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Introduction About Organization Vision of E-Post Office Our Mission System Analysis Modules

About Organization
The Department of Posts comes under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The Postal Service Board, the management body of the Department, comprises the Chairman and three Members. For providing postal services, the whole country has been divided into twenty two postal circles.

Each of these Circles is headed by a Pr.Chief Postmaster General or Chief Postmaster General. Each Circle is further divided into Regions comprising field units , called Divisions (Postal / RMS Divisions). Each Region is headed by a Postmaster General . In the Circles and Regions there are other functional units like Circle Stamp Depots, Postal Stores Depots and Mail Motor Service etc.

About E-Post Office

The e-Post Office is the shopping portal of the world renowned postal service on the Internet and an additional distribution channel. It sells Stamps, Post Cards, Packets, Cartons and has services like courier, registering for electricity vendors, selling mobile cards, etc. We can order many products and services that are also available in a "normal" branch. The product prices are identical with the prices of their normal branches.

Vision of E-Post Office

The vision lies in focusing on those rural areas of India which face problems of accessing internet facilities and therefore have to depend on slow and unreliable postal service. The e-Post System delivers their requests at their doorstep and that too, with the flashing speed of internet. It marks the eradication of the entire middle-ware of the postal transaction i.e. Transfer from source to destination within no time.

Our Mission
The main aim of the ePost System is to provide the following to our valued

Reliable parcel service.

Faster money transfer.

Trace and Track the post that you send. Make payments online in a single click.

Buy mobile recharge cards and others from your

home thru internet.

Though the ePost System has various advantages. It does have its Savings account linked online. Also the SB account maintained is different considering with normal SB accounts in banks. Our system is going to integrate all the postal offices thru internet and bring control under a single system.

System Analysis

Postal System Vs. ePostal System

Most of the work done here are automated. Reliable and fast with the help of internet. SB accounts SB accounts maintained will be maintained are made online. not integrated. Transportation & More manual work manual work is on both client and reduced and Time is postal side. saved.

All the works carried out will be manual. Not reliable, fast.

Types of Users of ePostOffice

There are four type of users ,

Administrator: Supreme authority which

has all the powers to amend any of the facility or service in any form. Customer: Individual authority which want to access and avail facilities of ePost system.

E-Mentor: will avail the normal facilities and have in access additional to eBusiness Industries, solutions Academicians and Organization which n customized for them. Post Office: They serve the role of virtual

Post Offices and will provide services to

the customers.

Functional requirements
Registration Screen Stamps and Bulk Stamp Order Letter Order Catalog Information Terms and Conditions Contact Information User Manual

Mind Map

Number Of Modules
The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules: 1. Admin Module 2. Employee Module 3. Customer module 4. Security and Authentication 5. Reports

Admin Module
Adds the country details. Adds the city details. Adds the product details like Stamps, covers (inland). Adds the Employee details. Register the mobile operators with all different types of mobile card details.

Employee Module
Employee will take the orders from administrator to deliver the products to the concerned customers. Employee will collect the couriers from the customers online and dispatched to the corresponding destination.

Customer Module
Customer raises the Bulk orders for stamps and envelops of all countries through online. Customer will purchase the mobile cards online. Customer can pay the electricity bills online and view the status.

Security and Authentication

Customer Registration. Login as customer or employee or administrator. Change password. Forgot Password.

In this module, different actors can generate

the different types of reports according to their roles.

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