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Sigmund Freud: Introduction to Psychoanalysis

Performed: Student Ps -33 Kucheruk Iruna

"Lectures on introduction to psychoanalysis" are the main work of Sigmund Freud, which systematically set forth his conception of psychoanalysis. The work consists of three parts, the first two of which were prepared by Freud as a course, read by doctors and laypeople during two winter semesters of 1915-1916 and 1916-1917. The third part - "Continuation of lectures on introduction to psychoanalysis" - was written in 1933. So, consider the basic provisions outlined by Freud in the thirty-five lectures cycle.

The first lecture - this is a general introduction. Psychoanalysis is presented as a method of treatment of nervous diseases. This is - a kind of psychological analysis of life and, therefore, Freud completely refuses hypnosis and free association to create a method and a method to explain a dream, which became the basis for psychoanalytic treatment. It also identified two main provisions of psychoanalysis, his undeniable truth. First, "mental processes themselves unconscious, conscious only of individual acts and psychic life." Mental is a concept much broader than the conscious, and therefore can not be identified. The second basic achievement of psychoanalysis lies in the fact that "the drive, which can be called sex ... play an incredibly large ... role in the genesis of nervous and mental diseases. The same sexual attraction involved in creating the highest cultural, artistic and social values of the human spirit ". Thus, Freud saw the driving force behind the development of human society and the relationship between personality and culture is in the biological factors (sexual desire and aggressive instincts), while denying the role of socio-economic factors. These same factors help explain the emergence of neuroses.

The next three lectures are devoted to the study of erroneous actions - the phenomena, "which has nothing in common with the disease were observed in any healthy person". Describing a variety of missteps (which Freud divided into three groups), Freud concludes that each of such action has a meaning, a certain meaning and gives the existence of the unconscious, but not really available to the subject of trends, intentions, desires,. Erroneous actions "are not accidents, but are a serious mental acts, with their meaning, they arise due to the interaction, interference, anti-two different purposes". These trends have disturbed and disturbing, the second being pushing aside, its implementation is not allowed and as a result it is manifested in the violation of the first. Many of the missteps, forgetting, for example, are the expression of the mind to get rid of something unpleasant, painful expression of the displacement of affect in the region of the unconscious, the principle of protection against unwanted memories by forgetting. They are also often used to carry out the desire in which you want to deny yourself.

From the consideration of erroneous actions Freud turns to a detailed analysis of dreams this via regis, royal road to the region of the unconscious.

The starting point in the interpretation of dreams Freud believed that the dreamer does know about its true meaning, "he just does not know about his knowledge and considers why he did not know it". This assumption has previously been proven in the field of hypnotic phenomena, and on the basis of a technique Freud assumes the interpretation of dreams, the essence of which lies in the fact that the dreamer was asked, where did this dream, but the explanation will be his first utterance. This so-called method of free association, the basic method of psychoanalysis. This method consists in identifying the elements of dreams replacement representations on which you can find hidden.

The structure of the dream is as follows:

1) inaccessible to the consciousness of the dreamer or the unconscious (hidden, latent content of dreams); 2) the elements of dreams and received by them replacing the submission, or a conscious (explicit form).

To address the problem of interpretation of dreams Freud suits from childhood, or infantile, dreams. In this regard, they highlighted some of the characteristics that later turn out to be true for most other dreams. These basic features on the one hand there is that dream "is encouraged doing, execution of which is the meaning of dreams", on the other side - that "the dream is not just a thought, but rather a hallucinatory experience of wish fulfillment." Dreams of such erroneous actions: Broken trend is the desire to sleep in violation - an unfulfilled desire. The general function of dreams is the removal of irritation that interferes with the full sleep through hallucinatory meet the needs arising from sleep.

The results of the dream is:

1) concentration, when the apparent dream contains less
than covert; 2) shift, which is manifested in the fact that the hidden element replaced by a hint, and mental focus has shifted from an important element in not important, thus forming a new center of dreams; 3) is of greatest interest to psychoanalysis Consists in transforming ideas into the hidden images. Based on these results, Freud gives a new definition of dreams as a form in which the hidden thoughts are translated through the work of dreams.

Third, the bulk of "Lectures ..." is devoted to the general theory of

neuroses, their causes and treatments. The main method of treatment of nervous disorders is psychoanalysis, which is slightly different from the methods of treatment of mental illness by psychiatrists. A common feature of all neuroses is the fixation on a certain segment of its past, the patient can not get rid of him, so the present and future seem alien to him. Thus, Freud defines a new kind of neurosis - traumatic neuroses, which are based on the fixation on the moment of injury. The meaning of neurotic symptoms must be kept in certain unconscious processes, but, for the appearance of symptoms is also necessary, "that the meaning was unconscious,". Symptoms disappear as soon as the unconscious processes become conscious - this is the fundamental tenet of psychoanalytic therapy. An important role in the genesis of neurosis belongs gaps in the memories - of amnesia. The problem of psychoanalytic treatment consists precisely in its elimination.

Freud identifies a number of factors, etiology of neurosis:

1) induced failures; 2) fixation of libido, squeezed it in a certain

direction; 3) a tendency to conflict as a result of the development I reject such manifestations of libido.

Development I and development of the libido goes for similar ways,

and oboe are "legacy, reduced the recurrence of human development ... over a long period of time, ranging from primitive times. " The main aim of our psychic apparatus is to obtain pleasure and governed by the principle of pleasure. During the training, "I know that inevitably have to abandon the direct satisfaction, to defer receipt of fun to experience a bit of displeasure, but from certain sources of pleasure in general refuse. Brought up in such a way I was "reasonable", it does not allow more pleasure principle to control himself and be the reality principle, which, in essence, wants to have fun, although delayed and reduced, but reliable owing to the account of reality ". This transition is one of the greatest successes in the development of I.

In order to explain the causes of neurosis Freud suggests the following:

The cause of neurosis = Predisposition due to random experience Sexual Constitution (prehistoric experience) infantile experience

Freud emphasizes the provision that "in the world of neuroses is the decisive psychological reality", which is fantasy. Libido returned to fantasize, to find a way to open them all repressed fixation. This phenomenon is called introversion - denial of libido from the possibilities of real satisfaction and additional filling them harmless before fantasy "and they are a transitional stage towards the formation of symptoms. Reverse path from fantasy to reality Freud considers art. Each artist introvert, he transfers his interest, libido in a desirable way of fantasy, but their personalities have a strong capacity for sublimation, they know how to handle their dreams in such a way as to provide for the enjoyment of other. So he reaches "through his fantasies that initially had only a fantasy."

One of the most significant, which has changed many provisions of psychoanalysis, innovation is a new interpretation of the structure of the human person. If before psychoanalysis came from three levels of the organization of mental life (unconscious, preconscious, conscious), but now this structure is made in the form of another model, components of which have mental health court. "Superego, I Ono - these are the three kingdoms, the scope, area, which we expand the mental apparatus of the individual ...". It is understood under the most primitive part of the human person, which covers all innate, genetically primary, subordinate to the principle of pleasure and knows nothing about reality or about the society. This body does not recognize any of conflicts and contradictions, it is irrational and immoral. She is forced to obey the requirements of other institutions - I, which also follows the principle of reality and develops mechanisms to adapt to the requirements of the environment. I - a mediator between the stimuli, ranging from the environment and the depths of the body - on the one hand, and motor response - on the other. The functions I are self-preservation of the organism, of capturing the experience of external influences in memory, to avoid threatening effects, control over the requirements of the instincts and the harmonization of requirements from the reality, the unconscious and the superego. The third instance - the superego - a source of moral and religious feelings, a kind of "censorship". In contrast, Ono, growing out of the ancestral experience, and I, the product of individual heritage, the superego is a product of influences emanating from other people. Superego arises in early childhood, through the mechanism of identification with his father, serving a model for the child, and virtually unchanged in subsequent years. If I decide or commit actions in favor of it, but contrary to the superego, it suffers the penalty of remorse, feelings of guilt.

Another significant innovation of Freud in "Lecture ... 'Was the accession to the previous note of all the sexual instincts (libido) special instinct - the instinct of death. There are "two different types of drives in fact: sexual desire, understood in a broad sense, Eros, and the aggressive instincts, whose aim - the destruction". Last complicate joint lives and threaten its continuation. In justifying their assumption, Freud wrote: "If it is true that in ancient times once from nonliving matter born life, then arose desire, which seeks to destroy life again and restore the inanimate state". Such self-destructive attraction to Freud calls the death instinct. Sexy, erotic attraction tend to bring still living substance to the overall unity and desire for death resist this impulse and lead all living things to inorganic As. The existence of the individual - is a compromise between the two main types of drives, which is a mixture of all the other instinctive impulses. "From the interaction and struggle, and there are phenomena of life, that death puts an end". The aggressive instinct is even stronger than sex, it is of their existence, Freud draws conclusions about the inevitability of war and social violence. However, they can never exist apart from the sexual, which in terms created by a man of culture have much to mitigate and prevent ".

Of special interest to the philosophy of a last lecture "The world view" as it deals with issues affecting the area of philosophy and religion, sociology and politics. Freud distinguishes three forms of faith - scientific, religious, philosophical. Science is a young, later developed a special kind of human activity, which in reality gives the tireless search is not illusory, but the true picture of reality. The desire of scientific thinking is to achieve consistency with the objective reality - the truth. Science is capable of incredible improvement, and it can not be replaced by anything else, despite its certain shortcomings (restriction of truth, rejection of illusions).

One religion can act as a serious opponent in an argument with science. Religion was once covered all the spiritual in human life, took the science at a time like that in its infancy. It provides people with security and happiness in life, directs their beliefs and their actions with the requirements, explains the origin and development of the world. According to Freud, religion arises from a children's powerlessness, its meaning is contained in the desires and needs of children remaining in the mature life. Philosophy of science can not resist because she is broadly similar to her work in part by the same methods, but drifting away from her, keeping the illusion that he can give perfect picture of reality. In addition, it has no direct influence on the masses, as remains inaccessible to all but a small number of intellectuals. Freud describes his attitude to the various philosophical trends, which in his opinion, are opposed to science. He criticizes the kind of analogue of political anarchism. This is contrary to the scientific worldview, it arises in the mind of thinkers, turning away from the world - "the intellectual nihilists" who "come from science, but at the same time trying to force her to self-destruction, suicide, that frees up space for mysticism or religion". According to this worldview, there is no truth, no reliable understanding of the outside world. " There is no criterion of truth, and because all representations are true and false simultaneously.

Photos of Sigmund Freud and his family

Family Freud Freud with his mother in Venice

Last year life Freud

Sigmund Freud and his daughter Anna

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