Sumon Das - Sylhet International University - Retail MGT

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Group Name :

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Sumon Das 1443

Fahmida Sultana
Uddipan Roy


Salma Begum
Puja Das Kaji Chistia

1475 14113


Marketing plan of a Super Store


Orange Super Store

Introduction Background About Orange super store Situation analysis for Orange super store Vision, Mission, Goals & Objectives Four Ps of Orange super store SWOT analysis PESTEL analysis Problem faced by the super store in our country Possible recommendation conclusion

Every day we need to go retail store to buy products or services. As these stores offer a wider and wider variety of products, it has become possible for customers to buy nearly all of their everyday items at retail store. But smallbox retail store can not provide everything we need. Sometimes they provide us low quality & out dated product. They have lack of knowledge about the market and demand of the customer. Customers are ready to pay more if they can purchase everything from a store. Because of their les leisure time they always search that type of store in which they can buy everything and of course which has the good quality. They also want to get customer service which means service before purchasing, during purchasing, & after purchasing. This is why super store business is growing rapidly in our country. They provide wider variety of product and services with maintaining good quality at a fair price within a store.

A departmental store is retail establishment which satisfies a wide range of the consumers, personal and residential. Retail sales are vital economic contributors & retail trends often mirror trends in a nations overall economy. Superstores have transformed shopping from a potentially time-consuming process involving trips to various stores into a convenient, one-stop experience. They offer a wide range of products, each superstore competing for a larger percentage of the customers' wallets. They can render smaller retailers with less extensive offerings obsolete.

Large chains of superstores often account for a sizable percentage of their suppliers' sales, giving the retailers significant bargaining leverage over manufacturers' prices. This can result in lower prices for the customers, which puts superstores at even more of an advantage relative to smaller competitors.

As super stores offer a wider and wider variety of products, it has become possible for customers to buy nearly all of their everyday items.
As such, retailers are competing for a larger percentage of their customers disposable income, raising the stakes & causing intense competition.

Though super store business is very familiar to the other country but this business is in introduction stage in our country. To start a super store we need a big figure of money. Besides many problem super store business growing rapidly in our country. Giving more revenue and providing high employment. Because of the current retailers lack of knowledge about the market and demand, out dated product & low quality product, low salesmanship and channel of distribution super store business plan are growing rapidly and turn in work.

About Orange Super Store

Name of the super store : Orange Types of ownership : Partnership Number of partner : 6 Location : Bagbari point, Sylhet Initial investment : Tk. 30,00000 Number of employees : 10 Theme : We save people money so they can live better

Situation Analysis for Orange Super Store

2 3 4

Market Analysis

Current Situation

Competitor Analysis

Customer Analysis

Market Analysis
As there are no other super store in our targeting area so we will capture the market as monopoly business. Though the small-box retailer will create challenge for us & they will target us but our super store is the only one super store in this area. If we provide quality product with customer service & get customer satisfaction then our customer will never think to go outside from us. Because if they want to go another super store then they have to pay more transportation cost.

Current Situation
To start a super store business current situation will be favourable for us. Because we already pass our economic crisis. High purchasing power, living standards and customers willingness to buy prove that current situation is good to run or open our super store and run our business. Though we have to invest a large amount to start our super store but now we are sure that we will get our return of our investment. Because of first start-up, we will get the advantage to business in our serving area.

comparatively stable political situation, good economy, high employment, high living standards- all these factors are now positive for starting a super store business in our country.

Finally, one thing is that we have to face high competition in our target market. Because there are many retailers who will challenge us in the market and they will change their marketing strategy.

We will care them but that doesnt mean that we are afraid to face them. Our good & wide range of quality product & fair price will talk about us and make us the leader of this market.

Competitor Analysis
As there are no other super store in our serving area but there are more than 30 well established or well running retail shop in this area .They are earning more profit as their investment not enough to capture all the customers. But their customer is loyal, not only loyal they are very much loyal and these retail shop takes personal selling marketing strategy .They sale on credit and their customer line start from lower level and reach to the upper line of the society. Though their service quality is not good enough and their customer cannot get everything from their stores but their customers and sales increasing day by day. Because these customer have no other option.

On an average these retail shop sale Tk. 5000-12000 per day which means total consumption cost of the people of this area is near to Tk. 1200000-1800000 per dy.This is a huge amount of sales. This amount increasing or crossed previous amount day by day .These retailers are very experienced because they are serving here more than 3 to 7 years and new entrants are also coming. Within 200 or 300 meter you can find a retail shop.

This is why they are more dangerous and they are aggressive to their customers & most of them are local.

Customer Analysis
According to our plan our selected location for our super store consists middle part of the Bagbari with last part of the Modina Market & first part of the Sagordigirpar. Here, nearly 15000 people live and most of them are businessmen, Govt. employees and from private services . These people are very busy with their job & business and they have not enough time to go to market and bargain with the marketer. But they want to get good things within a short time.

This is why we plan to introduce or open here a super store. This will satisfy their needs, wants and demands and also create a relationship and add value to their marketing and purchase.

Purchasing power & living standards of these people are so good. They are willing to pay more if their time saves and get good things and can buy everything from a store.

Stairs for Success









Our vision is to provide good quality product & services to our customers while remaining the market leader and striving daily to be the most admired super store. Market leader within next 5 years

Our mission must have a higher- order purpose and it must help us and our employees to understand why we come to work each day. Our mission is to provide goods and services for their customers at everyday low prices. Achieve 50% market share within next 3 years Achieve 80% customer satisfaction within next 3 years Reduce customer churn by 2% by the end of the year.

Goals 01 : Management Reengineering

Objectives HR system- development remuneration Human resource training

Employ qualified people, equipment, tools, physical environment

Improve internal relationship & communication

Goals 02 : Increase sales

Objectives Customer relationship management Retails Tk. 20,00000 per month

Increase sales and client per year 20%

Build resellers network

Goals 03 :

Guaranteed satisfaction with what you buy; friendly, knowledgeable service;

Goals o4 : A wide assortment of good-quality merchandise; the lowest possible prices

Four Ps for Orange Super Store

Four Ps of Orange





Grocery items Discount & Cheap house wares Plastic goods Clothing Sporting goods Toys Stationary & Office supplies Hardware Home improvement Paint supplies Cosmetics & Toiletries Shoes Books & Magazines Confectionary Home electronics Pharmaceuticals Jewelry Greeting cards

According to our mission we will provide goods and services for our customers at everyday low prices. We will take low cost pricing strategy with of course maintain good quality product and services.

We select an attractive location for our super store named Orange. People can see it from any side of the road. An attractive location & display will bring more customer to our super store.

Layout of Orange super store

Storage, Receiving, Marketing

Dressing Rooms

Jewelry cosmetics & Toiletries Shoes

Checkout counter




Home Electronics

Books & Magazines

Skirts and Dresses

Clearance Items

Hats and Handbags



Our promotional strategy will include a discussion about the relative emphasis on advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, and alternative marketing techniques. To introduce our super store with the local people we will advertise about our store in newspaper. We will build personal communication with our customer. Sales promotion & discounts system will help us to attract the customer. Our super store-Orange will engage in both push and pull strategies, which makes a discussion of the relative mix helpful.

SWOT Analysis of Orange Super Store





First startup There are no super stores in Bagbari, Sagordigirpar & Modina Market. So, our super store will be the first in this area. Ability to recognize and face limitations We have the ability to recognize & face our limitations which will help us to take any decision for improving our business plan & taking corrective action. Attractive location We will open our super store in center of the Bagbari & its an attractive location for starting a super store. Customer will find our super store from any side of the road. Customer service We will serve our customer before purchasing, during purchasing and after purchasing the product or service.

Point-of-sale & bar code scanning This will be helpful for both the customer & for us because this will save time and wrong pricing Great employee benefits We will take benefits from our employees by using their experience, energy & creative idea. The organization is able to buy in bulk and gain huge bulk discounts that are not available to other retailers and is able to pass on the discounts and pricing benefits to the customers thus further solidifying its reputation as a bargain store. The organization deals in all types of goods from clothes to electrical items, from jeweler to garden equipment and therefore caters to a wide range of individuals and needs.

Price-conscious customer

There are many customers who are very conscious about the price of the product or service. Price is the main cause that motivates them before buying a product. So they can switch to another retail shop which is providing low quality product at a low price.
Sales people dont follow procedures

If the sales people dont follow our rules & regulation then they will create problem for us & ultimately it will decrease our customer.

The goods that will sale by Orange from its suppliers in the past year have been marred by many different cases of health and safety hazards. No previous experience We have no previous experience in retailing. So this is a great weakness of us.

High potential customer base that means Our service will be based on our customer. Due to the cheap rate that the organization is able to buy its products from suppliers, it is able to provide customers with even bigger bargains to encourage them to shop at Orange Super Store.

Many retail stores are going out of business due to the reduction in disposable income. This can help us by increasing its customer base due to the bargains that it can provide its customers. The current economic crisis has decreased the disposable income of many individuals and thus has caused many individuals and households to lower their expectations and to shop for bargains, thus Orange stands to gain in such a situation. Introduce another super store or diversified business

Retail store competition and other small-box retailers

Small-box retailer can be a threat for our business. As there are more than 30 retail store in this competiive area so they will create high competition.
New entrants To see our business strategy, sales, marketing and profit people may enter in this area to introduce new super store which will create challenge to our business.

Employees hunted by competitor New entrants or other competitor can take our employee by giving them more facilities.

Retailers often spur one another into frequent price cutting & low profit margins Competitor cutting price

PESTEL Analysis for Orange super store








P : Political
Pressure from declining agriculture industry to increase prices. As a result manufacturer and supplier also increase the price of the consumer product.

Our political culture is not stable. Hartal & strike from the opposition party will hamper our business as a result our sales will decrease. This type of political barriers also create problem in our transportation system because our supplier can not transport the product during hartal & strike

E : Economical
Economies of scale & scope
Large sales volume will give us more revenue & profit. Another thing is that if we buy the product & services bulkily from the manufacturer we will get discount & free products.

Barriers to entry Current economic instability may create barriers to enter in the market. Living standards & purchasing power of the customer are not in satisfactory level. Increased competition within industry Competition within the retail industry increasing day by day. More capital are investing by every retailers. Retailers often spur one another into frequent price cutting & low cost margins.

S : Social
Change in consumer taste increased demand for organic produce & ban of foods. Health concerns. Customers are now more conscious about their health. They are ready to pay more for a good product which is good for their health. People have les leisure time, therefore supermarkets offer more convenience.

Customer preference about save their money.


T : Technology
Online Shopping

This will save time and reduce advertising expenses for our super store. Our customer can purchase goods and services from their home & office. they dont need to come in our store. This process is easy & fast. Personal shopping with a trolley gun
For this benefit customer take the flexibility to choose a product.

Bar code scanning

This technology will help us by reducing search time.

Technology to predict buying habits. Layout of stores designed to optimise sales.

E : Environmental
Now customers are more conscious to protect the environment. They only buy environmentfriendly products & services. So, we have thought about our environment. Product or service which is harmful for our environment & can create pollution we must avoid them

L : Legal
For a super store it is more important to run their business according to the govt. rules & regulation. Our super store named Orange will be registered under the govt. rules & regulation. Another thing is that we will not sell any product or services which are ban by the authority. Such as alcohol.

Problem faced by the super store in our country

Capital collection

To start a super store in any location need a huge capital which is very difficult to invest from one or two person. If one wants to take loan from a financial institution he or she has to wait for a long time. Because loan taking process is very complex in our country.
Economic instability Our economic condition is not stable. During this economic crisis most of the customer or people does not like to spend more in a super store.

Political situation In our country we have no idea about our political situation. Conditions are very much uncertain. Anything can happen within 24 hours which can be harmful for any superstore. Corruption is in everywhere. Before starting a super store the owner must to give a amount to the local leader of the political party. Purchasing power Purchasing power may create constraints for our business. People who have less purchasing power they will not go to the super store. Number of this type of people is increasing day by day.

Huge operating cost To operate a super store in our country owner has to spend a large amount of the earning revenue. Our customers are very much pricing conscious. So that, after covering all operating cost profit amount may be not so good Location problem This is a big problem that one has to face to select a location to start a new super shop. Owner must pay high rent for a super store because it consumes a large space. The distribution system is just not organized; this means that the goods are not delivered to the stores on time.

Possible Recommendation

To solve the capital collection problem for a new entrepreneur Govt. owned bank & other private bank & financial institution should give loan with a fair interest rate. A super store business can be start through partnership. But more partners may complex the business process or create problem. Government should take initiative to remove the entry barriers to start a super store business. They should reduce tax on this type of business because this industry now in growing stage.

By taking economies of scale strategy a super store can reduce its total expenses Before fully start-up the business a super store should analyze the trial period statement. Good personal communication can increase the number of customer of the super store. To achieve customer loyalty they have to win-win strategy.


Though retailing business through super store is very new to us but it is creating more value to our everyday life. Now we dont need to go several retail stores to buy daily commodity or a cloth or even a paint supplies. We can buy a buy anything we need from a store called super store. Super store hold wide assortment of goodquality merchandise. In recent year this type of retailing business not only earning more revenue & profit but also reducing unemployment by creating new position.


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