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Main Characters

Vito CorleoneGodfather Sonny CorleoneEldest Son Fredo CorleoneMiddle Son Michael CorleoneYoungest Son Tom HagenAdopted Son-counseler Luca BrasiPersonal Enforcer Philip Tattaglia Don of Tattaglia family- Villian
9/2/12 SollozzoHeroin

Dealer associated to Tattaglia







which is set up in 1945 and extends till 1955 about a DON family the Corleones who were one among the Five Families(crime) in the US

We are analysing the leadership and power 9/2/12 aspects of Vito and Michael

Trait Theory The Big Five

Traits Extraversion Vito Corleone High

Michael Corleone Low

Meets many people at wedding Meets Sollazo Trusting & agreeable at meetings Stubborn Solozzo deal decision

Prefers to stay alone No interaction at wedding

Agreeableness Average


Meeting with father-in-law in Sicily

Conscientiousn High Men cannot be careless ess


attitude Honors commitments


Emotional Stability Openness to 9/2/12 experience


Big Meeting after Sonnys death


Calm in all situations

Average Makes non-sicilian Hagen

Low Never sought opinions

Emotional Intelligences
Merge with previous slide

Empathy most important characteristic of leader

Bonasera, Luca Brazi

Sensed others needs

Associates daughter marriage

Listened to what people had to say Solicits 9/2/12

opinions of Tom & Sonny prior to

Cognitive Resource Theory

Michael Corleone

Decorated war hero and more experience in army

Performed well in high stress situation Was able to remain calm and take decisions rationally

Sonny Corleone
Did 9/2/12

not have much experience,

Path Goal Theory

Vito Corleone - Participative Leader

Consults with followers Consults with Tom and Sonny before meeting with Sollozo Always taking the decisions in a team

Michael Corleone - Directive Leader

Gives specific guidelines how to accomplish tasks Mo Green sell all businesses in Las Vegas


Charismatic Leadership
Vito Corleone:

Vision (Barzini set up,drugs problem with) Willing to take risks - met Solozzo, meet families Sensitive to follower needs Luca Brasi, Bonsera, Johny Exhibit behaviors out of the ordinary subtle talker able to convince with words not only bullets Corleone:

Michael 9/2/12

Bases of Power

Vito : Personal

Expert : Not to do business in drugs,Identifying traitor Referent : Removal of Tom Hagen as Consigliore

Stopping Clemenza, Tessio from branching out

Michael : Formal

Legitimate : Respected because of Don Vito : Removal of Tom Hagen as

9/2/12 Coercive

Dependency : The Key to Power

Vito controls important and scarce resources, thus creating dependency

Politicians, Judges, Unions etc. Brain behind all the operations Money, Security Needs

In absence of Vito, the dependency shifts


towards Michael

Power Tactics

Vito : Downward

Inspirational : Clemenza & Tessios new family

Rational Persuasion : Bona Seras case

Vito : Lateral

Rational Persuasion : Why not Drugs Business?

Exchange : Make you an offer you cant

9/2/12 refuse

Behavioural Theories

(Merge with

Vito Corleone (9,9)

Michael Corleone (9,1)

Baptism of blood : removal of all powerful obstacles Visit to Las Vegas for business

Promises Clemenza & Tessio to let them make their own families

Meeting for Truce between 5 mafia families after Sonnys death 9/2/12


It's true, I have a lot of friends in politics, but they wouldn't be friendly very long if they knew my business was drugs instead of gambling, which they regard as a a harmless vice. Had you come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. To Luca Brasi at the wedding : Thank you, Luca, my most valued friend. To Luca Brasi : Thank you, Luca, my most valued friend.


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Had you come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. come to me in friendship, then this scum Had you that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very you Had day. come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. come to me in friendship, then this scum Had you that ruined your daughter would be suffering this 9/2/12 very day.

Contingency Models

Vitos leadership style is mainly relationship oriented

He grants many favors to people on his daughters wedding day He treats people with respect and Adopted Tom Hagen Luca Brasi Treats him with 9/2/12

The Fiedler on the roof

Leader Member relations everyone has high respect for Vito Corleone Task Structure Assignments are not very structured He has ultimate position power His leadership style was very favorable to the situation in which he worked. Supportive leader


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