA (1 + A )


dividing by


A 1+ A

dAf Af

1 (1 + A )

dA A

The percentage change in Af (due to variations in some circuit parameter) is smaller than the pecentage cahnge in A by the amount of feedback. For this reason the amount of feedback 1+ A is also known as the desensitivity factor.


Positive feedback


An electronic device used for the purpose of generating a signal. An amplifier

with positive feedback. The signal regenerate and sustain itself. Gain for amplifier with positive feedback
Input Signal


+ -

Vi = Vs - Vf


Output Signal

Vf = Vo

Feedback Signal


Vo =Vi A Vi =Vs V f =Vs BV o =Vs BV i A Vo = A(Vs V f ) = A(Vs BV o ) Vo A(Vs BV o ) Vo = = A AB Vs Vs Vs = A 1 + AB

Af = V A = o 1 + A Vs

where Af = gain with feedback A = open-loop gain = feedback factor

Vf Vo


Positive Feedback Amplifier Oscillator.

A transistor amplifier with proper positive feedback can act as an oscillator. You must remember that a positive feedback amplifier is the one that produces a feedback voltage, Vf that is in phase with the original input signal.


Requirement for Oscillation

If a negative-feedback circuit has a loop gain that satisfies two conditions: Loop Gain, |A| 1

Barkhausen Criteria

Net Phase Shift = 0 Phase A = 0 Note that for the circuit to oscillate at one frequency the oscillation criterion should be satisfied at one frequency only; otherwise the resulting waveform will not be a simple sinusoid.


for second internal : OPAMP (inverting , adder etc) ,Read about SCR, CRO DO mathematical problems from chapters JFET and Feedback Talk to me if you have any problem with any part of the syllabus Prepare for main practical exams also.

Thank YOU and ALL the BEST for your SEMESTER EXAMS

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