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Investment Policy

Foreign Banks

Objective - Maximizing long term portfolio yield Factors under consideration: Liquidity needs Pledging requirements Asset/liability management strategies Safety of principal
Responsibilities Management of portfolio within good banking practice Satisfying liquidity and legal requirements Accountability of Investment Committee for Board of Directors Holding regular meetings Duties Reviewing the regular reports with regards to the portfolio performance and position Planning and execution of investment strategies

Principles of Investment Policy of Bank

Liquidity Profitability Safety or Security Diversity Saleability of Securities Stability in the value of investments Principle of tax exemption/benefits

Importance of Investment Committee/Policy

To define the ambitions and sustainability goals of a ban k To define minimum standards to be satisfied by a prospective client before rendering any financial service To provide constant flow of dependable earnings To provide a suitable balance of quality and diversification of assets Countercyclical balance to earnings - absorb funds when loan demand is slack and by provisioning funds when loan demand is strong To be complementary to banks other activities To reflect how the business operations of a bank impact the society To ensure that above reflection is implemented in every day decision making

Factors Influencing the Investment Policy

EXTERNAL: Estimation of future demand of liquidity Outlook of top management (low risklow reward outlook or high risk-high reward outlook etc.) The changes in RBI norms regarding SLR (Increase/decrease in SLR rates, chanes in norms regarding the type of securities to be kept under SLR)

Factors Influencing the Investment Policy

INTERNAL: Cash position Borrowed funds Quality of asset Maturity of asset Stability and earnings on loans Loan charge off experience Nature and stability of experience Working Capital position Dividend payout

Parameters for Investment Policy

Portfolio diversification - To minimize the risk of loss resulting from over concentration of assets in specific class, currency, Country, or economic sector Maturity limitation - The Bank shall attempt to match its investments with anticipated cash flow requirements However, a portion of the portfolio should be continuously invested in readily available funds such as in bank deposits or overnight repurchase agreements to ensure that appropriate liquidity is maintained to meet ongoing obligations Portfolio management - Investments shall be actively managed to take advantage of market opportunities

Investment Types
SHORT TERM Government Securities Call Money Market Money Market Funds Debt Instruments Equity Instruments Mutual Funds Fixed Deposits (1 day to 3 months) Life/Permanent Insurance Commercial Papers Certificate Of Deposits

Investment Types

Long Term Govt. Bonds Forex Investments Mutual Funds Gold Deposit Schemes Post Office Savings Schemes

Corporate Bonds
Blue Chip Shares

Investment Categories
Held to Maturity HTM The securities acquired by the bank with the intention to hold them up to maturity Held For Trading - HFT The securities acquired by the bank with the intention to trade by taking advantage of the short-term price/interest rate movements Available for Sale AFS The securities which do not fall within the above two categories

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