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The Study of Political Science

What is Political Science

Political comes from the Greek word polis (city; sovereign state)

Science comes from Latin word scire ( to know )

In simple terms:

- Political Science is the systematic study of the state and government


As a science of politicsdeals with basic knowledge and understanding of the state, and the principles and ideals underlying its organization and activities.
Its concerned with the association of human being into the body politic

It deals with the relations among men and groups, relations of men and groups to the state itself, and relations of the state to other states

Scope of Political Science

Political theory
Public law: Constitutional law Admin law International law Public Administration

Why should a student study political science?

Education for citizenship Essential parts of liberal education Knowledge and understanding of government

Concepts of State and Government

What is a State

It is a community of persons (1) more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory (2), having a government (3) of their own to which the great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control (4 ).

Origin of States

Divine right theory state as a divine creation and the ruler is ordained by God.
Necessity or force theory- great warriors imposing will upon the weak

Paternalistic theory- enlargement of a family which remained under the authority of the father and mother
Social contract theory- voluntary compact among the people to form a society and organize government for the common good

State vs. Nation

political vs. ethnic concept

Independence vs. lack thereof State consisting of more than one nation and vice-versa

State vs. Government

Government is only an agent of the state

State cannot exist without government Government may change but the State remains the same

Why must there be government?

Purpose and necessity of government:

Advancement of public welfare-protection and security of people; preservation of the state Consequence of absence- anarchy

Forms of Government

As to number of persons exercising sovereign powers:

Monarchy -absolute -limted Aristocracy Democracy -direct -indirect

As to the extent of powers exercised by central or national government: Unitary Federal

As to the relationship between executive and legislative branches of government:

Parliamentary Presidential

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