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Investment Decisions In New Technologies

1. Impacts of Design/Information Technology on Project Outcomes

Stephen R. Thomas ASCE / JULY/AUGUST2004

Objective Describes the Collaborative study of the Industrial ,Academia & Governments efforts. Based on the Construction Industry Institute (CII) Benchmarking and Metrics(BM&M) database, The database Consist of Parties. Owners Contractors

Technologies Used D/IT use of four Technologies :Integrated database, Electronic data interchange (EDI), Three-dimensional - 3D computeraided design (CAD) ! modeling, Bar Coding. Conclusion :- 4% increase in Construction
cost savings. Performance was +vely Correlated.

Findings :Based on the Cost growth & expected factors growth. More than 50 million cost of projects were handled in this research for both owners & contractors. Increase in the cost savings from hundred thousand dollars to $5million Spencer 1999. Improved cost performance from use of D/IT Thomas 1999; Lee 2001! According to the CII D/IT index.

2. Systems
engineering & management case study design for enterprise resource planning.
Stephen V. Stephensona and Andrew P.
Sageb 2007 IOS Press

Objective :To ensure organizational success through operational velocity attainment, where operational velocity.
Enterprise resource planning architecture(ERPA) is used to integrate organizations and to address functional relationships that exist between the customer, manufacturer and supplier within the entire enterprise supply chain.

By Using the various frameworks of ERPs such as follows :Enterprise resource planning architecture framework (ERPAF), Enterprise Integration Deployment Organi zation (EIDO).

Conclusion:- Successful implementation will Enhance a enterprises return on investment (ROI) & enables Organizations Success.

Findings :Positive OV measured in each phase of the MOE. Average speed to resolution (ASTR) and queue hold time (QT) factors. QT decreases, operational velocity also improves as for the core operational, infrastructure expansions. The study suggest a reliable operational infrastructure is required to support critical mass, scalability and the future growth of an enterprise.

3. Dealing With
the Uncertainties in the Bio-Technology industry(23rdjuly,2001)
Sven remer, Siah hwee ang & charles baden fuller Henry stewart publications

Objective:To Evaluating and Managing the Risky Projects with respect to the Bio Technology Companies. Based on the Discounted Cash Flow Methods as Traditionally and Advanced Naive DCF (Static) Method :- Evaluates the Net Present Value based on the single predetermined investment future decision. Advance DCF (Dynamic) Method :- Instead of Single Predetermined and Static scenario of Future Decision it evaluated the all the Possibilities of the Future Decisions

Conclusion :- The Summary of the Paper provides the four key issues such as :Recognizing the real options embedded in the Projects. Determining the exact value of the real options is not necessarily critical. Understanding the drivers of the valuation. When there is flexibility to react on future Information , uncertainty is valuable!

Findings :The financial returns generated by the future cash flows from successful commercialisation of the products. Advantageous strategic positioning that provides Opportunities or new distinctive projects. The new knowledge used as technology in the investments are useful for the future aspects.

ASHLEY D. LLOYD Management School, The University of Edinburgh 50 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JY, UK 10 July 2001

Objective:To study the investments in both the manufacturing and service sectors
Using the three dimensions of business value Automational :- labour savings and cost reductions.
Informational :- enhanced effectiveness, & better output quality. Transformational:- product and service enhancement.

Modelling techniques used in the implementation of the business process:SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique). ICAM (Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing).

ICOM (Input-Control-Output-Mechanism).
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP).

Conclusion :Enables the more Consistency . Provide the relevant information . Reduces the risk in the investments. Techniques are in detail to use as credible & worthwhile , like AHP.

Findings :A comparison of three alternative post-investment scenarios to the current pre-investment situation shows the better relativeness as the 60%.

Approach to technology investment appraisal and provide a justification for development procedure.

5.Technology Investment & Management Accounting Practice

Bill Nixon 1995 by john wiley &

sons, Ltd.

The empirical study of this research paper says that the investment in new technologies as both highly complex and political.
Companies in order to evaluate the relative influence of management accounting practice, including the various decisions based on Capital Investment Appraisal Techniques(CIATs) New Technology(NT) Management Accounting and Control System(MACS)

Relative Influence of the MACS Major changes on the organizations on the yearly basis. Using the financial SAP Modules for the organizations growth.

Conclusion :- Projects with positive net Present Values are accepted. Useful in order to evaluate the risk , cash flows and strategic decisions.

Findings :The research shows the management accounting practices as per the investment decisions based on the process and consequently influence on the capital budgeting. Research based on the American & British companies suggest the use of techniques to avoid complexity in the enterprise decisions.


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