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Company logo

Company name
Name: Id No: I/C no: Course:

Template ini adalah sebagai rujukan. Anda boleh menambah atau mengurangkan bilangan slide.

Company background Project/training description Project / task 1 Project / task 2 (kalau berkenaan) Conclusion Recommendation


Just letak point2 penting seperti yang tertera..

At which company did you do your InTra? Company name. How long? Since DD/MM/YYYY until DD/MM/YYYY (? Weeks). If you have any additional info regarding your InTra period, just put it here concisely. What position are given to you? If applicable.

Company background
Company business / activities Company address
Terang secara ringkas tentang tugasan @ aktiviti syarikat dan alamat.

Organization chart
Company structure / main organization chart. Cuma letak carta organisasi .

PA Boss
Department 1 Department 2 Department 3 Department 4

The trainee as Ast Eng.

Company product / services

Letak gambar produk. Label kan.

Fig 1: Main product

Fig 2: Sub product

Project / training description

List of all projects / tasks involved
No Project / task Duration Senaraikan semua projek atau aktiviti yang dilakukan semasa InTra.

Change the tupperware close lid

2 weeks

Resonance of flyers over the bridges .

2 months

Gantt chart
Jul-10 Aug-10 Wk4 Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk1 Sep-10 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk1 Oct-10


Projects / Tasks Change the tupperware close lid Resonance of flyers over the bridges .






Project / task 1
Self explain!

Cerita ttg project, pendek je

Sbb apa buat

Project / task 1 cont

Macam mana buat Ada masalah x? Buat dgn sape?
Kalau ada gambar, tolong labelkan mengikut turutan.

Project / task 2
Cerita ttg project, pendek je

Sbb apa buat

Project / task 2 cont

Macam mana buat Ada masalah x? Buat dgn sape?

Apa yang kamu dapat masa Intra? Cnth:
pengetahuan baru, teknologi baru, skill baru, etc.

To the projects To the company To UniKL MFI
Kalau ada recommendation, kalau x dak, x payah letak page ni.

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