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Discussion about???
Why need to navigate to JAVA? Goals of JAVA. Java code life cycle Data types. Wrapper Classes.

Features of JAVA.
C++ Vs JAVA.


Why JAVA the programming language?

The ultimate aim to develop the JAVA programming language is to implement the words write once; run anywhere, any time, forever. This is the problem the people meet at that time. The wanted to have the language that can be run for any platform(Operating System). This led to the development of JAVA as initial name

Oak. Then JAVA COFFEE, finally renamed as JAVA.


The application needed to be platform independent in some places. Assume the situation the application is going to be run on networked systems. In network many kind of system specification and OS may be there. In this case the application must be a Platform independent. Here, JAVA will help us.

Goal of JAVA
It should use the object-oriented programming methodology.

It should allow the same program to be executed on multiple

operating systems. It should contain built-in support for using computer networks. It should be designed to execute code from remote sources securely.

It should be easy to use by selecting what was considered the

good parts of other object-oriented languages.

Features of JAVA
Simple Secure Portable Architecture-neutral Interpreted High performance

Robust Multithreaded

Automatic Garbage Collection

Automatic Garbage Collection

The memory management(allocation and de-allocation) of an allocated object is done automatically. If the reference for the object is not available in program, then

the JVM automatically de-allocates the memory for that object.

If this is not done automatically, the programmer must do the code to manage the memory(allocate and de-allocate). If not de-allocated by the programmer, then the memory fragmentation is difficult. Memory leak will occur.

Example code
public static int main(String[] a) { System.out.println(\n+4+34); return 0; }

Error: Main method not found in class sample, please define the main method as: public static void main(String[] args)

eg: cntd

public static void main(String[] a) { System.out.println(\n+4+34); System.out.println(34+2+"\n"); return 0; } Output ??? 434

public static void main(String[] a) { System.out.println(4+34); return 0; } 38 Output ???


C++ Vs
C++ Not a full-fledged object oriented language. Because, we can write the complete program without using class. We can write an error free program, Here, we can not complete the JAVA The pure Object oriented language.

with class and without having any

code within the main(). The program can be correctly executed completely. Multiple inheritance is supported. Operator overloading is available.

execution without having code within

the main().

Multiple inheritance is removed. Not available.



Virtual functions is available.

Indirectly method overriding having

the working of virtual function.

Pointers, references available.

Platform dependent. Abstract class avail.

References only available.

Platform independent. Abstract class may be mapped to Interface.

Automatic garbage collection not avail. Not a strongly typed language.

Available. Strongly typed language.

Unicode not supported.

Destructor available.

Unicode support provided.

finalize() method available instead destructor.



Function prototype
In C++ the function prototype is ?? return_type function_name(argument_list) In java for the function prototype concentration on 4 things.

return_type function_name(argument_list) Exception


Code Life cycle


Data Types
All the data types available in C++ available in JAVA. But some more additions upgraded. The data width of int and char are upgraded as follows., The extra data types are also introduced.
Data type
long int short char byte boolean 64 32 16 16 New 8 1


Wrapper Classes
Wrapper classes are special type of classes those bind with the simple types(Built-in data types). The Number class is an abstract class that defines a super class that is implemented by the classes that wrap the numeric types(byte, int, float, double, long, short). The class name starts with the uppercase., like Integer, Float. Each and every wrapper class defines its own methods and constant

data members. The constant data members declared with the names
full of uppercases. eg., Integer.MIN_VALUE.

for example

public static void main(String[] arg) { Integer g; g=45; System.out.println("\ng : +g); }

Output 45


The operators used in C++ all supported in JAVA too. The I/O stream operators is not possible in java(<<,>>). But these operators used as a bitwise operators.

Operator overloading can not be done by the user. But in

JAVA, there are some implemented provisions those using the pre-defined operators with the class. The arithmetic, relational operators used with the String class objects.


public static void main(String[] arg) { String fg=PSG",gh=Psg"; if((fg+=gh)==fg) System.out.println("same....\n"); else System.out.println(Not same....\n"); }

Output: same....


public static void main(String[] arr) { int i1=45; int i2=34; System.out.println(Ans is : +i1+i2); } Output???
Ans is : 4534


General example
public static void main(String[] arg) { DataInputStream inp=new DataInputStream(; String mine=inp.readLine(); } output???
Error: Un handled Exception IOException


Revised public static void main(String[] arg) throws IOEception { DataInputStream inp=new DataInputStream(; String mine=inp.readLine(); System.out.println(\nString is : +mine); float h=Float.parseFloat(inp.readLine()); System.out.println(\n Float values is : +h); }




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