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1822 AD

Brazil independent on September 7, 1822. Dom Pedro, the Portuguese regent, declared Brazil independent from Portugal.

1822 AD
Explanation by Ailan Lat

French troops of emperor Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Portugal that time, so the Portugal's Queen, Maria, together with her son, Prince John VI, had to leave. They decided to go or transfer Portuguese Monarchs to Brazil. Cheered by his reception and allied with Britain against Napoleon, the prince decreed a number of reforms and preferential tariffs were granted to Britain as a reward for helping against Napoleon. Brazil and Portugal were once colonies and John VI raised Brazil to the status of a kingdom united with Portugal.

Explanation by Ailan Lat Until an economic deprivation erupted in Portugal so the royal family needed to return to their place. John VI left his son, Pedro, on the throne of Brazil. The regime in Portugal attempted to reinstate economic favoritism for Portugal and economic restrictions for Brazil. Pedro disliked Portugal's attempt at impositions, and the regime in Portugal labeled him a rebel. Pedro heard that Portugal was sending troops to arrest him. He had enough military support to prohibit the landing of the troops from Portugal, and Portugal's squadron of ships returned to Portugal without Pedro. Celebrating his triumph, Pedro, on September 7, 1822, on his balcony at his royal palace at Ipiranga, drew his sword and declared "Independence or death!" On October 12, at the age of 24, he was proclaimed Emperor of Brazil.

1822 AD

Brazil gain independence from Portugal.

Ecuador free from Spain On May 24,1822, Antonio Jose de Sucre, Simon Bolivars lieutenant, defeated the Spanish at the Battle of Mount Pichincha near Quito.

1822 AD

The victory allowed Ecuador to become independent of Spain, and became part of Greater Columbia

1822 AD

1822 AD
Explanation by Rose Ann Dio

Jose Rizal was inspired and his desire to fight for our independence and freedom strengthen even more. His fighting spirit burst in flame and he acknowledge the will of Antonio jose de sucre to surpass the battle and get out of the spaniards slavery

1823 AD
Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine was meant to dissuade the Spanish from attempting to recapture any of their former colonies in South America.

1823 AD
It stated: The American continents are henceforth not to be considered the subjects for future colonization by any European powers.

1839 AD
First photograph taken Louis J.M. Daguerre developed the first daguerreotype photo.

1839 AD
Explanation by Darren Lantin

Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre was destined to achieve both fame and fortune as the man who is most widely regarded as the "inventor" of photography. Certainly he did give photography its first practical application. After the invention of the daguerreotype, the grip of photography on the public mind and imagination never lost its hold.

1839 AD
Explanation by Darren Lantin

As so often happens in new fields of endeavor, a number of talented individuals were wrestling simultaneously with the idea of capturing images from nature and rendering them permanent. And as so often happens too, one man leaves his name on a discovery or an idea which is in fact the result of cumulative effort by many brilliant minds. The man who gave his name to a process, a product.

Apparatus and equipment for making daguerreotypes, from an advertisement published in 1843.
A daguerreotype portrait of Louis Jacques Daguerre by John Jabez Edwin Mayall . This daguerreotype dates from 1846.

Telegraph begun The first inter-city telegraph was demonstrated by Samuel Morse. A telegraph line had been built for $30,000 between Washington and Baltimore. The telegraph was to open a new era of communication in the world


1850 AD
First National Womens Day Convention the first national womens conference was held in Worcester, Massachusetts. The meeting followed a local convention in Seneca Falls the year before.

1850 AD
The convention, after much discussion, passed a resolution that stated: Women are clearly entitled to the right suffrage, and to equality before the law, without distinction of sex or color.

1850 AD
Explanation by Joyce Ann Riva

We define womens suffrage, this is the ability of the women to vote and run for office. During this period women are determined to be acknowledge. How can we relate this historical event to Jose Rizal? One of his works is known as To the young women of Malolos. Rizal admitted to not knowing Malolos or anyone of the women save for Emilia Tiongson, whom Rizal met two years before.

1850 AD
Explanation by Joyce Ann Riva

Feminism in the Philippines can trace its earliest beginnings with the Women of Malolos, who sought to be given the opportunity to open a school wherein they can learn the Spanish language. Jose Rizal supported and praised these brave women.

1850 AD
Explanation by Joyce Ann Riva See This Lines I gather from the Internet The consent gained by the young women of Malolos was for Rizal a victory that likewise belonged to the Filipino women at-large. At most, their success was for the Filipinos in general. Rizal added: However, now that news arrive here of what occurred in your own town of Malolos , I realized that I was wrong and my joy was beyond bounds. Rizal asserts that Filipino mothers should imitate the Spartan women who educated their sons that men are not born to live for themselves but for their country. For as long as the Spartan men had this for a credo, Sparta would be never be conquered.

In Rizals novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Rizal unveils the Filipinas of his milieu. There existed Doa Victorinas and Consolacions whose aim in life was to mimic and even upstage first-class Spanish ladies in their impeccable clothing and speech. Likewise, there existed Sisas and Maria Claras who were too feeble to ward off the maltreatment and unfairness in the hands of men, just as what battered women of contemporary times suffer under the present cruel breed of men. However, there also existed Salome, Elias the reformists comrade and friend. Salome lived independently and was self-sufficient, and she loved Elias without any fear of mentioning her feelings for him, even going the length of offering him to be part of her life.
Rizal may have his share of discrepancies and gaps in his relationship with women from his sweetheart Josephine Bracken to other beloved women to his sisters, but it cannot be denied that Rizal had an impassioned involvement in the battle for the Filipino womens rights. It cannot be denied that the Message to the Young Women of Malolos is a significant contribution by Rizal to the history of women and the feminist movement. For Rizal, the womens fight belonged to the Filipinos greater revolution for social justice and transformation.

1852 AD
Uncle Toms Cabin signed In 1852, the novel Uncle Toms Cabin was published. It is most likely the novel that had the greatest historic impact on American society. The novel depicted the plight of a slave family. It was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, who was a mother of six.

In the first year hundreds of thousands of copies were printed and ultimately millions of copies were sold. The helped solidify the opposition to slavery in the North. Its success in France and England served as a break in the inclination of the aristocracy in those countries to support the South during the war.

1852 AD

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