Biochemistry of Hormones 1

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How do hormones work?

Initial Signal Perception Signal Transduction and Amplification Final Response

Initial Signal Perception

Reaction of hormone with receptor site target cell- cell that respond to the hormone Formation of hormone-receptor complex

Initial Signal Perception

Importance of Receptors 1. Presence or absence of particular receptor determine which cells are able to respond to that hormone 2. Different cell types possesses different receptors that may elicit different responses to the same hormone <<<

Signal Transduction and Amplification

Activated hormone-receptor complex sets into motion a cascade of biochemical events that leads to final response The hormone-receptor complex activates the g protein which also binds and activates adenylate cyclase that in turn stimulates the formation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)

Signal Transduction and Amplification

Alternative pathway: G protein may interact with an ion channel which controls the flow of calcium to the cell. The calcium binds with calmodulin. Both pathway results into activation of specific protein kinases.

Hormone Binding Proteins in Plants

Binding must be specific The receptor should exhibit high affinity for the hormone Receptors can be saturated with hormone molecules The hormone must bind reversibly with putative receptor <<<

Final Response

Activated protein kinase enzymes phosphorylate other proteins, giving rise to hormone response. 2 classes of messengers first messenger- hormone second messenger- cAMP and calcium Amplification- a single hormone will only activate one molecule of adenylate cyclase but each molecule will produce hundreads of cAMP molecules that will stimulate the response <<<

Auxin Binding Proteins

Two Tissues that Respond to Auxin by Cell Enlargement Callus cultures of tobacco pith tissue Maize coleoptiles

Auxin Binding Proteins

Callus Cultures of Tobacco Pith Tissues Associated with membrane fractions
One has relatively low affinity for auxin but high affinity for napthylphthalmic acid (NPA), an auxin transport inhibitor One has moderate binding affinity for IAA but does not bind NPA

Distributed with cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions

Has high affinity for IAA Functions the same as steroid hormones in animal cell <<<

Auxin Binding Proteins

Maize Coleoptile
Only one membrane-associated auxin binding protein designated as ABP1, a 43kDa glycoprotein dimer with 22 kD units with high affinity for IAA Localized at endoplasmic reticulum but also found to be associated with the plasma membrane and the cell Antibodies (designated as IgG) raised against the auxin binding protein (designated as IgG-antiABP) inihibit both auxin-induced coleoptile elongation and auxin induced hyperpolarization <<<

Cytokinin Binding Proteins

CBF-1 protein from wheat germ- loosely associated with ribosomes after washing ribosomal fraction with salt; might have a role in regulation the protein translation process

Gibberlin and Abscisic AcidBinding Proteins

GA has little attention; no confirmed reports of high affinity binding proteins There is a strong evidence for a high affinity ABA-binding site on guard cell protoplasts

Second Messengers in Plants

1. Calcium- controls physiological process in plants which includes cell elongation and division, cytoplasmic streaming, the secretion and activity of various enzymes, hormone action and tactic and tropic responses Calmodulin- calcium binding protein; many many of its properties are similar with bovine calmodulin

Second Messengers
How Calcium Functions Effectively? Cystosolic Ca2+ concentration must be low and under metabolic control through the action of membrane bound calcium-dependent ATPases Concentration of cystosolic Ca2+ is also under control of light and hormones

Second Messengers
Calcium as Second Messengers Ca2+ reacts with calmodulin that results CaMCa2+ This complex activates certain enzymes. There are two classes of enzymes, the NAD kinases and protein kinases

Second Messengers
2. Phosphoinositides- inositol triphosphate system The hormone receptor complex activates the enzyme phospholipase C Phospholipase C catalyzes the breakdown of phosphotidylinositol biphosphate to inositol triphosphate and diacyglycerol Inositol triphosphate moves to cytoplsam where it stimulates the release of calcium

Second Messengers
Inositol Triphosphate System cont. Ca2+ binds with calmodulin, the complex may stimulate a response or through activation of protein kinase

Hormones and Gene Action

The gene may be turned on or off by a hormone The hormone may increase (upregulated ) or decreased (downregulated) its output

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