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Submitted byin partial fulfillment of the award of the degree of Master of Technology in Environmental Engineering.

Sandip P. Ajmire ,



Associate Prof. &

Head of Department Civil Engg. MIET Gondia

D.K. Mishra Associate Prof. & P.G.CoOrdinator Dept. of Civil Engg. MIET Gondia

Dr. S.S. Rathore Principal MIET, Gondia


What is the Phytoremadation Importance of Plant to reduce pollution Technical terms of Phytoremadation Advantage/Disadvantage of Phytoremadation Water pollution and Phytoremadation Plants for Phytoremadation Why Duckweed ? Labortory setup Result Conclusion

What is the Phytoremadation


that use plants to clean up contaminated sites.

systems for remediation and restoration.

Green technology that uses plants

Importance of Plant to reduce pollution

Importance of Plant to reduce pollution(contd.)

Recently researchers University of



have determined that a species of fern, native to the south east, stores high concentrations of arsenic in its fronds and stems more than 200 times the concentration in the soil.


Importance of Plant to reduce pollution(contd.)

Recently research at The University of Florida have determined that a species of fern, native to South east stores high concentration of arsenic in its fronds And stems more than 200 times the concentration in the soil.

Importance of Plant to reduce pollution (contd.)


Sunflowers were used in a pond near Chernobyl approx. 1 week they had hyper accumulated several thousand times the concentration of cesium and strontium.

Importance of Plant to reduce pollution(contd.)


Yale University team has published its findings in the article Biodegradation of Polyester Polyurethane by Endophytic Fungi for the Applied and Environmental Microbiology journal.

Importance of Plant to reduce pollution(contd.)

A team from Yale University has found a fungus that could be used to break down certain kinds of plastic, raising hopes more could be discovered in the future. However, U.S. researchers now believe that a fungus could be used to break down plastic, and so rescue the world from one of its biggest man-made environmental threats.










Technical terms of Phytoremadation(Contd.)


Uptake of chemical by the plant. Works well on metals such as lead, cadmium, copper, nickel etc. Detroit lead contaminated site was removed with Sunflower and Indian Mustard.


Rhizofiltration is similar in concept of Phytoextraction but is concerned with the remadation of contaminated ground water rather than the remediation of polluted soil. Roots uptake polluted water and contaminants along with it.


Vegetation holds contaminated soils in place root system and low growing vegetation prevent mechanical transportation of pollutants from wind and erosion. Trees transpire large quantities of water (more than 15 gal/day) so pumping action prevents contaminants from migration into the water table.


Phytodegradation or breakdown of organic contaminants by internal and external Metabolic processes hydrolyses. Organic compounds into smaller units that can be absorbed by the plants. Some contaminants can be absorbed by the plant & are then broken down by plant enzymes.

These smaller pollutant molecules may then be used by plant as it grows, thus becoming incorporated into the plant tissues. Plant enzymes have been identified that breakdown ammunition wastes, chlorinated solvents such as TEC (Trichloroethane ) & others which degrades organic herbicides.



Rhizo- degredation is break down of organic contaminants in the soil by soil dwelling microbes which is by rhizospheres presence. Certain soil dwelling microbes digest organic pollutants such as fuels and solvents, producing harmless products through a process known as Bio-remediation.


PHYTOVOLATILISATION is the process where plants uptake contaminants which are water soluble and release them into atmosphere as they transpire the water. The contaminant may become modified along the way, as the water travels along the plants vascular system from the roots to the leaves, whereby contaminants evaporate or volatilize into the air surrounding the plant.

Advantages Of Phytoremedition

Cost effective when compared to other more conventional methods. Nature method, more aesthetically pleasing, minimal land disturbance. It is more economically viable using the same tools and supplies as agriculture.

It is less disruptive to the environment and does not involve waiting for new plant communities to recolonise the site. Disposal sites are not needed. It is more likely to be accepted by the public as it is more aesthetically pleasing then traditional methods. It avoids excavation and transport of polluted media thus reducing the risk of spreading the contamination.

It has the potential to treat sites polluted with more than one type of pollutent

Disadvantages of Phytoremediation

It is dependant on the growing conditions required by the plant (i.e. climate, geology, altitude, temperature). Slow rate and difficult to achieve acceptable levels of decontamination. Potential phase transfer of contaminant. Possibility of contaminated plants entering the food chain. Possible spread of contaminant through falling leaves. Trees and plants require care. Success is dependant on the tolerance of the plant to the pollutant. Large scale operations require access to agricultural equipment and knowledge.

Contaminant solubility may be increased leading to greater environmental damage and the possibility of leaching.



1. Identification of plants & micro-aquatic plant for removal of municipal waste water. 2. Fabrication of experimental setup. 3. Fabrication of laboratory setup. 4. Conducting batch studies for the removal of pollutants from municipal waste water. 5. Conducting batch studies to find optimum operating condition of various parameters.

CONVENTIAL METHOD Mechanical means are needed. For secondary or tertiary treatment of waste water is necessary. Needs very much cost to reach Standards for deposal.


Land for disposal is needed.

Mechanical means are not needed. For secondary or tertiary treatment of waste water is not necessary. 0.05 $/m3 needs to reach Standards for deposal. Land for disposal is not needed.

Multiple contaminants can be removed with the same plant.

Aquatic plants for wastewater treatment

Aquatic plants are chosen for absorb particular nutrient and to remove pathogens, metals and other contaminants from wastewater. Aquatic plants have been shown to be very effective as a secondary or tertiary state for water treatment and nutrient removal.

Scirpus lacustris
Typha latifolia Egeria densa

Salvinia rotundifolia

Spirodela polyrhiza Canna flaccida Elodea nuttallii

Schoenoplectus lacustris

Pistia stratiotes Algae Phragmites australis Scirpus robustus

Myriphyllum aquaticum

Scirpus pungens

Typha capensis

Glyceria maxima

Lagorosiphon Major

Constructed wetlands or phytoremediation: This is a technology for treating wastewater. A constructed wetland consists of a gravel bed on which suitable wetland plants are grown. As water passes through the substrate, it is purified through the activity of bacteria attached to the gravel, plant roots, soil and other particles.


Yale University team has published its findings in the article Biodegradation of Polyester Polyurethane by Endophytic Fungi for the Applied and Environmental Microbiology journal.

A team from Yale University has found a fungus that could be used to break down certain kinds of plastic, raising hopes more could be discovered in the future However, U.S. researchers now believe that a fungus could be used to break down plastic, and so rescue the world from one of its biggest man-made environmental threats.

Lemna gives aesthetically pleasing, minimal land disturbance PHYTOREMEDATION

Lab Mechanisms

Continues Type Laboratory Experiment

Floating-leaved (Nymphaea odorata)

Submerged (Hydrilla verticillata)

Emergent (Panicum hemitomon)

Azolla caroliniana

Azolla caroliniana

How does it work?

- Plants in conjunction with bacteria and fungi in the rhizosphere transform, transport or store harmful chemicals. - Plants attributes make them good candidates root system surface area to absorb substances and efficient mechanisms to accumulate water, nutrients and minerals. selectively take up ions developed diversity and adaptivity to tolerate high levels of metals and other pollutants.


Phytotransformation/Phytodegradation pollutant is taken up by the plant and transformed in plant tissue (to be effective must be transformed to a less toxic form). Trichloroethylene (TCE), a prevalent ground water contaminant, transformed to less toxic metabolites by using hybrid poplar tree.


Uptake of chemical by the plant. Works well on metals such as lead, cadmium, copper, nickel etc. Detroit lead contaminated site was removed with Sunflower and Indian Mustard. -

recently researchers at the University of Florida have determined that a species of fern, native to the south east, stores high concentrations of arsenic in its fronds and stems more than 200 times the concentration in the soil.


Vegetation holds contaminated soils in place - root system and low growing vegetation prevent mechanical transportation of pollutants from wind and erosion. - Trees transpire large quantities of water (more than 15 gal/day) so pumping action prevents contaminants from migration into the water table.

Use the extensive root system of plants as a filter. 1995, Sunflowers were used in a pond near Chernobyl - approx. 1 week they had hyperaccumulated several thousand times the concentration of cesium and strontium. - hyperaccumulation can contain 100 times or more of contaminant than normal plant.

Rhizosphere Bioremediation
- Increase soil organic carbon, bacteria, and mycorrhizal fungi, all factors that encourage degradation of organic chemical in soil. - The number of beneficial bacteria increased in the root zone of hybrid poplar trees and enhanced the degradation of BTEX, organic chemical, in soil.

Water Lily has an extensive root system with rapid growth rates, but is sensitive to cold temp, it is an ideal plant for water treatment in warm climates. Duckweed (Lemma spp.) has greater cold tolerance and a good capacity for nutrient absorption. Penny wort (Hydrocotyl spp) is relatively cold tolerant with a very good capacity for nutrient uptake. Water hyacint uptake of heavy metal eg.,Pb,Cu,Cd,Hg from contaminated water.

Aquatic plant for waste water treatment

Contaminant removal mechanisms

Sedimentation Filtration Adsorption Volatilization



Precipitation Bacterial metabolism Adsorption Plant metabolism Hydrolysis reaction Plant absorption Oxidation reaction Natural die-off


A suitable plant for rhizofiltration applications can remove toxic metals from solution over an extended period of time with its rapid-growth root system. Various plant species have been found to effectively remove toxic metals. Low level radioactive contaminants also can be removed from liquid streams.

Rhizofiltration (cont.)

Limitations Rhizofiltration is particularly effective in applications where low concentrations and large volumes of water are involved. Data Requirements - Depth of contamination, - Types of heavy metal present, - Level of contamination must be determined and monitored. - Vegetation should be aquatic, emergent, or submergent plants. - Hydraulic detention time and sorption by the plant roots must be considered for a successful design.

Rhizofiltration (cont.)

Other factors that should be considered

- Potential of failure modes and contigencies

Rhizofiltration may not succeed for a number of reasons, including mortality of plants for reasons such as management, weather extremes, soil conditions or pest. - Field studies Field studies are required before full-scale application. Specific information include rates of remediation, irrigation requirements, rates of soil amendments, and plant selection. Formulating clear objectives, appropriate treatments, experimental units and planning are important considerations in field studies. - Economic This technique should be less cost than traditional technologies such as excavation, thermal desorption, landfilling etc.

Why Duckweed: (Lemna)

A small, floating aquatic plant that forms a solid cover on the surface of freshwater ponds, marshes, lakes and quiet streams Very important in the aquatic ecosystem as an essential link in the food chain.
Eaten by fish birds (ducks, herons)

Shades extensive areas of a pond, reducing algae growth Good for bioremediation projects

Ability to take out nitrogen and phosphorus from water

Useful as a water crop

as a source of food for animals and poultry

Structure of Duckweed

Leaves and stems merge in a common structure called a frond or thallus Has one root Fronds have 3 veins Air spaces help the plant to float


Reproduction is asexual Vegetative reproduction Unlike the leaves of more ordinary plants, each duckweed frond contains buds from which more fronds may grow. Until they mature, daughter fronds remain attach to the parent frond Rapidly growing plants can have 3-4 attached fronds

How do Duckweed Survive?

Make their own food through photosynthesis

Require sunlight Require nutrients

Phosphorous, nitrogen, other minerals

Need space to grow

Water Quality Results

Average for total dissolved solids Average for chlorine and sulfates Average for specific conductance Zero positive for coliform Zero positive for fecal bacteria Zero positive for e.coli Negative for lead Negative for copper

12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Ini.Conc 2nd Day 4Th Day 6Th Day 8th Day

Phosphorus O'Phosphate Phosphate Ammonia Nitrate


Although much remains to be studied, phytoremediation will clearly play some role in the stabilization and remediation of many contaminated sites. The main factor driving the implementation of phytoremediation projects are low costs with significant improvements in site aesthetics and the potential for ecosystem restoration.

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