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Current Problems

In the words of Dr. Leonard Adleman,

we simply cannot, at this time, control molecules with the deftness that electrical engineers and physicists control electrons. Use of biochips in human bodies may generate opposition from technophobes. Operation Cyborgs.

One pound of DNA has the capability

to store more information than all the electronic computers ever built. One cm3 of DNA can hold approximately 10 terabytes of data DNA computer the size of a teardrop would be more powerful than the worlds most powerful supercomputer

Evolution of the DNA computer (1)

Began in 1994 when Dr. Leonard

Adleman wrote the paper Molecular computation of solutions to combinatorial problems. He then carried out this experiment successfully although it took him days to do so!

Evolution of the DNA computer (2)

DNA computers moved from test

tubes onto gold plates.

Evolution of the DNA computer (3)

First practical DNA computer unveiled

in 2002. Used in gene analysis.

Evolution of the DNA computer (4)

Self-powered DNA computer unveiled

in 2003.
First programmable autonomous computing machine in which the input, output, software and hardware were all made of DNA molecules. o Can perform a billion operations per second with 99.8% accuracy.

Evolution of the DNA computer (5)

Biological computer developed that

could be used to fight cancers.

Designer DNA identifies abnormal and is attracted to it. o The Designer molecule then releases chemicals to inhibit its growth or even kill the malignant cells. o Successfully tested on animals.

Advantages of DNA computers

There is always a plentiful supply of

it. Since there is a plentiful supply, it is a cheap resource. DNA biochips can be made cleanly, unlike the toxic materials used to make traditional microprocessors. DNA computers can be made many times smaller than today's computers.

Advantages of DNA Computers (2)

DNA computers are massively parallel

in their computation.
Excellent for NP problems such as the Travelling Salesman problem. o Solutions that would otherwise take months to compute could be found in hours.

Current problems with the DNA computer

DNA computers are not completely

accurate at this moment in time.


During an operation, there is a 95% chance a particular DNA molecule will compute correctly. Would cause a problem with a large amount of operations.

DNA has a half-life. o Solutions could dissolve away before the end result is found.

Environment compatibility (1)

DNA computer must aim to be

compatible with seven environments to succeed.

Intrapsychic Already complies since it has been conceptualised! Construction/manufacture This will be answered in time. Adoption Should inherit customer base of silicon computers.

Environment compatibility (2)

Use Already seen the potential for this. Failure Inherits this from silicon microprocessors. Scrapping Cleaner to dispose of than current microprocessors. Political/ecological Could face opposition from technophobes.

DNA computers showing enormous

potential, especially for medical purposes as well as data processing applications. Still a lot of work and resources required to develop it into a fully fledged product.

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